Blizzard this is ridiculous, crusader already at 148 GR solo after nerf

Your right, thanks for correcting that lol.

D3 balancing is just: make fun builds like chantodo useless and make other builds totally op. Accept it or uninstall the game.

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Just wait: Next patch theyā€™ll buff a bunch of other sets to ā€˜catch upā€™ with the Crusader. Happened a few times already in in the past.

Their ā€˜balanceā€™ is power creeping until everyone can run GR 150 without a care in the world. Theyā€™ve been building up to it for quite some time.

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Honestly the biggest problem is that they dont play the game enough or simply watch streamsā€¦ or ask people who know cough if their change will be effective.

20 Stack Cap when Shield of Fury wasnt really the problemā€¦ The problem was you have 2 multipliers in 1 set going to Heavens Fury and HF still have a Weapon Multiplier Bracer Multiplier and Shield of Furyā€¦

But knowing this ^ isnt really necessary honestly though it wouldve made the build more fun to lower the damage of the set and keep SoF to a reasonable stack amount like 60 [reason this is more fun is it requires people to gather mobs requiring more planning and benefitting more fun skill, like stutter stepping] ā€“ regardless if they had just simply turned DarkPā€™s stream on or anyone who pushed solo they wouldve seen how much damage that set did to 150 solo player in the first rotationā€¦

or just watch 130s where the sader cleans up much higher than chantodo with very limited SoF stacks


We have a cap for a reason, guys :slight_smile:

You should be able to make it there at some point.

The guys making such pushes have insane amounts of game time and understanding of the gameā€™s mechanics, you realize that right ?

In my opinion almost every build in the game should be able to go to the GR cap at like 8-10k paragon.


You said people should be able to do 150 solo at 10k paragon. I assume you mean with various classes and builds, right?

Iā€™m still waiting for you to provide the list of builds that can do 150 besides AoV, at any Paragon.


You do know that player is p lvl 7k+ right? in a season most player get to about p lvl 2000ā€“4000 right? No way they will be doing that lvl

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You are forgetting that the season theme will more than likely make up for the difference in paragon.

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Have peopleā€™s short-term memories forgotten that because a high paragon player cleared a solo GR140 on Barbarian during the PTR that Barbs had their 200% Lamentation removed?

Now we have the exact same player on live, that did a GR150 solo in the first day of 2.6.7 and now heā€™s cleared a GR145 solo in the first day of 2.6.7a

This is essentially the third test run, once on PTR, twice on live. If this goes into Season 19 unchanged everyone that cried for ā€œbalanceā€ needs to find a new scapegoat than Barbs.


In season people will do 150 GR solo in 6-8 min with crusader thanks to seasonal theme. With under 4000 paragon. Mark my words.


jiraya is not darkpatator

okay multiple things wrong with what you saidā€¦ first off ^ above ā€¦ second no thats not why they never said that was why, only forum people said that was why and frankly 140 wasnt that impressive for that build nor was it in anyway an outlier there were several 135 + clears , I think my homie did 135 in hc @6kā€¦ third they decided not to reduce it but change it to 150% and it will do 140 in season with 150% instead of 200% lamentation

and to Ulmaguest - Wizard can barely missed 150 prior to patch Necro couldve before this patch had 147 down, multiple classes have above 140 solo. What we should be looking for is maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe some daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay they will raise the cap above 150ā€¦ and BTW Iā€™ve seen it as high as 255 on PTR when Zeiā€™s was bugged, I dont know if the health of monsters change is holding it back, cause Iā€™ve heard reasons for why they havent changed is due to the Rift Guardians Health Points Exceeding the maximum digits that can be produced by some coding thing I cant remember exactly ā€“ anyway it seemed like a fix that would just take a bit of work - or they could just lower all damage by a scalar like they did for chantodosā€¦ the problem with that though is

when do you start implementing that damage scale back because if you were to make all damage do 1/100th as much and /100 the health of mobs in GRs itd make the leveling process rather hardā€¦ so perhaps like a curved damage nerf as you get higher in GR ā€“ that kinda seems like the harder way to go about it though.

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Itā€™s still actually so strong that they are ignoring stricken and just run more attackspeed.

So the shield nerf wasnā€™t enoughā€¦

In all seriousnesss though, it was still gonna be over the top strong, and I think most of us already saw that.

This thread is about Barb fans being butthurt. My pet class canā€™t do it! NERF!!


Easy, Frank.

You must be new here.

Demonmonger is far exaggerating the reality of where these players are Paragon-wise.

BigJohnnasty is a notorious overachiever, who almost always holds the top spot in every class. Iā€™m assuming that he is only the top of the Crusader chart at the moment because we just had an Era wipe, and so Crusader is the only one that he wanted to level back up considering that it just had some changes made.

And it just so happens that your complaint is made on a misapprehension of the truth.

BigJohnnasty cleared a GR126 solo Crusader at 10:48 at P5573.

serro cleared a GR128 solo Barbarian at 12:22 at P3246.

Kb123 cleared a GR126 solo Demon Hunter at 11:58 at P4558.

Brad cleared a GR130 solo Monk at 14:33 at P4459.

dwad cleared a GR116 solo Necromancer at 10:15 at P6007.

reddeer cleared a GR121 solo Witch Doctor at 11:08 at P4118.

dwad cleared a GR126 solo Wizard at 12:25 at P6007.

I myself cleared a GR100 (hard-core) solo Demon Hunter at 11:03 at P1272 (on my Slamboney#1329 account). Iā€™m pretty sure that if I only gain 3000 more Paragon levels I will be able to do GR130 easily. Iā€™ll do a GR105 when I get back from putting in some work today.

I could probably go much higher with a similar character and Paragon level if I were playing softcore, because I would have the luxury of being able to die and resurrect a few times during the rift.

Two, three, and four-man compositions donā€™t count, because everyone knows that these combinations can clear much higher than any of their solo constituents is able to. So group achievements are not a good metric by which to measure changes to individual class.

I agree completely. I play roughly 90% solo, and when I do playing groups it is not for the purpose of gaining so that I can excel at the solo leaderboard. Itā€™s usually just a power level a guy in my clan, or just to have fun doing some group NRā€™s and GRā€™s at lower levels. I also spread my time across several accounts, and so for me to achieve P1500 on any account will be a great and proud personal achievement.

In the meantime, I plug along, happy with what I am doing, and worried not one bit about what others are.

I suggest you do the same, and take it Easy, Frank!


I already answered your question dude. And now your asking a different question.

First is like name antoher buid than bazzoka that did GR150.
Then name anothrt build other than AoV that did GR150.
Lol your funny. Our discussion on this topic is done.

This OldPro guy is serious??? I have no words to describe his mental abilities. Anyone who argues that crusader isnā€™t OP as hell doesnā€™t know what is talking about.


Easy, Frank. Start calling me names and Iā€™m going to be forced to Flag you.

Or is that Flagellateā€¦Hmmm.


Nope. The question was name another build besides AoV that does 150 in the newest patch. Bazooka doesnt count since theyā€™re nerfing it, and itā€™s way harder to play in solo than AoV anyway. AoV is many times more powerful than Bazooka in solo.

Anyway Iā€™m still waiting for your answer. Which build in this game is that powerful for solo? AoV look incredibly overtuned.

Whereā€™s that list of 150 capable builds at 10,000 paragon?



I play all class. I did 131 with P2.4k (Asia) on my crusader easy without fishing. I canā€™t do that in other class. I donā€™t want it to get nerf but this is not balance. My suggestion is they do the same to other class in the future.

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When i play monk or dh i donā€™t worry about what clears a wizzard or wd are clearing itā€™s a different class

Looks to me people are worried they might lose there meta spot.