Did we really need yet another thread about this…
From the How to Write a Good Bug Report sticky…
Please use the Search feature to search the forum and see what bugs are posted. If you have a duplicate thread, we will lock it and point you to the current thread where the bug is being discussed.
Within the first couple of dozen or so threads in the Bug Report forum you would find numerous threads about the issue…
Since the last maintenance carried out, the new records are not registered, we have made several 150 with a member of our clan and the record does not appear in his profile. Also in our community “Corsair Comunity” both the leader and the officers have disappeared, making it impossible to carry out any new activity in the community.
Hi i was long time trying do 132 in time and finally did it , and the game still have me on leaderboard with 131 record solo. I should be now like 303 place EU. Its so annoying , i hope you will edit the leaderboard. What is the point of the leaderboard if it does not work properly? Want screenshoots? No problem at all , tell me where i can show it to you. Its not an issue only about me , there are a loot players who can have that issue. If someone did have situation like that just said it here …
Already under investigation…
There are already a number of threads already about this, and I’ve attempted to put a link to this thread on EU Technical Support into all of them, which indicates that Blizzard is already aware and investigating…
Already acknowledged in the EU Technical Support forum…
The issue is being investigated, thank you for letting us know.
The problem has been sent for investigation and as soon as we know more we’ll share it with you. We apologise for the frustration in the meantime, and thank you for your patience.
The issue is currently under investigation. We don’t have any additional information to pass on at time time, but when we do, we’ll post here in reply.
Hi, is there anyone who experience the situation when you complete new record for greater rift but it is not associated in your records?
I play with my friend 2 players and we reach GR 118, but in personal records for this season (21) we still have only GR 116 as out personal best.
We have this problem for like a few days when we beat GR 117, but still getting personal best as 116.
Thanks for solution.
I have recently completed gr 131, this should put me in top DH in eu on solo laderboards but game say i have only completed gr125 on solo. I have a screenshot if needed
Hello , i play in EU server, what is going to happen with eladerboards?
Did 2 times rank 1 in solo and it didnt count, did 3 times rank2 and it didnt count.
I wont even bother saying why you dont ban High ranked people that botting and they have high ranks, i just want to tell me what is going to happen with Leaderboards and why they are not updating immediatelly, and its random and we need to finish 10 times solos so we ll have a chance getting there.
Vuelvo a insistir es la 3º vez que mejoro mi record con el DH y no me cuenta esta vez falla superior de 116. Tengo capturas de pantalla.
Cleared with a higher record on solo GR with my Wiz and DH but the new results didn’t update on Leaderboards. What’s going on? Please don’t waste my time.
All of which have links to the thread on EU Technical Support where this is being investigated…
The EU thread now has details of a player-developed method that will allow you to determine whether your game session is being hosted on a server that will record your GR clearances or not.