Boycott Pay to Win Games


“Reality does not count. I deny facts!” I think I have seen this movie before.


I’m of the opinion that your opinions are bad and you should feel bad. And also that you don’t have an opinion and shouldn’t have them going forward.

But that’s just my opinion :woman_shrugging:


Solace can be taken that it is not 900 distinct users but simply a few that post frequently in support of p2w.

Surely you would know, that people can have different opinions.
Just cause you saw a cash shop, you instantly dislikes it.

I never feel bad. I would never sit and be so childish just cause I dislike someone elses opinions either.

900 posts says otherwise.

Give it a try, you might learn something!

Good point. Very good point.

Side note: I sincerely hope D:I crashes hard in the next week.


Not entirely 900. Some agreed with me. And some were just bashing around, just like you do. And plenty of them never showed any evidence for their claims.

Nah. I would rather change my opinions, whenever I debate with a respectful person. I rarely change them for someone being so childish, that they throw a fit just cause another person does not share their opinions on a subject.

OMG, this! :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Who are you again? Oh, perhaps another alt account.

P.S. I hate typing on my phone. I edited my post to reflect proper spelling that you might appreciate. :smile_cat:

Compared to some of the “arguments” floating in this thread, you could smash a keyboard with a ball-peen hammer and it would still be more coherent and sensible.


Another alt account is it? Let’s put it this way. I don’t give a darn what you think. You are a little boy who swipes mommy and daddy’s CC so you can feel all big in video games. I think you are a moron and no one here should take anything you say into account. So if you think I am an alt good. I really hope you have fun with that.

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Another fine insult cause others got a different opinion than you…

Oh look at you lying in the second comment you made…
So not caring while replying and being so childish and risk a ban… Well… Glad we could debate in a mature manner. You should join Free at the bar and sit and ramble :slight_smile:

Ps. I would love for you to show what money I’ve spent…

There would be a certain irony if someone thought we were alt accounts.

You literally were lying about others earlier in the thread.
Pot meet kettle.

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Ok, get me banned. I still think you are a moron. And I don’t need to prove you bought anything. It is my OPINION that you took mommy and daddy’s CC so you can buy gear in a video game. Prove me wrong. Oh and I don’t need to care to spend my downtime calling people like you out.

So you don’t need to prove anything, yet you proclaim I have spent money on this game.
You are the one in need to provide evidence, since you state something. So go on. Show me that I’ve spent money on this game.
Look at your 2 buddies replying to me…
Can you enlighten them on that they are on ignore?

And you are still a moron.

Well, you are entitled to your opinions, however quick you are. I hope not that counts in bed.

:rofl: Seriously. How can you not see the irony in your own posts.


And now you presume my age. I think you were looking for the word “childish”, unless you know my age.
Before you are put on ignore, any mature debate you wanna have?