Blizzard closing petition for NS Altar

From what I recall from the PTR Feedback when the ENs were first introduced, it was suggested that there could be a safe area that you could enter (but not leave again) whilst you waited for the arena to become overwhelmed, i.e. stand here once you’ve gone as high as you want to / dare to. That way HC heroes could safely get out of combat at the level they felt comfortable with, rather than having to run around the edge of the arena, kiting mobs, hoping not to die whilst waiting for the overwhelm to fill up.

It wasn’t listened to, or listened to and ignored. Heck, they even removed the shield pylon.


And if the conduit pylon is still active it sometimes feels like taking forever to get ovewhelmed because the kill streak just keeps going up :smile:

Well, what have you done the last 30 seasons if not that?

These idea work too.

In rifts/GR’s, you have to survive a tp if you want to get out a very bad situation (unless you are by a door, of course). Either way works the same as normal game play, surviving a TP ends it or a safe spot simulating the door.

The problem, as we know, is they do not care about small player base non-season, so they are not likely to care about small player base HC.

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All you need is a different strategy in Hardcore instead of insisting what guides told you to do in Softcore. If you want to ensure to get overwhelmed but playing Hardcore, I would suggest to take Channeling Pylon first instead of Speed when you can afford to include a mobility skill on your action bar.

Nearing the tier 90, position near Channeling, active it then zip around the map to click Conduit and a small while later, get the Damage Pylon. Lastly, take Speed Pylon and run around three edges of the arena until you are overwhelmed by tier 125. With that you’ll have Speed and Damage together by the end to kill stuff if you are worthy, yet still have option to get overwhelmed to finish it.

You have to include a mobility spell to pull that strategy. If you can not include a mobility skill to your build, then go with Speed Pylon first as always. Looking into your mobility passives, invulnerability buffs (Smoke Screen… etc.) or giving a good look to your other class Sets which might offer extra mobility from their 2-piece bonus would help.

All in all, there are alternates to Echoing Nightmares by Season themes too. This current Season theme for example, the Lords of Hell, we just had Soulshards being capable of augmenting equipment for a 125 rank without even stepping into Echoing Nightmares. Have any of the Hardcore players of this current season felt the urge to step into Echoing Nightmares to risk losing their characters because they weren’t ready? I don’t think so.

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Put up with a game mode that I originally didn’t want to play in order to unlock QoL features like stash tabs, unlock cosmetics, and be able to play with clan members.

I didn’t play seasons from the go…

  • I had no interest with S1 only doing the bare minimum in the last few days to unlock the conqueror transmog (which I don’t consider playing S1 at all)
  • I did S2 because all the clan members did it and I thought it would be a good opportunity to spend time focusing on speccing up an end game capable Sader
  • I leveled to 70 in S3 to get the cosmetic banner and do the requirements to get the Conqueror transmog. Deleted the seasonal character immediately so I could use that character slot in NS again for storage
  • I sat out S4 completely along with a few other clan members
  • Did S5 like almost everyone else for the stash tab

And I continued putting up with seasons because they keep locking things behind it.

I actually run two accounts… and when they started repeating the original set of cosmetics, I decided to forgo getting the Guardian chapter cosmetics on my main account: a) doing two journeys got a bit too much, b) stash tetris on two accounts got too much, and c) this account had the free character slots.

I don’t usually push… most seasons, I just farm gear to take back to NS. So seasonal LBs are little interest for me to participate in (though I will look at them to figure out what builds are performing etc). My seasonal paragon is usually somewhere between 700-1000.

Now that there are no new cosmetics and seasonal themes it makes next to no sense for me to keep playing seasons, especially when it’s a theme I have little interest in. And after doing fresh starts for 8-9yrs… it’s hardly fresh anymore. It just would have been nice for Altars and Fissures to be in NS… farming with these features is really the pinnacle of an ARPG farming experience for me.

Sure, you can say, just put up with spending a week or two gearing up a working farming build and unlocking the altar every 3 months and I can have this experience. I’m just sick of jumping through hoops for what should be standard end game, and not having full access to my roster of characters if I want to play with the features/game modes I want.

It’s also why I think D4 seasons were a massive missed opportunity to allow seasonal and non-seasonal players to play together but lock out leaderboard placement for anyone or teams using an eternal realm character. They can do it in D4 due to how monsters scale with the individual player, rather than the group/game instance. This means players who just want to use the same character/s without rebirthing can do so and still enjoy each season’s theme but also maintain the integrity of competitive modes.

These days, Blizzard has a bad habit of wanting to dictate to the players how their games ought to be played. And it’s going in a direction that no longer interests me.


Well, apparently they monitor it enough to close the ones they don’t particularly seem to care for…


I suspect it was left alone for long enough to get whatever meaningful feedback they thought they could glean from it and once it went past saturation was finally locked. Either that or Lyricana is suuuuuuuuuper overwhelmed and was just now able to get to it. But considering it was her specifically that closed it and not a general forum moderator, I’m leaning toward them letting it gather feedback before closing it.

If you look at the top 100 threads, the majority of those have gone long past saturation, but aren’t locked.

It is interesting that the one that makes them look real bad got locked, but the ones with the same handful of people arguing about nonsensical things that have nothing to do with the thread continue on.


Regular banter, nonsensical or otherwise, generally isn’t moderated unless it has a fairly decent CoC violation. The thread that was closed was a pretty cut and dry case there. As I said, it was likely left alone long enough to get whatever feedback Blizzard considered meaningful. They could have closed it the first day just because of it being a petition type affair. Though to be clear, there have been threads that had “petition” in the title that were little more than your standard discourse. Usually all that’s required to keep those up is to change the title.

We can only hope. Guess we’ll have to see if they ninja add it into the game come next patch coz it sure wasn’t in the patch notes.

Yes I know my limits. I replied to a HC topic a few yrs ago. I never replied ever again. I got slam for not playing HC right. My goal is try not to die. People said if you were not pushing and dying you not playing it right. WOW

That is so true!!! But there are people out there don’t understand that. The two best players I ever played with in HC. They were not guys, they were two older women. One was like 58 and the other was in her 60’s.


In softcore or not, some people are seemingly incapable of playing a game without a guide or someone else telling them how to play. What makes it worse is how many bad guides there are out there and despite being bad or full of misinformation, there are groups of people who still praise the person/guide.

You can add all the defensive stuff you want to a HC build but it’s the mechanic of screams regardless. Yes, there are alternatives but that’s not the crux. It’s the fact that the activity is meant for both game modes but impractical to not all, but nearly all of an already small group of players. In HC, if I pop a portal to cows or the vault, people flock to it like flies to :poop: . Pop a portal for a nightmare, you’re on your own. Not like in SC where everyone will join a nightmare.

If you still believe in Santa… or whatever. The Altar and Visions will never make it to non season. Had they wanted to consent, they’d done so and announced it, so we can praise them for being considerate and wise enough to listen to feedback at least once.

But instead, going by history, that train is wrecked and done for.
Give it a few years time, come back 2030. Then, maybe… not.

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That sucks.

I’d like the qol to come to ns.
Don’t even care about the power creep.
The lvl 1 thing should definitely not come to ns…
Or have the gear show the actual level…

I’m sorry that you have such a bad forum experience :frowning_face:

I try to help when I can. It is about 50% of the time they will listen. The other 50% go by the online guides and don’t listen. I tell people all the time you can use the guides, but if you really want to know how to build your toon look at the leader-board.

Plus I see one of my Hidden Buddies reply to me. They will never learn that I don’t read what they post.


That’s exactly what I tell people, look at the leaderboards first. You may not always see your preferred build where you want it, but it’s a good place to start.

About 15 years ago, I began studying the psychology behind different types of forum posters. One thing that I learned was that if someone knows that you have them blocked but they still reply to you, it’s a clear indicator that they’re basically not playing with a full deck. It’s a type of obsessive sociopathy. I have one who did (not sure if they still do) reply to me after I told them they were blocked. I kept seeing “Hidden reply” after my posts and someone on discord said they were. They even tried making a new alt a couple times and I blocked both of them as well.

Huge coincidence perhaps, but today, someone made a fresh alt account on another forum I post on just to make a stupid comment to me. Their response was curiously identical to the aforementioned person. They were banned shortly after, so I couldn’t say anything else or report them. :rofl:

But yeah, I know who you’re referring to. You’re not missing anything.


That’s okay with me. No offense taken :smiley: