Barbarians Unite Pls. Nice People spotted :)

Nobody is trying to take the fun away, and no I am not going to go and be quiet, that is not the point of these forums.

I am not even advocating for a nerf. But you think that it is impossible for someone like Prokahn to spread ill will and misinformation, so rather than read my posts, you are going to just take his word.

That is your decision, and so be it, but never tell someone to be quiet and sit, especially in this country! That is the most disrespectful thing anyone can ever say!!! That is a slap to the face of me, my family, and everyone else who fought for your rights to have free speech, sit and play games, and live the lives we all live…


Thank you and your family of valiant fighters for your wonderful service but now please sit and SHUSH and stop playing FUN POLICE, WE GOT THIS.


well i remember your friend told you tgat rxt was plowing 125 (or 115 not sure which exact number you used) and to prevent nerf, he quit the rift. that is what you said in that ptr as i remember. I think many regulars of this forum remember. Plowing 125 is smt many remembers. I am everything but a liar.

This time around you did not ask for nerfs like in the past which is good. We have Micro taking the bar from you :slight_smile:

Anyway this is just a game. Please let barbs have their dps role after this many years. People are really tired of battling nerf feedbacks as barbs.


Is there any red button? Trolling table is really annoying.

Antkiller is also useful.

Yes, terro ant bait. Kill the queen.


As a DH only player I support barbs, probably because my first char I started playing D3 from day 1 was a barb. Have over 2000 hours on barb on my main account on both EU and NS, but stopped playing with it due to stash problems as I played with all classes not just one back than…

Now on my 2nd account I only play DH UE Multishot, but I wouldn’t mind:

spinning around
Move outta my way
I know you’re feeling me
'Cause you like it like this
I’m breaking it down
I’m not the same
I know you’re feeling me
'Cause you like it like this

…so let me have some fun with a class that I haven’t played in years for a change…


Spinning arround lyrics from Kylie Minogue song :blush:


Quite frankly, if next season doesn’t see some WhirlRend clearance videos set to this tune, I’m going to be sorely disappointed…


How about this one?

As already mentioned in another thread…

Beach Boys - Help Me Renda…

Behold. Hulk where are you?


Do you no longer feel the same?

I would think by now Free you would know my writing style and my analytical reasoning. Those posters are definitely not me. I am not an English professor, but our writing provides insights into our background. For example, you were most likely raised in the south as evidence by your frequent use of “Y’all”. Also, you likely live in a big city based on the colloquialism that you use.

Ooh, Ooh, Miss Flanagan! Do be so kind as to analyze my writing next.


Sorry. I’m only allowed to do one forensic writing analysis per day on the D3 forum. :laughing:
Free knows my writing style so…

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I’m going to take a go at this. Based on your style of writing, your middle aged man, who wears spectacle and fancies Brut cologne. In fact, you were in an old episode of “Cold Case Files” from 1984, I’m surprised you’re still around.

Now that wasn’t so hard.


You got two details right. :slight_smile:

All this ‘barb OP, pls nerf’ is nuts. Same thing happened to Blessed Shield Crusaders/Hammerdin. Flag the nerf posts as trolling and do as you do.

Leave barbs alone, let the boys play. Coming from a Crusader main. Do I play and enjoy WoTW? Yes to one, I still play it but it isn’t enjoyable. The current iteration is in desperate need of the ptr buffs we tested with. Not a reduced version.


You know that a difference in opinion is not trolling.

My suggestion is to decrease the lamentation buff from 150%-200% to a flat 100%. Is that really so awful?

That mob mentality though is real…:man_facepalming:

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I’d post the high five thing, but I’m not allowed lol

But I nearly spat my water out reading this :rofl:

That is becoming a genuine concern with some of the things I’ve read around here lately

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