Bonus group experience is the worst thing about D3. ruins the game

Yes it is. Stop protecting Blizzard’s laziness and inpetitude.

yes, the current “efficient” group players love this game, because they get an inherent advantage over others, even though they are not better players.

that is not my experience,.

yes, cos people care more about paragon farming than they do about actual competition. If everyone’s capped at p1200, then 2 things happen:

  1. RNG (GR mob/map/pylon spawn) becomes an issue.

  2. it’s a level playing field for players in terms of main stat.

you’ll see the LBs flatten and REAL competition, based on REAL skill.

and giving groups unfair massive advantages isn’t the right way to go either.

Most of them are, yes. There, I said it. They farm paragon to make up for crappy skills, because paragon > skill in this game. As I said, cap paragon to p1200 for a season and see what happens. What are you (and other group lovers) so afraid of? Actual competition?

Not everyone loves having people around them thank you.

No, it’s discriminatory. Math has nothing to do with it.

So how comes 4 people kill 1 enemy and instead of getting 1/4th of experience each, they get 4x experience + 30%? Is that the “law of nature”?

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Dream on big boy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just cause u dont agree with their decision doesnt make them lazy. There is more too it than u think. There is always a struggle to balance games thats why u see patches which tweaks numbers.

No, some ppls dont care about being better than others and just want to have fun. Some ppl complain about balance others accept that they just not good enough.

Well obviously consider u get 1k paragon in a season. That means that u either rly inefficient or u play less than like 10h during the whole season. Its more of a player issue.

U removing the endgame. Some ppl farm paragon and dont care about the competition. They shouldnt be forced to care about the competition just cause u want to. Your definition of skill is different from alot of other ppl. Some ppl believe being efficient is skill while others believe clearing high grift is skill.

Its not unfair, u can join groups aswell. Power in numbers as it should be.

U assuming things. Some farm paragon since they want to nothing else. Paragon is a requirement to beat grift 150. There is no logic in what u are saying. Why would most solo players be skilled and group players be bad? Most group players start as solo players. They doing the same thing as solo players but more and experience more of the game while being coordinated.
Both group and solo players can have talent, but a big part is how much time u put into the game and how much effort u are willing to put in to improve your skill. Thats not something which is tied to group or solo players only. Also how would u even know when u dont even play in group? There is no way u got data which proves your claim as there is none who has that.
U only believe that to try make yourself feel better and boost your own ego.

And u got the right to feel that way. However dont go make absurd claims like real men play solo. Thats just being childish

Its not. Just cause u choose to not be efficient doesnt mean u couldnt cause of your gender/race/sexuality etc. U could join a group just like everyone else and are playing by the same rules.

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4 Ppl who does same job get paid equal (or about the same). 4 doctors get paid just as much even if they work on same patient. That 1 enemy also got increased health and are tougher than the one who solo players encounter so its worth more. U believe that when your company hire some new staff u should lower the salary of everyone? Power in numbers is law of nature. Reward for completing a challenge are decided by blizzard.

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But it’s not the same job, is it? the increase in health is nowhere near the increase in power, and that also does not explain the 30% bonus.

When the enemies were actually a threat and also dealt more damage in groups, people playing in parties whined they were too scary and the monsters got nerfed.

They’re getting paid way more for no reason.

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True its a harder job which require 4 ppl to complete. 30% more for the extra toughness the mobs got.
There is a reason, u just dont like their reason or agree with them. They want multiplayer to be a thing. Different from PoE where its dead.
If the salary is decreased depending on how many workers ppl will eventually quit their job to find a better alternative. Cooperating with other ppl is hard work but rewarding if things are working out. Most ppl wouldnt bother with other ppl if solo were just as rewarding simply cause it takes more effort to make a team work and require coordination. Group being more efficient than solo is only a problem for the solo players who want to compete for the leaderboard spots with group players. However its not that many ppl who care about that and rightly so. Runners shouldnt compare themselves to cars. Its a united leaderboard in 2 different contest. Rather divide the leaderboard making it possible to compare according to paragon points used. Where high paragon can choose to put less paragon to compete with lower paragon players.

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Sure, keep ignoring the fact that that is what it used to be, but has been nerfed to the ground and the more people in the group the easier it gets.

Good grief… up until a few patches ago monster didn’t even get the full HP increase per player! And the increased damage has been completely removed!

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Im not ignoring anything. Mobs get stronger when there is more ppl in the party. The mobs arent getting weaker cause more ppl join. The party is getting stronger but thats a different thing.
Building a small house isnt harder than building a big house. Being more ppl working only means u share the burden. The house doesnt become smaller when u more ppl.

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It’s not easy to make everything balanced when there are dozens of factors. Even if you could people would be unhappy with where you struck the balance.

Even if the solo XP was the same as in a group, or even higher, you would not be able to compete.
To compete you need to dedicate yourself to it and make some sacrifice, and clearly you can’t or are willing to do that. Playing in a group is something so simple and stupid in this game that it makes me sleepy, yet you refuse to put any effort into it .

And again they use the fallacy: “player base”, or “the majority”, in your case “95%”, where did you get this number? This game is not PoE, the learning curve is stupidly easy, only disinterested people have not yet destroyed the entire content of this game.

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How is something so simple it puts you to sleep being equated to effort I have no idea…

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Even to sleep we have to make our bed … You are trying to make an argument where there is none, try again.

Am I now? I still have to receive any reason why normalizing solo and group play rewards is such a bad thing since we are being told over and over again that, no matter what, group play would still be better.


I don’t know why the hell you still think there is logic in making the group game inferior, in a game that is essentially focused on … groups.
Seriously, I’m going to give you some advice, play PoE, he’s more focused on solo and you can do everything on him playing solo. If you like to play solo instead of in a group, you are wasting time in D3.

I’m not being rude or being sarcastic, I’m not angry or anything, I’m being really sincere.

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Mobs gain 50% more HP for each player that joins the party.
The Damage : HP ratio changes depending on how many players are present.
Let’s assume each of the four players have approximately the same damage…

Players Mob HP Damage : HP ratio
1 100% 100 : 100 = 1 : 1
2 150% 200 : 150 = 1 : 0.75
3 200% 300 : 200 = 1 : 0.666
4 250% 400 : 250 = 1 : 0.625

So, relatively, mobs are easier to kill the more players there are in the group, not harder.

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No the mobs arent getting easier…they are stronger. Again the mobs arent getting weaker. The power of the group is increasing. 2 different things.

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Did you miss the word “relatively” in there?

The damage of the party went up from 100% to 400%.
The HP of the mobs went up from 100% to 250%.

400: 250 is relatively easier than 100 : 100

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Trust me you don’t need to make your bed to sleep. You don’t even need a bed I’ve slept on deck gratings. It leaves some interesting bruises though.

it would reduce the longevity of the game, reduce game population, and most relevant cost Blizzard money from fewer people inviting friends to play. Blizzard after all doesn’t offer a free trial and friend invites because they want people to play free.

U miss what im saying.
Again group power increase. Mobs are still stronger. 2 different things. 250% > 100%. We talking about 2 different things. Mobs do not get weaker. They feel weaker cause power in numbers scale higher than the hp of the mob. Doesnt change the fact that the mob is stronger than it is for solo players. Also your calculation is wrong. Dmg of players and HP of mobs arent connected

1 player 100dmg and with 4x players same dmg = 400dmg (Adding those up). Supports make the dmg get multiplied in some cases and increase the dmg alot more. Thats why we see hard scaling in groups, and thats why 4 dps players arent efficient.

HP of mob 500 and add 250% -> 500 x 2.5 = 1250. (Multiply)

Thats why u have to look at those 2 things as seperated things. They are not connected, hp of mob arent based of the dmg of the players. Adding a player which got less dmg will make the mob hp scale harder than the power which that player contribute with. Having 100% scale would in other words lead to that none would invite anyone who arent higher paragon or got more dmg.