Blizzcon will be better than it has been in like 10 years

Necro not being a crash doesn’t have anything to do with it.

There is no reason to hype things. Let them happen and be glad when they do - stop trying to work others up.

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Of course there is a reason:




No. No it isn’t. Its irritating and disingenous.

You are doing this in the wake of SO many disappointments. Year after year we’ve hoped for something good, and get nothing. And ultimately we had caca thrown in our faces at Blizcon 2018.

And here you are, bouncing around like an 8 year old thats had too much fizzy lemonade, yelling at people to get hyped.

I won’t tell you what to do with your hype train, but i’m pretty sure you know where i’d put it.

And this is the kicker. You dont even care about D4 the game. You’re trying to spread hype, and you’re not going to even play the game. You said you just want to see the trailer, and thats it. So you’re potentially going to get people hyped up over nothing and then they’ll be crushed if theres no D4. Whereas you’ll just shrug.

Do you not even think about your actions.


How is Mike’s statement and Blizzcon art “nothing”? It’s also early September - hype train is going to accelerate more for sure, just wait for other news!

To be honest, I think we have just been too blind to realize, we don’t need to wait anymore. We have had Diablo 4 for a long time now.

Yes, that’s right. Truth is, the real Diablo 4 was the friends we made along the way.

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Here it is not what you think that matters as far as D4 being worked on and released. In the long run it is what Blizz decides to do. If they have decided, as the Kotaku article said, to abandon the idea of making a huge overhaul on D3. Instead D4 is what they are working on. Then nothing you or what anyone else would say matters.

Then you go on to talk about a whole lot of things from D2 in a way that gets me thinking that you are wanting this game to become a prettier D2 clone. Blizz didn’t make that game nor will they make that game.

You musta slept through 2016. Necro announcement was a crash, not the complete disaster that D:I was, but, yes, it was a crash. Forums were ablaze as many expected xpac, D4, or D2 remaster for all the hype, not a character DLC. Remember the infamous “Rekt”. That Blizzcon was so bad for Diablo that the next Blizzcon they got way out in front of it and dropped the nothing to see here, move along line.

Here is my pick for Blizzcon:
It is an odd year, so like the last 7 odd years, they will announce a WOW xpac. This will be there big announcement, and they are going to over the top with the content to try to save their biggest cash cow.

Overwatch will get some major xpac/content or even Overwatch II, since this is their newest cash cow.

Pokemon-stone will get Pokemon-stone II, because the Pokemon-stone dev was all geeked about Blizzcon. This one will be pure mobile as they are trying to jump into that market.

I don’t pay attention to SC2, so don’t know where that franchise is going.

Diablo will get D2 remaster, since they have remastered all their classic games and, being the red-headed stepchild, D2 was saved for last. Using the D2 remaster as a smoke screen, they will try to coattail D:I release date, hoping the fans will have put their pitchforks down with the remaster announcement.

I can live with a D2 remaster, but even though I set my expectations low, they can’t help but under-deliver.

2016, I expected a xpac to D3, we got a character DLC
2017, I expected nothing, because they said they would give us nothing
2018, with all the hype, I expected a char dlc (druid), and they gave us a mobile
trash game.
2019, I expect D2 remaster, what we get, we will see in less than 2 months.


And that shall be their downfall. I curse the franchise. I curse it to FAIL should it not cater exclusively to the old D2 fans.

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We’ve been over this already. Mikes statement was this was going to be the best Blizzcon ever, or something. He said NOTHING about Diablo. And the Blizzcon art isn’t signifying anything either.

Do you really think, after the backlash that happened last year, that any Blizzard employee will say anything unofficially about Diablo? Look at all the flak they took for going off script with the “do you guys not have phones” line.

Blizzard aren’t saying, or hinting at, a thing. Not until PR gives it the once over. They certainly aren’t going to drop vague hints at Diablo 4 on a personal gaming stream.

There hasn’t been any news about D4, so if there is “other news” it will be the FIRST news. So why not try waiting for said news first, huh?

Or are you just going to continue making up crap to stir people up?


Imagine getting hyped over a DRAWING


I can tell you it would be far better if Blizz greatly improves on those beloved features and adds some from this game for D4. Because then they will have way more players if they do it right. Both Blizz North fans and Blizz Irvine. I would think you would want more than just a few thousand players to probably a million are playing worldwide. That is what you would probably have if it were a clone of D2. And people were trying to tell me no one wants this game to be a D2:LOD clone. Here is one person as exhibit A, I rest my case.

Those pauldrons and armor are not the same style as this game so it might not be showcasing the new set for barbs.

I don’t think that Blizz will say much about Immortal till they have shown the players that they haven’t abandoned the PC/Console players. That is unless they are extremely stupid and decide to have the next Diablo title after Immortal a mobile game. Then announce all kinds of new mobile titles for all of their existing games. They do that along with possibly adding in a new game as mobile. I have a feeling that you might have a lot of fans that will just up and leave Blizzcon before it is ended. Where the rest of the time they go out to talk to the players and they will entertain crickets. I don’t think Blizz is that stupid. They haven’t been in business as long as they have without doing something right.

I am around the same percentage as far as D4 being announced. But it is based on the fact that I think that the new sets will be doled out one per season. Where the focus of that patch and maybe the seasonal theme will be the class that is getting the new set. They will also no doubt get the lion share of new legendary powers, maybe even get a few of their legendary powers that are existing for barbs reworked. Along with the new set they might even revisit and make balance changes to existing sets. The primary focus of the balance changes in each patch could be for the class getting their set.

Just think seven seasons along with this one would make it perfect for D4 to release around this time in 2021 or sooner.

I want the Neo-Diablo fans completely gone though. Only the old fans must remain. For they are the chosen ones, those who uphold the path of Law. More players would make for a weaker game. Less players means a stronger pool, selected only from the true Believers.

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So ride your own hype train. Offline, preferably.

As for that… yeah, bet you felt great last November.


Don’t get your hopes up. Don’t forget, D3 is the “red-headed stepchild” of Blizzard. There are no other fees or micro transactions other than buying the $50 box. This is why such meager development after RMAH went bye bye. It was basically the only “micro transaction” D3 had besides the Necromancer, of course. Which I found kind of dumb, why do you have to buy a new class when it comes out now? I guess it’s how it rolls in the year 2019.

Same way “the forges are burning hot” was nothing, that’s how.


I would love to see this franchise grow where it would have tens of millions of players all playing Diablo 4. All of them having fun from the super casual to the hardcore player. Where the difference in power between the optimal and suboptimal isn’t so huge that it won’t matter what build you play. As long as it is a well thought out build with some synergy it will succeed.

With each game being a clone of D2:LOD then in time even the ones that love D2:LOD wouldn’t play sequels. Why because here would be a conversation.

Steve: I just heard that Blizz is working on Diablo 10.
Carl: So what it will play just like Diablo 4-9. The only difference has been the story, and the stories haven’t really been all that great either.
Steve: Yeah you are right about the stories being boring. What about the new game x .
Carl: Now you are talking that is more of a game instead of thinking about D10.

Even older unchanged games would get stale real fast in today’s world. You might not mind but there would be so many players that would mind. I know that if D4 really does become a prettier D2:LOD clone then I am not likely to play it. I want improvements to the features not clones of those features.

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i thought there was rules about outright trolling, guessing because its people trolling and hyping up blizzard its ok because you know selling blizzcon tickets.


It was a crash if you expected much more than a D3 expansion. I didn’t and I even showed you my predictions, in which I gave 1% chance for a D4. Everyone in 2016 knew it was early to have D4 announced, some speculated it was already in development, but to be announced would have mean it is some single player game made for 6 months.

How can you say that after you agreed the logo is THE FOCUS?

How is that NOTHING? The barbarian is AT THE BLOODY LOGO!!!

I am riding it, bro! You come to my thread and start flaming me with nonsense to get likes from the community! You see, I don’t post to become “liked” by others, I post because I am sure in what I write. If you are sure in what you write, namely:

You should have nothing against a bet then? Because otherwise you are just trolling with nonsense.

Which is still incorrect. The second expansion was scrapped before any development of it was done, before even the RoS was released. The free content and DLC released afterwards were never part of that expansion.

How so? Where do you have this information from?