Better Bazooka Fixes

What if they gave the swami or fazula’s another legendary power that gives the Thundercrash rune to meteor?

It’s a little out there as that’s an archon item, but it would literally not break anything except bazooka. You could still use regular starpact without archon.

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Thundercrash rune doesn’t allow any channeling before the meteor landing. All Star Pact variants use channeling, so that fix would kill all the builds.

I guess Kindran meant the legendary power to changed to this:

The Swami:
Meteor gains the Thundercrash rune and the bonuses from Archon stacks now last for [X] seconds after Archon expires. (Wizard Only) [15 - 20]

That’s quite an awkward way to fix it, but I guess that would do the job.


Only archon starpact. That’s the beauty of it. Non-archon builds won’t use fazula’s or swami so they will be fine.

It is very awkward, but it seems like the easiest fix that would take care of archon starpact only AND it wouldn’t effect any other build

Honestly, Fazula’s would be the better item to put this effect on, or hell por que no Los dos? Lol
Put it in both items

Ah I get it now. Yup, that would do the job. I’ll add it to the suggested fixes.

[edit] Actually it feels more awkward than suggested fix #4, and I think that fix is just as easy to implement. Also, having the Thundercrash Meteor rune appear on an Archon item might seem pretty confusing for newer players.

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Add the thundercrash rune to the leg meteor staff power.

Yeah that would for sure confuse people. There would be a bunch of people trying to work meteor into regular Archon builds simply because they saw it on the Archon item and thought they were supposed to.

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What if the Archon skill had a Meteor attack (remember, there is an open skill slot) and Archon stacks would reduce the drop delay of Meteors in a way that beyond a certain level of stacks the drop happens instantly. Let that affect both Archon and regular Meteors…

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On the old forums, there was a thread that suggested that vyr should grant archon a skill within that open skill slot.

Archon stacks increases damage of only Archon-abilities. This kills Chantodo’s damage, so then you’d double the base damage of Archon punch and Disintegration Wave, see where we’re at. Chantodo’s doing 96% of Archon damage is stupid anyway.

The nerfs to DW/Sigil and MoC are just bull, spilling over to other builds AND CLASSES. Like, what??

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I had disagreed with you before about this; but at this point, this is a far better solution than what blizzard had been coming up with.

Think how many things got nerfed as Blizzard has tried to balance this. Fazula’s ate a nerf. Then Swarmi. and now Deathwish, Mantle of Channelling, and Etched Sigil. Plus, you have to realize what a terrible mechanic “reverse archon” is. It should have been fixed this way a long, long time ago.

We’d even scale with Area Damage if this was implemented, and we wouldn’t be locked to Chantodo’s.

Some players only prefer to play with Wizards. Others just with barbs, monks, etc. I see the “more playable options” mutch more attractive and useful for Players and Blizzard instead of just killing builds. For instance you won’t see too many guys attempting Bazooka by hand. I believe that Blizzard’s “core of the problem” resides in bots and macros. They currently provide a solution that will only switch macros and bots from Wiz to Witch Docs. If they attack the macros and bots with more efficiency and let more options for other classes this issue could have a mutch better path to go. I’m sure that guys which really like and respect Wizards prefer to do everything by hand. And for sure, Bazooka’s both rewarding and no easy play, which is justifiable. Besides that, for a game which is more focused on multiplayer leveling instead of solo, when you loose an option for a class the other class specific players indirectly loose too.

Alternative fix #4 is BEAUTIFUL.

And then all the other clunky channeling changes can be reverted :raised_hands:

The better fix is to change DW and ES to only buff channiling spells. Don’t add 1sec delay, just rework their powers:
Etched Sigil
While channeling Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, and Ray of Frost damage is increased by 125-150% and the number of beams is increased by 2.
While channeling Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, or Ray of Frost, their damage is increased by 250-325%.

Channel damage on its own won’t be enough. Not even remotely. But in general, yeah. Maybe by introducing attack speed based mechanics, or doing other nasty stuff with the channel skills. But it would require some serious damage buffs to be viable. Remember, Meteor has two fat multipliers on top of the current DW/ES combo. So, we would need at least something like

Light of Grace:
“Ray of Frost now pierces, gains every rune and deals 1000-1200% increased damage”

Yeah, this isnt even close. While its a fair point DW/ES has taken over the Wizard class, we kind of need them to be viable.

These two items ruined the class, every build is using them outside vyr/chantodo!!
Channeling spells are not viable right now, they only buff meteor or twister dmg. If devs change DW/ES to only increase channeling spells they can fix separately all builds. Right now you can¡t buff a single build because these two items buff ALL DMG. I can’t understand why ppl don’t push to change the current situation of the class: it’s channeling or barely T16…

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Reverse Archon is way worse, and you saw how they fixed THAT. Honestly, it’s due to how bad Vu (or whomever) did Wizard itemization. I mean, how hard is it for Slorak’s to deal 600% Dintegrate damage? We could pair Sloraks, DW and Etched,
Maybe they could remove the secondary abilities of Etched casting AP spenders at that point.

Bad itemization. It was d3’s achilles heel. What’s the point of Primordial, Light of Grace, Winter Flurry, Mirrorball, and especially that steaming pile of Myken’s?

I suggested these changes, and more, on the PTR forum:

Etched Sigil
While channeling Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, and Ray of Frost damage is increased by 400-500% and Mirror Images copy your attacks doing the same damage.
While channeling Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, or Ray of Frost, their damage is increased by 250-325%.

These will free us to channeling on every ***** build. The fix to archon is so easy… just make stacks don’t give the dmg buff, only increased defense.

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