Bombarder crus build completly nerfed

From dagger to 2H flail. Are 10 stacks even possible with attack speed that slow?

The Attack Speed is now 100%. It works well. It definitely feels faster than Pig Sticker used to.


25-350 was OP but 10-90 is to low

Perhaps 12 stacks 250% would have been enoght nerf instead of 7-8 GR ( 4 -5)

and without touching 6p invoker to have 2 options of thorns ( invoker 6p and akham 6p+invoker 2p)

Forgot about the 6pc buff. Thank you! Can’t wait to get off work and try it.

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WHAT was Blizz’s intention for Norvald, Mortal Drama and Belt of the Trove?
a) to give these to Akkhan Set?
b) to give these to Invoker Set?

The way I see it, Blizz intended to give it to Invoker (lacking proper weapon, proper shield), but Players decided to use it for Akkhan instead resulting in Akkhan becoming the better thorns set. This is just like how PoJ was intended to be a TR set but players figured SWK is the better TR set.

Can’t play anymore cos of error’s logging in but

I6 felt very week if Norvalds buff was off. I’d prefer to be able to use hack and Vo’Toyias shield instead of these. 10 stacks was easy to maintain with Norvalds though. I used bloodbrother in cube 4th slot.

drama and belt dont got power enought without 2000% of akhan set and without barrels , rest of runes doesnt deal enougjt damage

as bombardements doesnt get buffed by 6 p invoker its does nothing with invoker set and invoker 6p was an outdated build cuz it was tier B or C and now that has been nerfed its D or E

i have tried with norval invoker 6p but in 125 i havent been able to kill the first elite i have found

i dont know what blizzard has done with so many change but what is sure is that are all for nothing , just to forget definitly thorns playstile of sader


Bomb sader deserves this. I cleared 148 with EASE before they nerfed it.
And now im gonna tell you why your sader with more Str and GG affixes cant beat my sader because you skilled 1 wrong passive (go figure out which one) and you need better skills to pull off oculus bombardment. Cheer mate haha

it needed to be dialed down but not the point where there isnt a reason to play it.

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I personally think this is a lot of hype because everyone played sader bomb having a good ol time then when it gets hit, they think it’s trash instantly.

People tend to think that because they can only clear “x” then the build isn’t OP. When in fact they do not know the mechanics as well as others who can easily clear 10+ higher GR levels with the build in the same time or less.

They don’t go off of the 1k paragon jack of all trades, ace of none players like me. They go off of the hardcore players who know mechanics inside and out and that can spend 500+ keys to get a good GR at 3-5k paragon.

If you used this in the equation of the akhan bomb before the nerf, 500 keys to use, 3-5k paragon, and in the hands of a player who knows mechanics of it like the back of their hands…it was OP period. Now let those same people test these new numbers put with different set ups and see where it stands…only then can someone maybe put forth a more thought out explanation on why and how something lacks.

When I tried it pre nerf I squeaked by at GR121 (Subpar gear, L50 gems, no augs, about 1k paragon etc.). I fired it up today post nerf and got wrecked at 115, tried again and failed at 110 (same set up). As predicted they over nerfed it.

I suspect with the new changes to Invoker a true Invoker sader could actually be somewhat viable now. But it just seems odd, that the entire build has changed because of an unintended piece in the first place.

I’m not sure if going full invoker will be able to hang though, because the traditional invoker is all about applying punish, and casting provoke in big mobs with “Hack”. Trying to keep moving to get the Norvald’s buff doesn’t seem as viable anymore. Loosing that 400% damage could be detrimental.

It’s quite possible the while thing is lost now.

The bigger problem people have is that the nerfed version will be far worse than GoD DH now while being harder to gear and more demanding to play


It’s also just not fun to play.

isn’t the 10 stack = 23.1 stack in the old set? meaning a 1.9 stack difference. Assuming every fight is 25 stack, which usually is not (20-22 is more reasonable), especially the boss fight. So wouldn’t you say this is a slight buff relative to the old set?

I did the same when the server was up and was not even hitting par on the progress bar.

Nobody used Hack with the 6p Invoker. It used to be Pigsticker all the way

With AA in cube(no mortal drama). Bomb does meh damage. I prefer them decouple Invoker from the bomb(I4), get rid of “1st enemy hit” limitation(I6) and let us use Slash - Omnislash. Bomb was and still is useless for Invoker.

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Bomb is for damage reduction and the updated Mortal Drama and Belt of Throve was to help trash clear, in a single kill only build.
But with mandatory Norvalds set, you can’t use Mortal Drama outside season 22.

Thats my point. Norvald is mandatory and you cannot really live without AA. Now, with this patch, they decided to up I6, which is a single target multiplier only(without base thorn multiplier like dmkt suggested). Then, bomb is bad with the I2 nerf. Isn’t it obvious?

Crus thorns can still do 150 solo probably… So stop crying and test it first properly before crying the forums. Ohhh wait i forgot you all want EASY 150s…