Barbarians will not be forgotten, but

When will they be remembered?
I never expected to get a lot for this class. But I was really hoping for more than one item, that clearly does , well… Not much.

So is that it? Or are we going to wait and wait?


I disagree i think the wrists with some of the new ancient items will make for a really interesting ww barb. The wrists alone will affect nearly every build out there in a huge way they are seriously powerful!

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How are they powerful?

Arreat’s Wail : Deals 3400 percent fire damage to enemies.
Insanity : 50 percent more damage, but this rune is ALWAYS used.
Slaughter : Crit hits have a CHANCE to deal 300 percent weapon damage.
Striding Giant : reduce damage taken by 50 percent.
Thrive on Chaos: life per hit.

Where do you see this huge buff?

These runes don’t support ww damage. They don’t support Hota damage.
They don’t support in any way.

Ww still needs perfect rolled gear to do ( decent ), do you know how hard it is to get the perfect gear and rolls? Next to impossible for most.

Barbarian is left behind, yet another season. Other classes have at least one build they can do great with.
Raekor Hota requires you to practice A LOT and use a mechanic called wallbanging, it takes a lot of time to get charges stacking before you can deal damage.
Every other class can dish out more damage, from one or 2 hits, while Barbarian simply cannot with that build.
On every leaderboard it is known that Barbarian is behind other classes as well.

The written proposal for buffs for this class was calculated so we can enjoy this class, together with the others ON PAR with each other.

It is not like people ask for Barbarian to become Op or to get everything they wrote about.

It was to get SOMETHING after 2 years of nothing.

One item , and it has been proven, does literally nothing for Barbarian.

We still got strange Raekor mechanics. We still got a weak ww build. With Rend that does nothing for it at all.
We still got underperforming Ik set.

Unless I see you pushing 140 with ww, no this item is not powerful at all.

It wasn’t even back in 2.2 when they removed it.


crusaders necessarily need the akarat champion to not die in seconds, and the only rune that is decent is a prophet, and we are not complaining, also crusaders are not in the 4man push meta, crusader dont have any support, healer or carry, at least babarians have zbarb wich allows barbs mains to get through greater rifts easy


You got LoN blessed shield. Invoker.
That alone is 2 more builds than Barbarians got.

We are not only complaining, but urging to get something we have not gotten in 2 years.
It is not about becoming Op or anything. It is about fixing what should have been done in order for a class to get on par with others.

And it’s not about meta only.
Every build with Crusader you can deal out damage from get go.
You can’t with Raekor.
You can’t with ww.

I am far from being a Barbarian main.
I play every class to some extend, and even I think there should have been more than 1 item that does nothing.
Season 17 brought something for every class except for Barbarians.
2 seasons without any improvement at all. Without anything.

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The problem with comparing classes is what do you consider important.

  1. Opportunity to get high solo clears
  2. Opportunity to be part of a 4 four man meta on a consistent basis…
  3. Opportunity to be part of 4 man xp runs.
  4. Fun gameplay
  5. etc…

For solo, barbs are and have been at a deficit for a long time. However, they are part of 2 and 3 in a support role. Considering there are 7 classes, barbs have “monopolized” one spot in the 4 man meta for as long as seasons have existed.

There are advantages and disadvantages to every class. If barbs became stronger so that they were better as rift guardian or trash killers in 4 man meta, than only 2 of 6 other classes could lay in the 4 man meta. Is that fair or reasonable?

P.S. I do want barbs buffed but I do want to have more diversity in the 4 man meta.


The problem here is 2 years. Without nothing.

The problem is, season 17 brought something for every class except for Barbarians.

The problem is, even Blizzard/nevalist told us here on this forum, they acknowledge the lack of something made for Barbarians.

There is a difference in each class, and what is considered meta. I don’t see the joy nor why it should be in game to spec zdps. This is a hackNslash afterall and not WoW.

So they might have a spot to sit as zdps, but as far as hackNslash and viability that way, they are behind others and in need of something more…

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I agree that many don’t want to spec zDPS; however, the reality is that they way the game is designed that has become optimal for a 4 man meta. So…

  1. Blizzard could nerf zDPS. Given the games age, this is highly unlikely as it would take considerable effort to rebalance the game.

  2. Keep zDPS and exclude 3 of 5 classes from the 4 man meta. If barbs ae buffed so that they can be optimal trash or rift gardian killer then another class will be excluded.

Would you rather have a spot at the table where you don’t like your role or be excluded from the table entirely as 3 classes are currently relative to the 4 man meta? What was the last season someone said need crusader or demon hunter for group?


I get what you are saying, and I am someone who wants this to thrive both for solo players and group players.

At least other classes got some fun to play around with. At least they could bump up the difficulty way before ww barbarians or even raekor could.

It’s not like the proposed things are making barbarians op in every way. It’s more changing a bit up so we get to have some fun for a change. As written before, I am not a barbarian main. Not played one in a while actually. But seeing they get literally nothing new, while even other classes, might they not be in the meta, get things.

This should not be excluded from any class out there. And now we finally get something, and it turns out it is the least thing they could have done.

Was really looking forward to the promised word of “we are not finished with barbarians”.
One item? It takes a merely click on a button to implement into the game.
That is hardly an efford to show they are not finished.

I agree with you, this class is broken on items, expect for the low numbers on sets and poor selection of supporting legendaries. Nobody remembers Barb also have a weapon type called “one hand mighty weapon”.

The worse is Blizz keep ignoring on proposals from Barb community and players for two years. They take no actions at all and just say something like “Be patient” or “We understand” or "We have no time on…"bala bala. The proposal had considered all situations for Blizz: if you just need larger numbers, we calculated them for you; if you need revamp ideas, we provided plenty of them. Sadly they just do not like that, how you Barb players dare to teach me and made me embarrassed?

Exactly, was excited when I read about “we are not finished with barbarians”, well if one item that does nothing is “not finished”, I am lost for words…

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I realize that it feels bad in some respects to play a barb; however, lets put this in perspective. When was the last time someone said “Looking for group, need crusader”?


You are right, but this is whataboutism. Just because the Crusader has similar flaws it doesnt mean the barbarian shouldnt be fixed. For over 2 years we didnt get anything, it is about damn time.

Also i dont like this excuse of ‘‘stop complaining, you at least have zbarb’’. Zbarb has nothing to do with an actual barbarian, it is just a tool for this absurd grift pushing.

none of the build you mention for crusaders works well for 4man meta , invoker is under dh impale, since invoker needs to be hit in order to increase the thorns damage, and BS build is not enough strong to be in the 4 man meta grs 130+

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  1. For WWs, it is EF, which make WW stronger than before, NOT Mortick.

  2. We, true barbs, think, Mortick will only affects some of barbs’s build. And for most of those builds, Mortick is only a minor buff.

In most cases, Mortick is just a bit better than 50% DR.

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but also i agree, despite barbarian have spot in the 4man meta allowing them to be able to upgrade gems to 150, if u want to play crusader u hardly evr will be able to spot a high push, unless u make a zpds, but, i agree barbarian need more items with more damage, but also i would love they give crusader spot in 4man meta with a zsader o a carry sader, but thats only dreamings…

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Its Blizz math.I have played barb since day1. Math does not add up. I use quin 69 math. Less is more. Reguardless of of buffs/skills Barb has no single target damage higher gr(lets say gr 110).They can give us Morkictic it wont help dps single target…Zerker need a buff at least one skill.

Crusaders could RGK with LON HF last(current) season. Look at the top 20 in the 4 man leaderboard.

Yeah its definitely not enough. Barbs are getting left in the dust in the leaderboards. Loved the idea of the WW Barb just isn’t quite there. Close ….

I know the Barb players don’t intend to sound this way, but many of these complaints sound to me like they won’t be satisfied until all four spots in the 4-man meta are filled with Barbs.

Their requests aren’t unreasonable. They want a build with tons of AoE to make it a respectable trash killer. They also want a build with great single target damage to make a decent elite hunter and RGK. And they want to keep their Zdps builds.

None of that is unreasonable like I said, because other classes have sets that fill those first two to a certain extent.

The problem however lies that other classes don’t have Zdps capability and so are excluded from the 4-man meta because of it. Lots of other classes don’t have the damage to compete with Necros and Wizards when it comes to trash killer or RGK.

The Barbs say they’re behind everybody. I’m not an expert but lagging behind on the solo leaderboards, when you’re concerned with them, I imagine is severely disappointing.

So the question is, do Barbs want to compete with Wizards and Necros, or just be comparable to Crusaders, Witchdoctors, and Demon Hunters while also keeping the Zdps role in the 4-man meta?

The first would make the 4-man meta all barbarian and the second would still leave 3 classes out in the cold in the 4-man meta and possibly leave them in a worse position than Barbs currently are.

So that’s why to me, it’s starting to sound like the vocal barb players are getting a little greedy. I hope that doesn’t come off as an attack, it’s just starting to sound this way to me.