Blizzard please don't overnerf Firebird's set

SARCASM, right? He’s my personal “Wizard” boogeyman.

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bliz will nerf wiz and then inexplicably buff Necro and add a new gear set

‘Waiting For Diablo 4’ 6 piece armor set:
‘All Necro dmg is increased by 1,000,000,000,000,000 until Diablo 4 is out’

TR6/FB4 is based on Tal Rasha’s damage. TR6/FB4 channeling build not FB-6 channeling. You have to use Disintegrate with FB-6 in order to make use of the proc. However, Blizz doesn’t want channeling with FB-6. A bunch of players want a strong channeling build that is based on doing the damage with the actual channeling spells and not a buffed alternative. So, a Tal Rasha based channeling build. The FB-4 is for the defense and cheat death, which Tal Rasha lacks. Adding a Disintegrate damage multiplier to the FB 2p would make a real channeling build viable, but not competitive against FB-6.

Its better to have diversity or we’ll have nothing but FB-6, and that will be used as a reason to nerf it to death. we would be right back to having a set that may as well not exist in the game.

This is EXACTLY what is going to happen.

Pretty much every skill underperforms severely compared to blades because of the mechanics, I’d love to see them add a fix to some of the electrocute items tho.

Not if you have a legacy etched sigil. Already videos of deathwish/etched destroying solo 150 with explosive blast

(without wand of woh because why would the wand that supports eb actually increase damage when using the fire based set).

There we have it. Full circle. We’re back to a) a topic thoroughly discussed and b) an item that never should have been changed and c) likely to get one heck of a bug fix.

thats right dont nerf firebird solo 6min 150 :smile: nerf rathma



a) agree, b) agree and c) agree. Given their history, I’m anticipating another knee jerk reaction that will destroy firebird instead of removing an interaction that shouldn’t be there.

And then will nerf WD further still just to make sure that WD players know who their (ahem) masters are.

Dear Blizzard: Please do not flip the bird to Firebird. Let Firebird soar and keep the middle finger in the lowered position, thanks.


I do not think they should worry about legacy interactions with FB. What should matter is how will the season be impacted, not non season. With the absurd paragon levels some people have non season there can not really be any balance anyway. Keep the FB set working as it is since seasonally it appears to be in a good place.

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Legacy item or not, the set still massively overperforms. Not every 150 build on the LB is using Etched Sigil. I agree don’t over nerf it, but it still needs to be fixed in a big way. And those fixes should be tested not just tested live like many previous PTR changes.

well if thats the case im done this game first they nerf GoD and wd and now i finally get the hang of this fb build and they gonna nerf it too …

After the build I just tested, (the new mirror images one going around tonight) I have every confidence that the Firebird set will be nerfed into oblivion and then some.

The initial PTR release was kind of broken. The patch sprinkled some crack on it. This build Supersized the crack and added a side of onion rings. It’s probably the most powerful build of any class ever in the history game, and it’s not even close.

Of course all this is just in time for Blizzard to shut the PTR down as scheduled, so that the monumental changes they need to make to fix this won’t get play tested before going live :grimacing:

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LMAO a guy with 8274 paragon SOLOing a 150 GR asks to say a prayer to NERF the Firebird set. How pathethic… I just love how some youtubers are worshipped like celebrities and just like them everything they say must be always right, never wrong, right? :roll_eyes:
Easy to say for a guy who does Rat Runs like crazy each season for hours and than META groups only, just to show off later after grinding 3000 or over 5000 paragon in season how PRO he is when he SOLOs a 140-150 GR…

Yep they will and you can thank many PRO NERFS players with over 3000 paragon for that who grinded all of it as ZDPs whether in METAs, Rat Runs or random 2-4 Man groups…

They don’t give a F about SOLO GR players and think that just because they got 4000-10000 or more paragons with 750 caldesans on items and 150 rank legendary gems usually playing the lazy zDPS way or abusing any season themes or exploits, or Rat Runs, METAs with T-HUD or other groups gives them the right to tell others how they supposed to play the game…
They’re no different from devs who ruin every build that doesn’t FORCE you into playing in groups if you want to farm 110-120 GRs as easy as doing 90 GRs few seasons ago with less than 2000 paragon…
Just because they got 4000-10000 paragon with pretty much perfect items no lifing the game, they think they can dictate others how to play, cause the game became too easy for them

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE ANY FUN IN THIS GAME especially if you’re a SOLO GR only player…

ONLY THE ALMIGHTY GROUP players who play like bots over 6h a day sometimes even over 12h a day for the whole duration of season, can “enjoy it” and they’re also usually the one responsible for all the br41nd3ad nerfs we get to builds we enjoy the most, cause the game is too EASY for them… :man_facepalming:

If you point that out and how stupid is asking for any nerfs to any build at all, than they swarm you like hornets, calling a Noob or other names…

Well if asking for buffs for sets that has been forgotten or even hated the most to be enjoyable for players who usually end up with max 1000-1500 or sometimes 2000 paragons and being able to finally clear over 120 GR in season makes me a Noob, than I rather be a Noob overlord than an elitist focused on himself only…

First the Tal Firebird combo was destroyed in PTR, now a guy with 8274 paragon asks to nerf a new Firebird build using the Mirror Image skill that WAS USELESS SINCE HOW MANY SEASONS ALREADY?!..

Gotta love people who find pleasure in making others miserable and instead of enjoying FINALLY having a STRONG FIREBIRD build, they want it to be NERFED to the ground, cause they SOLOed 150 GR with it…

These so called “(group based) balance crusaders” won’t stop at nothing to make the game an even bigger pain in the a$$ for EVERY SOLO ONLY GR player out there in the name of their imaginary balance that only favors them (groups) the most increasing the gap between SOLO players and Rat Runners or METAs or any other groups even further… :man_facepalming:


Blizzard will nerf this into the ground, just like God dh it’s only fair

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It’s not really monumental changes tbh. This is an aberrant interaction where an ability was missed, basically Mirror Images counting as you. It’s the sort of thing you can fix without fundamentally altering anything else.

Have you tried it yet? You don’t know what you’re talking about…again.

If you watch these guys do runs, when they attempt the very few solo 150’s ever legitimately done in Diablo history, they have to fish hundreds sometimes thousands of runs before they can find maps with just the right setups for them to even attempt the 150 (usually failing hard on the rift guardian) and that’s with a massive F-load of paragon. Watch the video again. He said he completed 8 x 150’s in a row without having to fish and this was his best time. That’s totally un heard of.

Who are you to sit here and make sweeping generalizations about some of the best Diablo players in the world?

Before you point your finger try actually playing the build and test it yourself. I did because I couldn’t believe how broken it looked, and it is in fact the most ridiculously broken build I’ve ever played.

It’s called the PTR because we are supposed to test this crap not leave totally insane broken builds alone .

Why are you even here? You clearly do NOT care about balancing anything.

I’m a SOLO only player and I’m not some unhinged balance crusader. But this is beyond broken. I have no issue with builds that are slightly buffed. I don’t generally like nerfs either. But this build is beyond broken and deserves a nerf.

What I don’t understand is why you are up on your high horse b*@#ing and moaning to everyone who has a legitimate concern about something you haven’t even tested yourself. Put up or shut up.

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