Boycott Pay to Win Games

Watch his last video. Cash is starting to destroy skill.

MrLLama is a noob when it comes to PvP and he even admits it. He’s still learning.

There are no pro players in Diablo 2, these tournaments are small scale and player-organized. Doing well at them is simply being a big fish in a small pond.

That’s simply not true. DFC are the top PVP players in the game. You can go watch them build their own gear. You can watch DFC farm for their own mats to make that gear.

I saw it. That was a hacker.

Not that it’s any better news for the game lol

Yet all the PVP guides that I stumble upon always recommended “Enigma”.

And? People can farm their own gear in DI too but you brushed it off easily and call it P2W.

It’s an easy to use item that works for every class. Why would they not recommend it? Guides are meant for beginners, of course they’re gonna recommend the cookie cutter stuff.

Come back to argue about PvP in Diablo 2 when you actually have first hand experience on it rather than just watching videos or reading guides about it.

Maybe because it is the best? I mean, how are you going to chase against someone with Enigma without Enigma in PVP? Your powerful skill is useless if you can’t get into the enemy’s range unless you are Sorceress.

There are other mobility skills in Diablo 2, did you know that?

Did you know about charge and desynchs?

D2 didnt have pvp it was simply a wait by the exit and gank any player that appears since they cant fight back unless they also toggle ther hostile option but it doesnt prevent the gankers from attacking in the mean time

they really dropped the ball by making it possible for players to be able to attack others and be safe from countering until the defender also turned on hostility

That’s PKing. There was also organized PvP. It is a player-made thing though. Duel rooms and such.

It would take you a lifetime to come even close to paid players in DI as a free player. And even then you can’t get to the same power level as a paid player.

yeah my point is though Blizzard shouldve thought it through and made pvp not be one sided if a player wasnt toggled hostile then any that were couldnt attack them

pvp is one thing but when your being attacked by a player and you cant drive them away without stopping and turning on your own flag that has a tendency to become a nuisance

fortunately they had the foresight to change that in D2R where anyone had to be flagged in order to pvp with others and it ended the PKing trolls

i told you
that hill…is it comfortable?

This is absolutely wrong. In the US, food in the grocery store is regulated snd required to list ingredienrs as well as nutrition facts. There are additional regulations in place from the FDA and other governmental agencies to ensure hopefully food quality. Moreover, even ads are subject to specific legal restrictions.

Although purchase decisions are left up to consumers, these too often have regulations about which consumers can buy what products. Also there are regulations about advertising. For example, tobacco and drugs fall into this caregory.

Lastly, if you are on a diet and want Diet Dr. Pepper, you go to a store and buy it for $2. You do not go to the store and pay $0.20 to buy a loot box that has a chance to contain Diet Dr. Pepper.

In the US, some states have legalized gambling. That too is subjext to laws and regulations.

In certain countries, D:I is not offered because it does not meet governmental requirements and Blizzard presumably decided thar they would not comply and chose not to sell D:I there.

If a bill similar to S.1629 in the senate in the US passes and is signed into law, it appears that D:I will meet the definition of P2W and loot boxes. It is less clear if the law will apply due to the phraseology in relation to minors.


yeah Belgium and Netherlands told Blizzard back in 2018 DI was already BANNED and it was far from being ready to launch i mean it wasnt even in the beta testing and they had already denied it due to their laws regulating loot boxes

also in 2019 a US senator proposed a bill for regulation to curb predatory marketing of P2W gaming


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Not like every class access the mobility AFAIK. How about the same class (with Enigma) vs the same class (no Engima) that has no mobility then?

Too early to judge it. This game has been out less than a week. Even if f2p players can’t beat paid players, they won’t be able to fight them either.

Players are distributed into 2 teams: Attackers and Defenders . You can queue for either faction or choose to be randomly assigned. There is an MMR system to match player with similar gear and Paragon level. Once in the Battleground players have 60 seconds before they can move out of the base to plan a strategy and check the Scoreboard for the ally and enemy roster. Furthermore, you can party up with up to 4 people and use the class consumable buffs.

Totally worth it. Heck, I’ll pay $100 per game in exchange for there never being another P2W game, ever.

RMT is cheating. It is not comparable to P2W.
The latter is part of the game, it affects the game design. The former is external to the game, it has no impact on the design, and the solution is to ban cheaters, as always.


They cant. But it still isn’t P2W. It is RMT cheating.
Both are bad. But they are not identical.

That is literally what Pay To Win means. The dev/publisher selling advantages. Third party cheating never is pay to win. Come on.

Yeah, I have said it before, but imo having X potions with no refills/cooldown, per dungeon, boss fight etc, could work really well in D4 imo. The Dark Souls, and Lost Ark, systems in a way.


This youtube video is rather comprehensive and objective about D:I and P2W. It reviews the game monetization and multiple news articles as well as player feedback.

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That would be better. I would prefer to have decent progression rather that having progression intentionally slowed by game design to encourage p2w.

then why will they banhammer people if they give a 3rd party the money?

Blizzard conveniently ignores their own EULA since it puts the money in their pocket but the moment others do it suddenly its “bad”

not that im one to condone this behavour but it seems mighty concidental that Blizzard always seems to break their own rules anytime its convenient or it benefits them

they shouldve been first in line to uphold their own rules and apply them more strictly to any and all matters that involve the company and its staff otherwise it shows clear evidence of contridiction when it comes to upholding the core values of fair play for all