Blizzard should be up front before release

If you’re playing the game like this, you’re absolutely doing it wrong, and inefficiently. Lmk if you need tips, and I’m not trying to condescend, I genuinely love to help people play more efficiently, it’s a terrific game.

There are plenty of more efficient places to level/farm/etc, than just doing baalruns. At different levels, different places are more viable than others. Gotta learn the tricks. I almost never farm the throne room and most of my chars end up 90+ anyways.

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I don’t understand why everyone always wants this “endgame”.
Diablo 2 is a game with a story. Baal dead? Story finished.
Something like rifts are just a mediocre way to artificially stretch the game. I prefer to play it like back then. Mephistoruns, Baalruns, Cowruns, Countessruns and so on.
Rifts are a quirk of D3. I don’t want that in D2 Res.
And who doesn’t like that …well. His problem. Don’t buy it, play something else.

There are so many websites that describe exactly what levels the enemies have and what level you have to have to find certain items.
The game has so much more to offer and is much more complex than many think.
But it takes a certain amount of effort.


“Devs don’t know so they won’t promise anything”

^ This is probably the case.

Honestly I don’t care what happens ultimately, so long as the changes or balances made are minor enough that they don’t change the classic v1.14 intra-class dynamic of end game setups.

I’d like to see more things become viable for use, but not actually stronger or even able to contest the efficiency of the original build structures.

Good example: Some unique that was once useless can be useful if upgraded in the cube, but still is not as strong as an EBOTD.

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Grandfather is already Elite, you cannot upgrade it.

Oh ok, thanks for pointing it out man.

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I am all ears for speed farming exp past 94 or 95 in a group or solo.

People want endgame activities, so that there’s more to the game than merely going though the story. You can go though the entire game and beat Baal on hell by wearing basic gear, hell, probably it can be done naked.

Then there’s farming and trading, which are activities, which you don’t necessarily need to do in order to beat the game, and yet there are there for you to do if you want to. I wouldn’t necessarily call them endgame activities, as they are there to help you make your character stronger.

I’d say an example of an endgame activity in D2 is… I’d say dueling or PK… something to do with your character once you’re already BiS geared…

Baal runs are not what I would call endgame… because while you’ve beaten the game by then, you’re likely still farming exp, and that helps you progress your character…

People asking for an alternative way to farm exp, as well as maybe some endgame activities would not ruin the game, if those get implemented properly…


For solo I prefer just hitting up CS then TPing to Baal for kill…I would skip Nihlathak unless you really want keys or the Baalruns are slow.

For team my advice is in above comment.

Yep np, you’re right though, they did Grandfather dirty in 1.10. Same as windforce.

I’m not advocating they make it stronger, but I do have a longing for 1.08 and 1.09 grandfather and windforce, and how amazing they were for endgame until 1.10 came along.

So when I’m asking for an alternative place to farm exp than Diablo+Baal runs and when I’m saying, that I’d like something more interesting with more density and so on… and if those already exist in the game, I’m all ears and I’m open to suggestions…

You’re telling me to do the same Diablo+Baal runs, but also add Nihlathak into the mix…
And that something like rifts where I can farm more or less continuously would ruin the game in turn it into a meme…

Dude, your response is a mene :stuck_out_tongue:

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There are already dozens of places to farm solo until low 90s, around 93 -94, even, and then 3 endgame bosses to farm for keys for an already-implemented end game run for torches while lvling to 99…what more do you want?

What would rifts add that the game doesn’t already have?

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You’re the meme. Remaster not remake, English is hard.

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I can get to 94 just fine though MFing… I said past 94 or 95… and we end up with the freaking Baal runs again…

Reading comprehension ZERO!!!

Again, an alternative?
And you gotta at least make an attempt to be objective. Juist look at how empty those levels seem to be. Like they should double the density or something.
People are now literally playing x40 times density mods.

You’re trying to resort to semantics, but you’re forgetting, that Blizzard are supporting their games literally decades after their release and can drop a patch at any time. 1:14d is relatively recent patch, despite not containing content.
1.13 came out like what… 10 years after the game was released?

the 3 main places for leveling past 95 are just fine as they are. Compare this to D3 which only has 1 area to farm in GRs. D2 in this context has more endgame leveling than D3.

Add rifts to make it better than those 3? then you just made the game worse.

Make it comparable? then what’s the point.

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D3 is far from perfect, hell, in many ways remains a bad game… and I don’t like, that GRs are THE place to farm exp… but they are not the same area… somewhat randomized environment, which you traverse and kill stuff rather than chaos and then staying in the throne room…

Both are far less than ideal. D2 deserves better than that…

Hell, even making the entire act 5 to grant similar exp to chaos+baal would be more interesting than the current situation, as you would still be able to go though all those levels, one after another, rather than constantly entering and exiting the game and putting needless strain on the servers…

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Please add Mod Support

as you said as the server are now its not that good for you right?, will be able to have them up with mode if you would like but i see not fault in evolving a bit

its funny that you say they have no way to monetize d2, because even after 20 years people still bought copies without them even remastering it, they will be fine

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100% agree. These remasters shouldn’t have progression wipes due to “new” and unexpected game expansions and content updates. That’s what D4 and WoW Retail are for.

Or if they do plan to add content, new runewords, etc. Let the community know it may happen and to what extent. E.g. new Tristram/world event for a single new charm/unique vs entire new set of runewords/uniques/content.

I don’t play many current item progression games because of the never ending expansion progression wiping.

Ladder resets are fine obviously, those are well known and optional.


ah okay. that is cool.

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That’s still very little (and known) information, also my statement was more about what we could do with modding (the extent of that). Given we won’t have the ability to mod the game in the way we did previously (this is in regards to “injected code” and things of that nature).

It’s more about what are they going to provide us now that we’ve lost that ability, all they’ve been saying is converting/exposing hardcoded stuff to data (i.e. .txt softmodding stuff) and Modular UI which in reality, IS very little information.

Also before it’s mentioned “we’ve lost that ability” bit I’ll clarify, it’s not that it won’t stop people trying or doing it, in-fact there are people currently doing so. It’s the fact that now it’s no longer a grey area to do that kind of modding, so Blizzard is going to come down much harder on things like this, effectively stomping out all tolerance for modding of this nature for D2:R.