If they plan ongoing balance patches, or not, we should be told that.
If they plan to enter maintenance mode and keep this game at 1.14 with minor changes forever, we should also be told that.
If they’re planning on making separate realms, it’s necessary they tell us that too.
I don’t want to buy this game as a remaster, farm for a year and wake up with all my items being worthless.
Changes or not, they need to be up front with what they’re going to do before release day.
No one should buy a remaster and then have to worry about constant balance and gameplay updates. It literally defeats the purpose of a remaster.
Yes and another thing they need to be more upfront about before release is the extent of mod support. It’s ridiculous how little information we have about the extent of mod support.
They’ve pretty much already stated some changes can be made if players want them in terms of both balance, as well as things the devs wanted to do. However, I do agree. It would be nice to hear directly on some of their thoughts on the communities wishes.
As for the whole items be worthless, in my opinion, that is the whole ladder system currently (for LoD at least, to some degree classic if you only play ladder) since once season over, how often do you actually play that non ladder character? I doubt though you will see multiple major patches though that will constantly shift the powercreep ala Diablo 3.
For 95+ percent of players, sure. Lots of us Pvpers play ladder to get items for NL pvp. NL is our goal. Ladder is our means to that goal.
By the way, if anyone here is the type to exclusively play ladder and your items are useless to you please add me on bnet and I will take your stuff on nonladder

If they ungated at least the runewords, I’d play non ladder with an occasional ladder. But really to me, this will be a one season playthrough, then a wait and see. If they add/ungate enough stuff, I’ll continue to play online. If not, it’ll be single player (and hopefully a mod like plugy for if they don’t add all content to sp). Then perhaps if another mod like PD2 comes out, might try that. I wish I knew PD2 had a full offline single player support when it came out, I would have actually put some time into it rather than a couple night test that I just did. I figured it was just a private server online only mod, lol.
Any leftovers I would gladly take 
Yeah honestly I don’t think they can ungate the runeword or uniques. Too many people would just play their nonladder toons and ladder would be a ghost town.
I really don’t think that is the case, there are too many people that play the economy for that to happen. There are enough economy simulator fans to keep ladder going.
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if I could get every runeword, in NL Bnet i would never play Ladder again.
thats just me personally.
And to be honest, if a mode can’t sustain itself on it’s basic gameplay principle (resetting economy) then it is not needed and can go away.
Most mods are not online only mods, just an fyi.
And by most mods, I mean like 99% of them.
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People play the economy because the can make infinity and a bunch of ladder only stuff, like fathom. I don’t think people would ever pay a ton of real money for JahBer in early ladder if they could just use their lvl99din forever instead.
Very much agree with topic, i would like to know what I’m buying before buying it.
Yeah. I’m planning to buy 3 copies at minimum. I’m a little worried about too many changes though, and certain things could make me not buy the extra 2.
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Yeah, I just figured that with the seasons and all that PD2 had, it was an online only experience. I figured PoD was the same. I really only got into modding the game last year.
There are plenty of people that play ladder for the fresh experience with everyone on a fresh server wipe as well.
Fair enough, I’m glad there are actually more people getting interested in modding, since modding has been a thing for D2 for a very long time, I was lucky to watch the growth of it since I was a teenager, good stuff.
I never worry such thing for $40. $40 do whatever you want, even trash I will buy it.
And the true answer is, the dev don’t know, so they won’t promise anything.
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A few buddies of mine got into the original Median mod waaaay back in the day, and I’ve been watching Dbrunski play Plugy for a couple of years now. But I also remember Rising Sun being mentioned. I always was simple and played Bnet. Only really jumped more into the game last couple of years after quitting mostly halfway into first season of 1.10, then came back for a few months during the patch that removed iron maiden.
They should know. They shouldn’t be just waiting around to see what Diablo twitter has to say.
Hopefully they have internal plans, that if enough of the player base wants drastic changes they will make a separate realm instead of ruining the work done.
And we should be told as such before launch.