[Barb] H90 Focused Feedback

Have you tried using Cold Rush right before popping Terrify? In my (admittedly limited) testing, this seemed to keep the feared mobs in place.

Keep in mind you do have to do it before using terrify, not after.

In practice, this is hit or miss.

For low-Paragon players who donā€™t have the extra charge to get out of bad affixes, itā€™s a death sentence, and it makes moving around the map much, much slower.

For high-Paragon players, itā€™s a viable option, but one that also limits mobility and relies on short-circuiting the intended mechanic.

Not a fan of Cold Rush. Have tested it 110-114, the latter of which is my fishing limit with 11k main stat in PTR.

I didnā€™t. Here is my reason:

  • This build lack mobility, sometimes you have to skip mobs and reach a good spot. (2-3 elite together)
  • Merciless Assault can also help you get to a safe position or get to the Oculus circle immediately. This mobility canā€™t be replaced.
  • When WotB is in Cool Down, you can charge to mobs attract them to a certain position.
  • Fear procced by EoF is pretty unpredictable. Cold Rush has a long cool down. The dmg provided by 2pc is not even close to the Oculus circle. Lolā€¦it is really a joke.

ā€¦ too many detailsā€¦

(I did some 120 runs with Merciless, it is between 8:40 - 9:50, I think I canā€™t do it with cold rush.) I skipped so many trash to reach a good spot.


Free, JF, all good points.

+1000% is looking like a more reasonable 2 piece number, should they keep the mechanic as-isā€¦

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Yeah, the mechanic needs an overhaul or a massive damage buff. Iā€™m hoping for the former.

I do worry that if they just change fear to taunt or slow or something, then the set is basically just HOTA 2.0ā€¦ boringā€¦

Or if Fear just causes enemies to ā€œfreeze in placeā€, as some, including me, have suggested, then thatā€™s basically just freezeā€¦ also boringā€¦



Itā€™s already eerily close. The Fear mechanic helps push it toward a new play style, but it needs some serious fine tuning.

Well, if it only does it to elites, thatā€™s different, because it will help us shape the conditions under which we engage them. Iā€™m okay with that. But trash? That needs to scatter.

Yeah. Current ptr is also boring. I was waiting for new version for daysā€¦I donā€™t want to do more 120 runs before the new patchā€¦

Thing is clear, they have to fix bugs, balance new set. But the pace is a bit slow.

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So is the 4 pc bonus. In 0 stack youā€™re too squishy and in full stack youā€™re a little less so. Other than a number tuning, I suggest they change the mechanic a bit: When you are in effect of a shout/ When you have at least 1 frenzy stack, you gain 30% damage reduction, plus 3-5% per frenzy stack. I prefer the former for itā€™s more fit with the 2 pc bonus.

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It seems I can maintain Ignore Pain permanently instead of trying to get WotB to get the cooldown. I got to activate Band of Might and Ignore Pain for toughness needed. Then Frenzy set sets-in for additional dmg + toughness. But this build seems to remind of the Invoker set by the Crusader. Like other said it feels HoTA from D2. They might as well add Poison Nova effect to look like BotD. That Scourge effect should be a good addition to the build. Either you have toughness or damage when running this set IMO.

Short of fishing really hard, Iā€™m locked at 114 @12,000ish main stat. Either not enough damage (Unity) or too frail to unavoidable damage (CoE) to clear 115 in time.

Feels bad.

So I tried a couple og different setups with or without Area Damage, at my impressions is that ~20% AD shaves og about 5 seconds. Doesnā€™t really seem to matter much.

What are your experiences with Area Damage? Because as I see it, it seems like a pretty wasted stat for the build now.

Secondly I tried doing a GR115 with 10k Main stat, scrapped DD and added Aquilaā€™s instead, which meant 6B toughness, so could face-tank close to everything. Did not manager to clear it in time, close to 25-30 minutes clear time. But if 130 clear should be able at 40k Main stat, it is 2x away from even being possible.

The question is whether or not the power should be in the set or the legendaries, that is if LoD/LoN should be an equal contender. But something needs to be doubled.

As much as I love Barbs, I fear (no pun intended) if Blizzard does not change some mechanics of the new set itā€™s simply going to play exactly like HOTA, i.e. an elite killer. And like Raxx said in his video yesterday, since RG cannot be feared, then whatā€™s the point of the fear/double damage mechanic at all? Maybe just drop it altogether and somehow bring Overpower and/or Revenge into the picture ā€“ something different.

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H90 must increase damage of all primary skills, overpower skill (we also need rework saffron wrap) and revenge skill. We also need bonus to ignore pain.
Blizz! Give it us pls.

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Hoping we see a PTR patch today since itā€™s been a week.


I was thinking of a similar strategy to actually get value from Terrify, but using Ground Stomp first- because (get ready for unpopular opinion) I think WoTB is actually a noob trap for this set :grimacing:
(cc reduction rolls on gear/ jugg passive may be needed tho)

Iā€™m thinking the best strategy may be to forget cooldown and WoTB altogether and use pixel-stomps+Terrify on your CoE physical cycle to do massive damage via Bloodshed and AD rolls (in place of cdr rolls).

The rotation would be to stomp+shout ONLY at the end of lightning cycle to get max value from both the stun and fear (terrify should still aoe fear for ~3.3 secs after stomp without inspiring passive)

Concept build for this setup: https://ptr.d3planner.com/699300772



I was trying a few setup to get many CDR, but always itā€™s damage descreasing. No perma Wrath is painful so much. I hope it will be anyway.
Maybe rune for Frenzy, which needed resource and Zodiak worked aswell. Maybe new bracers for CDR of Wrath? Feel free to get up best way.

on a side note i found a primal EF last night :slight_smile:


I think if you want to pull with this build loads of moobs and even more with Ground Stomp, without WoTB youā€™re literally done when you get any CC in the middle of that pool.

If you want to play this build trying to pull enemies to save time (apart that you will need to do that without having perma inmune to CC) you need to save your WoTB or IP to enter in the middle of a pull to do your damage (for obvius reason WoTB with Morticks is much better option).

The build have lack of damage, thatā€™s for sure, we need an extra legendary power that buff frenzy, or any other review to set to focus in primary skills and not only on frenzy, the rest is just an option for blizzard, i mean, be more squishy not implicit you canā€™t clear higher rifts, is frustrating dying a lot of times, but how I said will depend on blizzard if they want that barbarians have another hard build to play.