Bug with pain enhancer gem


I would like to report a bug I encounter in the ps4 version of D3 (eternal collection), this is my very first post, please bear with me.

There seems to be an issue with the “pain enhancer” legendary gem, it just doesn’t trigger, i.e. no bleed applied and no attack speed gained.
Does anyone in the community have this issue?
I found an old post where the author had a similar problem:

I hope someone can give me some feedback on this.


This forum is for reporting D3 game bugs on a PC on the Live server.

I’m not sure why you posted here. You even linked a similar issue from the Console Bug Report Forum. You should move this thread there.

Moving Threads

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the title of your thread.
  2. Click the “Category” field to bring up a list of Forums.
  3. Find the proper Forum and select it.
  4. Save your edit.

This will move your thread to the selected Forum, including all replies.

Ok sorry, I’m not 100% fluent in English or forums, I just wanted to report this bug.
Thank you for the procedure, I try to rectify that.
