Bane of the Powerful levelling

It might be worthwhile to do something like this where you just gain flat 30% Damage and 15% DR – the percentage doubles after you kill an elite.

Gain XX% increased damage and take XX% reduced damage. (Requires Rank 25)
This effect is doubled for XX.X seconds after killing an elite pack.

We can also do something like this with the max value at 35% - 40%.

The first 3 enemies hit take XX% increased damage. (Requires Rank 25)
This effect is doubled when you hit an elite.

This type of effect is great for precision builds like Impale, Invoker, H90, Blessed Shield, even Natalya’s etc.

Haha, turns out the strongest Barb build uses Invigorating pretty often!

I’m currently testing my limits on a build where my character does no direct damage (pets only), so yes. I am unable to stack stricken with this build. Kinda want to see how far it can go like that, and what options I might have. A 127 so far, but that is with all the season bonuses.

Let me guess, autofiring Sentries using rockets or piercing bolts.

Phalanx build actually

Invigorating – CC Immunity is good utility, but they may want to look into this one increasing life per hit too. I

Mirinae – Perhaps the gem level should influence the chance to proc up to 100% and the secondary effect should allow two smites per enemy hit.

Boyarskys – this one is at least used, but… I never notice the taunt.

Moratorium – This one is just strange. Since it revolves around time – maybe revise the secondary to 10% chance on being hit to clear all damage and reduce your cooldowns by 4 seconds. Something like that would be huge for Crusaders, think AoV as a replacement for Esoteric Alteration.

I started to look at my old gem rework suggestions post.

Ahh I see, Judgement spam. It goes fairly high like that. Eventually you’ll be able to equip RoRG and cube Squirt’s amulet. One thing, Khassar’s helm won’t increase your damage, it just helps you recast Avatars faster. But if you have 67% CDR, you don’t need Khassar’s at all. So if you keep wanting to play this way:

  • Strongarms + Khassar’s → Guardian’s Jeopardy
  • Unity → RoRG
  • Cube Squirt’s Amulet
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Just running the Kassars until something decent drops. Been focusing my reforges and upgrades on getting a better weapon first. I have RoRG in cube slot, but since I suck at dodging (esp this season with a torn tendon in my mouse arm) I die wayyyy too fast with Squirts. I tried the guardians and it raised survival but my clear time went down for some weird reason. I just figured it was some odd interaction with the season stuff so gave up.

Interesting, I’ll have to revisit it at some point.

Could be my stats on them, but they had good rolls (better than my strongarm and kassar), so I just thought that the kassar thing might be factoring into the CDR calc for damage done by pets with the captain crimson and something with the altar. I didn’t do any experimenting to ID, since playing is a bit too painful to tweak and retry for gear when I already have something that seems to work better, and I’m already tweaking skills to try odd pushes.

Yeah good point. I would think there would always be a low level gem to level anyway so unless you don’t want to start levelling another one because you only use whispers for augments it would make sense to me to just level them and keep BotP there.

if you do not kill the minions, you will not get the buff.

On speed runs, there is no reason to kill minions and having high Bane of Powerful level matters.

I don’t know about that… Aren’t speed builds supposed to be so strong that everything, at the difficulty level, is obliterated and the extra orbs are a part of the speed… and if In-Geom is used the whole pack needs to die.

This is very very true.

However, being very strong does not imply you can kill the minions that run away before you killed the yellow champion.

If you have 2 minutes on your Bane of the Powerful buff, you can afford to ignore that minion and move on to the next pack.

This is fair point considering that in about 95% of the rare elite packs there’s one minion who deliberately tries to sod off immediatelly so that the player can’t refresh the buff.

Since they where implemented I’ve had no reason to use anything else. So far I’ve always had access to more Whispers than items to spend them on.

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Yeah me too. Feel more gem bottle-necked than whisper, but that just means do a puzzle ring instead of putting it off till later. Or like at the moment I don’t have any but I do have 7 screams saved up for when I need another augment (other than the one I have but forgot to do).

Although what I do like about it is that I would usually stop upgrading my equipped gems below 60% to spend it on augment upgrades until it was final push prep time and now you have no reason to not go for even the 1% for the most part.

Why is that?

I checked @Irias guide and it is (BoP) listed as an exclusive multiplier. 1.2 when active.

As far as the level up I guess it might be worth it when a Rift boss fight takes a long time to kill. Having a long duration gives you more time available from last elite kill to boss kill.

The secondary effect is additive with Aughild’s and The Furnace bonuses. And the elite bonuses from the Altar as well.

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Cheers bud, my bad.

Focused too much on the main ability.