Bombardments thorn still to strong on PTR

We see this every PTR. If a build clears 140 PTR, it will be in the 145-148 range on live. I mean, these are day 1 clears. I think they nailed the balance on this one.

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i am not saying its over nerfed, in fact i also advocated the nerf after i cleared 148 as Seasonal Ptr SSF solo sader.

What im saying is if people want to test in PTR, as 8k players, they shouldnt just pop a 140 to give a false impression. 8k with nearly full 150 augs should aim for 145. If 145 is too much of a trouble, at least do a 143, which isnt hard for 8k.

140 is really for those 3-4k players who have 120 augs or 130 augs. If we get 10k players to do a 143 now, it becomes a joke too. 143 they dont need condi, they only need 1 open map and decent trash.

Whats the point of doing 140 as 8k or almost 6k player? Its just too easy.

GR Tier Paragon Time
140 8946 11m16s
140 8342 13m40s
140 5611 13m51s

Totally misread you there, my mistake.

Edit: it’s possible there might be some sandbagging going on, para 10K players don’t want to be the person to get the build nerfed.

To address the original post, given the strength of AoV, it’s probably ok that this build is a little OP, that way there’s at least some competition at the top. If they were nerfing AoV it would be different, and I’d be more concerned with getting it down to the proper level.

It’s not over nerfed, but its still a lil too much I feel like a small buff to it could balance it out. I was really looking forward pushing with this build

Its perfect balanced.

Keep in mind this build isnt so easy to play like AoV, very hard to gear and bossfights are a pain in the a…

And my 140 was first map woods with conduit. Second map not so good, boss Perendi, 3:40 minutes for boss.

I think so too, maybe ramp the bracers up to the area of 120 % per stack

I personally don’t care about grift levels a class can achieve at best. I care about intra-class build diversity. I want to be able to compete for the top 12 leaderboard spots with any build I want. Not having to choose exactly one build and that’s it. As it stands currently, A6I2 is quite significantly stronger than AoV crusader (by 3-4 grifts levels), and both of those are miles ahead of the next runner up (invoker crusader, condemn crusader), by like 5-8 grifts levels.

With that said, I explicitely said that I cleared 140 in 2 keys. If you think it puts the build in a 143-145 range, you are sorely mistaken. I don’t need to spend 200 keys on a ptr gr145 clear (from EU mind you, so with awful lag) to make my point stand and show that the build is still powerful (maybe even too powerful, as I explained).


I seem to recall a timepoint where several of us made this factual point and it was met with overwhelming resistance. The truth always wins out.

You are EU and experience lag. Im playing from aussie server and having same lag. So there is no difference between you or me.

The bomb sader can be played with 200++ latency, its not as demanding as bazooka starpact kinda gameplay where by the damage window is too tight for +0.2s lag.

Again, 140 in 2 keys or in 1 key is still too easy for 8k or 5k with almost full 150 augs. Pop something like a 143, its not fishy at 143. 145 is a different matter and i dont expect 8k to clear 145 easily, unless some 10k full augs do it.

I do not agree with that. The poney being canceled early, the bombardment taking a significant amount of time to trigger, etc. Those are definitely factors that will change how a build can perform at the top end. It’s the difference between dying and not dying, the difference between the last impact being during physical and not physical. Of course, it’s possible to adapt the gameplay to account for that, but if I can clear 140 without doing that, it does mean the build will easily clear 145, and most likely 150.

I don’t understand your point. What I did in 2 keys with A6I2 would take me 20-30 keys with AoV. The same player, with the same(ish) gear, and same augments. Do you agree that A6I2 is stronger than AoV crusader (without counting the 4th cube slot from season) ? If you do, then considering I don’t think AoV should be buffed, doesn’t it mean A6I2 should be nerfed back to “same power as AoV” ?

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Kikaha, I dont understand what you really want. Should A6I2 nerfed more? Why? The last AoV nerf wasnt neccesary in my eyes. I am happy if a new build is a little bit better as the totally nerfed AoV build.

I don’t want the end game to be “who can clear 150 the fastest”.
Also, I said that barb WW/rend should be nerfed (I still stand by that, along with GoD DH), if I didn’t say it for A6I2 I would be biased towards crus and it wouldn’t be fair feedback.

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Are there also “fair” barbs and demon hunters who were begging for their favourite chars to be nerfed?

Yes. There are many who have asked for nerfs to OP builds (including their “main class”) and buffs to weak classes/builds.

My most played class is DH. I have asked for a nerf to GoD build or more specifically nerf to the devouring arrow rune and an increase to other primary skills to increase their viability. My second most played class is WD where its nerf (the “pet” redefinition of Mask of Jeram) was appropriate.

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Even if there weren’t, that doesn’t mean I support lying and sandbagging, so I don’t do it.

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I think you and me are crusader specialists who know how to play difficult and exhausting builds. I have seen comments in the forum of my country. Some higher paragon players (7.000+) would be happy if they could play this build higher than 135 in ptr.

The difficulty to play a build should have 0 impact on its powerbalance. Just because it’s harder to play doesn’t mean it should dominate the leaderboard, because people will learn how to play it.
Look back to bazooka. When I “created” it, I didn’t think for a single second it would become the meta in pick up groups. I thought it would stay in a fairly closed high end community. It defintely didn’t.

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I didnt know you created bazooka build. Wasnt it that build who was only playable for the most with high end macros?

It was, hence why I didn’t think it would be so widespread.
I did use quotes around “created” because I was only part of one of the two group who did it, and the other group’s work was more advanced than mine, and more achieved - but it did work.

Did a 137 again on ptr. Boss spawn at 4:25 minutes remain time. No pylon and boss blighter which means no minions and no stacks up to 10. It took 3:20 minutes to kill boss. So, this is overpowered?

And pylons at boss are not very helpful. Manual bombardement means you have awful cdr. Which pylon is good for boss?

Grift 138. Remain time 3:40 minutes. boss eskandiel, means a lots of minions but everywhere lasers. killed just in time in 3:20 minutes.