Caleko s28 Planner

And upgrading a level 70 rare to a legendary takes almost nothing. So crafting a decent weapon is not that difficult for an alt. It takes far longer to get that first seasonal to 70 than it does any subsequent character, which makes that power more useful for your first seasonal than subsequent ones.

Comprehension is amazing if you possessed it.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Djank Mi’em sells them.

And thank you for sharing!  


Strongly disagree. Traditionally, level reduction items starts at lvl 40+,now it starts 18. Subsequent characters benefits little to nothing as they are power leveled through echoing nightmares in about 1-2mins… All you need is wave 60 ish. Some strong seasons, people are GR 150 pushed before some groups are stuck in 1-70s so every second in shaving inefficient time is important in a way.

To All, caleko is da man. Thank him greatly.

Am I not understanding how this works?

Seems to me like everyone is going to have this fully unlocked within the first day or two. You’ll have all the talents and it takes barely anything to get them, outside of the SoH.

What’s the point in arguing about what you’re going to take first, when you’ll have it all before you reach Paragon 100?

Our love of theory crafting:)

Sure, in reality, it’s probably going to be like you head to the altar, and unlock 10. Then come back a few hours later and unlock another 10, and then come back and unlock the last 6.

But a lot of it is more that the current season has been going on for so long, that a lot of people are just looking for the next season, and often times its said that the anticipation of a vacation is more enjoyable than the actual vacation, and the same thing here.


I dont see the point about this stupid s28 planner just play the game its not like you need a guide for everything.


I think it’s going to take a fair amount of time for most of us. Forgotten souls take some time to farm up. An ancient puzzle ring could take a long time, as you won’t have a bunch of forgotten souls built up for reforges. Some things depend on low chance drops like the gift, the petrified screams, the staff mats, and others. Even rorg can sometimes take a lot of bounty runs to find one.

At the same time, the first 10-13 are pretty trivial and that will get you rolling pretty good.


Yep, I think people are discounting the RNG in some of these. Ancient ring is one and the rama gift too, these take a bit of farming initially especially for casuals who only put in an hour here and there.

Anyway, material-gathering nodes definitely seem best to go for initially. I think my order will differ a bit from the “optimal” path for some extra QoL on my end, but it should end up looking similar to most.

(I’m not sure how to directly link the image here, it won’t let me post links)

Thank you for the planner Caleko!

Possible to put a Center tag for it? On Widescreen its on so left side, thank you!

I guess I forgot I could have posted this here!

Hopefully people find the planner useful/interesting. It’s fairly amateur, but hopefully functional enough. I wanted a planner, so I used it as a side-project to learn how to make one, but it is by no means professional quality :sweat_smile:

I will attempt to keep it up to date for the foreseeable future if/when we get updates on PTR or before the patch goes Live.

I know it sounds silly…but I’ve tried, and failed, to get it to work and render properly when centered. The way I’m overlapping the base image with the drawing canvas on top of it…I just can’t get it to work any other way than to stack them both at (0,0). But I also have no idea what I’m doing, so if anyone with more experience has the answer, by all means holler at me!


It’s excellent work, well done. Much appreciated.


Thanks for your work :slight_smile:


I love it when Diablo players try to help others in our community. Far too often people jump on the forum and make fools of themselves. Thank you for the S28 planer your deeds of valor will be remembered.


Workin on it

All of the ingredients for the Staff of Herding crafting are contained within the PTR Bag of Fortune. The recipe for it is contained in the PTR Recipes cache.


The staff of herding plan is in bag of fortune too, once you use it tho it won’t show up in there anymore.

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Your version is much clearer and easier to use and read than the one Blizzard put in-game. Kudos.

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Very true. I certainly hope they improve the readability of that by Live.

This ended up being way more obtuse and annoying than expected…but I suppose that’s just because I don’t actually know the languages involved at all. I’m just making things up as I go, and it’s nonstop headaches of Googling and trying nine dozen things that don’t work :sweat_smile:

That said, it should be centered now! :partying_face:


I think that’s why the actual Altar in game was so shocking, I was used to the easy to read planner! If it went live like this I suppose it’d be OK, but that top half of the Altar is still hard to read and I’d find myself referring to the planner even more than I already do.

It really didn’t need to be anymore complicated than it is. And, yes, it’s very enjoyable! One of the highlights of the season is this period between PTR announcement and the Live Patch announcement where we plan new builds and strategies. With this season mixing that up a bit, an easy to use planner like this is really nice to have.