Barb Nerf = No S19

I did play the PTR. The “WW” rend build is significantly stronger than any other barb build I have played, yes. I tried the IK/Remoreseless build, and it is better as well. I tried the Fjord cutter build, and it is a good farm build. Barbs already have TONS of farm builds. They needed a push build, which is what they got. Do other classes need buffs too? Crusaders have gotten several buffs - I wont go into them. DH, Wiz got buffs lately too. Monks and WD - orphaned classes as well as Barb. Only good push build for Monk is - a CASTING build? Really? Maybe S20…


As far as monks go, let’s just hope blizz can make the new set better before it rolls out. Like, a lot better. Otherwise its only use will be as a transmog. I really think it would behoove blizzard to do a second ptr this season - this ptr seemed to have a lot of concerns for people, and the 15, 30, and 500 kill streak bonuses were all very strong which made testing the new buffs challenging to actually test. With the 15 kill streak bonus it seems like the strategy in solo S19 pushing could just be resetting that bonus repeatedly.

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nerf please… hahahaha!

That is completely false. I never went wiz. Tried it for a few hours and hated it. I also hate necro. People will play what they want to play. Rat runs will still be the fastest way for paragon, like it has been for years. Vyr’s is still extremely fast and strong. There are many other classes that are strong early game and end game.

By your logic, barb should be nerfed because you think people will be “forced” to go barb for its power. Where are your posts advocating for wiz and necro nerfs since they have been and still are the highest damage dealing classes in the game?

The WW Rend barb is solo play, which is inherently worse than group play. People that want paragon and gems will definitely not be forced to barb. In fact, they should stick to their rats.


Ah yes, the typical I’m all for balance as long as they’re weaker than me speech.
You just said the BOTTOM of wizards leader board is 120, yet you think barb should be 10 entire gr’s lower? What kind of bologna is that?

I did test on the PTR and WW Rend is perfectly balanced. Just because one person with 10.5k paragon and 140 augs did a 140gr with festering map, conduit and power pylon doesn’t mean we should be nerfed.


Wiz I agree with. The Nerf to necro thorns though is going to hit the solo necro leaderboards pretty hard I think, though. Granted necro will still be the group XP meta which I can definitely see why people resent that. I’m primarily a solo player, and primarily a necro player. With thorns gone ( which I’m happy about) the next highest build is a lon mage necro at rank 20 with gr 120. Granted people that are pushing the necro board super hard use thorns, I doubt lon mages can go above 130 or so and I think anything above 115 is just down to plain old paragon farming and map fishing.

Than why aren’t you advocating for Necro changes and buffs instead of talking about bringing down barb?

If people think that should be cased as an evidence for Barbarians being overpowered, they’re imagining things. My take is, Barb ain’t gonna be nerfed. Developers possibly playtested it for weeks before PTR; if it was overpowered they’d call it before it even go live once.

WW spec doesn’t overlap with zdps specs; them being squishy brawlers can’t be a reason for any sort of change as it is.

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Because i think the necro is in a good spot for now. It has diverse speed farming builds and without thorns will have 2-3 viable pushing builds. Further, if blizzard buffs the wrong thing on necro the 4 man meta XP could potentially end up being more heavily reliant on the necro.

The “nerf” that I think should go live for barbs is pretty minor. It doesn’t make sense to nerf wizards and then buff barbs to where wizards were pre-nerf. There’s no logic to that.

I honestly don’t think the devs play tested anything before the ptr… Unless you think they intended the sets that were released on ptr to be that underwhelming as well.

But if the barb gets nerfed no one will play it. Again how everyone was boomer. Then chanto vry wiz. Did anyone try not using the belt for rend. I did. And it really didn’t help at all. But what do I know.

I’m not a wizard player. I main necro on PC and play barb on my switch. So that argument doesn’t work in this case, since gr110 would still be higher than the necro. I’m not anti barb by any means. If you look at my posts you would see that if you didn’t think that any mention of a SLIGHT nerf was an attack on the barb community.


You may want to know something. People calling for nerfs are referring to slight number changes. From 10 to 9.5 and not the complete 10 to 1 nerf which a lot of the clueless people here seems to think its about. Lets make that clear.

And they are bringing up arguments such as people calling for nerfs are haters and do not play the class.

Right. What nice and solid points you have there to base your arguments on.


Exactly, the barb community’s response by in large to any call for changes to ptr have been straw man arguments and ad hominem attacks.

I would not judge the barb community by a handful of posters nor any community based on a few people. My sense is the more professional/respectful that we can discuss this issue ], the better.

I guarantee barb is not doing 144 in NON season. If you watch that 140 video he’s barely surviving against zombies and grotesque. They aren’t hard hitting mobs either.

My point being, it doesn’t have to be nerfed at all. Blizzard doesn’t do 10 to 9.5 either. They don’t know how to swing the nerf bat that easily. If they nerf something, they nerf it hard. Take chant for example…

How are they straw man arguments? No one has shown me any semblance of proof as to why barb should nerfed. Talk about straw man arguments…

I’ve been having to respond to you guys every day since the ptr started because whenever barb starts to feel good, the community yells for nerfs for some reason. It feels like a bunch of barb haters to people like me that have been waiting 5 YEARS for a strong and balanced barb.


Don’t know why a person being called out still replies, thinking he got something to say.

Let’s not forget the same person advocated for buffs for Barbarians and the same time was against it and wanted nerfs.
Also discussed with knowledgeable people knowing a whole lot more about Barbarians and refused to listen.


Is this a dig at me? It sure sounds like it.

I do not need to reply to that thread for obvious reasons. The graph with 3-way comparison in post #3 is self-explanatory and demonstrates that

  1. Wizards>>Demon Hunters>>Necromancers.
  2. The OP in that thread claims that both demon hunters and wizards are outliers.
  3. Wizards (the outlier) are much stronger than DH (the 2nd best) in terms of solo power.
  4. The wizard power line is completely separate, showing it is an outlier.
  5. The reason that it is difficult to see demon hunter “line” when all 7 classes are graphed is that DH power is superimposed on other classes.
  6. My view on data is that I prefer to see it, verify it, and analyze it myself rather than believing someone else.
  7. The new forums have a search feature where one can look at all posts that someone makes to see things for themselves.


My comment about judging populations based on the actions of a few is a discussion in general and not anyone specific.