Best passives for GoD?

Hey there, got 2 questions.

  1. Which passives are you using with GoD? Speed GR’s & Push? and Why?
  2. Is Thrill of the Hunt necessary to proc BotT? or just Devouring Arrow is enough to proc it? (please exclude BotT’s own proc)


How/Why would Hungering Arrow (Devouring Arrow) proc Bane of the Trapped? Just cause it’s a cold skill doesn’t mean it has a slow/chill effect, which to my understanding, it doesn’t.

My understanding…People using Bane of the Trapped are playing close/melee range if they’re able to to proc Cull the Weak + Numbing Traps passive skills. Or atleast they were in PTR.

Also, I’m using Bane of the Trapped + Bane of the Stricken + Simplicity’s Strength

Not that I’m any good or anything.

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As I am not using BoT and nothing I have slows or chills I am using hot pursuit, archery, awareness, and steady aim.

Working now to power up gems for augmenting by running GR75 2-3 min per run. ALso looking for more ancient/primals on current gear

Push right now I can get up to GR85 before I really have to start working to avoid being hit by 1 shot kills. I am certainly not at the top of any leaderboards but this is working for me. (still sub 1k paragon for NS play)

Using same gems as Mersinary currently leveled to 75 each. As ai make more augments I plan to push to raise them up…lather rinse repeat.

I actually checked this. Devouring Arrow definitely doesn’t seem to apply a slow.

Some cold skills do naturally apply a slow/chill despite not mentioning it in the tooltip. A number of wizard skills do this despite not mentioning it (e.g. Blizzard, Energy Twister: Mistral Breeze, Frost Hydra). However I don’t think think many (any?) DH skills do unless they specifically mention it (e.g. Wind Chill, Frost Arrow). It’s been a while since I tested this stuff, but from what I remember basically every wizard cold skill applies a slow even if it doesn’t mention it, while on DH only the skills that specifically mention it do? Don’t take my word for that though, it’s been years since I went through and tested all the cold skills.

I think that’s how you’d pretty much have to do it. Or with Entangling Shot if you are running Odyssey’s End. Thrill of the Hunt + Strafe should do it too, but that doesn’t really seem optimal.

A Templar w/ Thunderfury and his slow skill can apply some slows, but that’s mostly useful in single or only a few target situations. He won’t be slowing huge packs for you.

EDIT: Strafe: Icy Trail could be an option too?

EDIT2: Looks like without Thrill of the Hunt, only the trails from Icy Trail apply a chill/slow. The regular Strafe arrows from Icy Trail don’t apply a slow by themselves. I think that’s consistent with the tooltip wording as well.

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Most people use for GOD the same passives are for Shadow Impale: Ambush, Awareness, Cull the Weak and Numbing traps.

You also might try Perfectionist, Cull the Weak, Leach, and Numbing Traps.

Perfectionist gives nice toughness boost as well as lowering discipline costs for a skill like Shadow Power. Slot Preparation Focused Mind and you can keep Shadow Power Gloom active through an entire Grift.

Just an idea that was given to me in DiE’s thread about GoD strategies.

Correct, cold skills in general do not apply a slow or chill effect. The Iceblink gem however lets all cold skills apply a chill effect though it isn’t worth losing a gem slot for this usually.

As for other passives, do note that Numbing Traps is bugged for use with Entangling Shot. In short, refreshing the entangled web by hitting a target with Entangling Shot will only refresh numbing traps on the target hit, not the rest of the web which remains slowed. Keep this in mind if you plan on using Entangling Shot as your primary method of slowing targets.

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Can you please explain, what triggers “Cull the Weak” in case neither “Thrill of the Hunt” no " BANE OF THE TRAPPED" are used. All top DH now use Cull the Weak but without these 2 mostly common triggers.

follower equiped with thunderfury

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The only other key option is to use Odyssey’s End for Entangling Shot.

Another way I found yesterday is also to use the “hell trapper” 1H xbow instead of Valla’s bequest (dual wield, ofc …). The proc on calltrops is very consistent at our asp and given the number of shots fired. ^^
Might be something to brainstorm on with this xbow btw since, when you slot one the auto-procc’ed skills in your bar, it gets the same rune …

I cleared 123 with such a setup yesterday at 3400+ PL no augs (which I beat today with the “standard” setup but just so you know it works), since I had a nicely rolled one stashed … :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t know why you’d wanna go through such a roundabout way to proc chill/slow/whatever, when you can simply use K’mar Tenclip so you get the 100% movespeed rune for free, and can therefore just use Icy Trail rune for strafe which guarantees the chill effect whenever you strafe.

Or you could do that too yeah, although I prefer to use icy trail and Valla’s bequest because, even at 75% MS, it does not feel slow for a bit and piercing strafe helps gathering mobs for more dps (AD and HA rune procs) … : )

Just be aware that only the trail applies the slow, the regular strafe arrows from Icy Trail don’t apply a slow (unless you also use Thrill of the Hunt).


Just tested this in game. I found the same to be true. Surprising, coming from playing wizard, totally forgot about this being a requirement for other classes.

Good to know. thank you.

However, I also tested Thrill of the Hunt with Trapped gem equipped (at >15 yards range of course), and it appears that the slow from Thrill of the Hunt is not getting applied until after the spender hits.

While that doesn’t much impact this build, as our spender isn’t dealing the damage, it could impact other builds that want to use thrill of the hunt as an option.

This makes Thrill of the Hunt less appealing for spender based damage type builds, as you’d have to:

  • Attack twice to even benefit from the passive.
  • Have high AS and / or coverage / AoE to reapply the very short 2s duration.

Even with the short duration on Thrill of the Hunt (2s), Strafe should apply this slow rather well. I’ll be heavily considering it.

Another option is shadow power: Night Bane (30 yard AoE slow by 80%). Can see this as an option for speeds, especially if you’d rather trade off the toughness from Gloom for Awareness, or are running Taeguk instead of Zei’s.

Polar station sentry might also be an option.

Good to know, thanks.

I think the issue with Icy Trail is that it has a set interval of .2s per 7 yard radius chill patch “Drop”. This means if you’re moving at, say 150%+ movement speed, the patches on the ground aren’t contiguous. There are now, small 3-7 yd gaps in between them.

While the slow duration of 3s is pretty darn good, the aoe, method of application (requiring you get on top of enemies), and consistency may be an issue for some GoD builds.

I will say that Icy Trail would work great if your build includes a pull of some sort, as grouping enemies into a icy area would more likely apply the chill.

Basically, it works better to apply the chill when the player is solo pushing GRs. EDIT (but as you’ve mentioned via chat, running Taeguk / Simplicity / Stricken is also an option, which cuts out the need for slow entirely for push).

Thank you for this info.

As a side note:

I tested Necromancer’s bone spear, and found that Bone Spear: Crystallization does not apply chill either. It’s the offhand Lost time that applies a slow. Even then, the slow that gets applied from the bone spear is done AFTER the initial damage.

Seems weird that DH and Necro’s slows are not applied before initial damage instance, yet wizard, with skills like FO or WoD (chills) have the nicety of always having a chill applied, before the damage instance.


I can see the Helltrapper being an option, but the better option in general? probably not.

It takes up a weapon and skill slot, though I suppose you could run Bait the Trap there, wouldn’t be a complete loss.

The .1s ICD is really nice though, and our generators have a very high proc coefficient (Hungering arrow Cold rune is at .65 it looks like).

So, .1*.65 = .065 or 6.5% chance to proc per generator hit. Slow duration of 6s base. Not bad, but the spots are stationary like Icy trails, and require more investment than that skill.

I will not argue with you man (regarding HT being or not the best option) but I was too happy to finally find a little utility to hell trapper, especially with a nicely rolled one ! :wink:

Unfortunately you are right there’s no room on the skill bar, for now, so HT could be more useful. I had drawn the same conclusion … :slight_smile:

Take care, master of D3 maths ! :wink:


Sentry (Polar Station) would be another option to apply slow, I use guardian sentry instead though.

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Sentry (Polar Station) can apply the slow effect to trigger Cull the Weak. Iceblink gem as previously stated by Iria. Theres really no reason not to use Bane of the Trapped imo, it’s one of the most essential gems to use…But really depends if you’re capable of fighting in melee range.

I have wondered this myself. If there’s nothing on their gear or in their skills, then the follower is the only option.

Personally, I prefer running Taeguk over Trapped, so I was having a bit of trouble triggering the chill effect. I ended up taking Thrill of the Hunt. I hate spending two passives to get a 20% dmg, but it’s been working pretty well. Cleared a 122 last night with 2000 paragon.