Bane of the Powerful levelling

Interesting, I’ll have to revisit it at some point.

Could be my stats on them, but they had good rolls (better than my strongarm and kassar), so I just thought that the kassar thing might be factoring into the CDR calc for damage done by pets with the captain crimson and something with the altar. I didn’t do any experimenting to ID, since playing is a bit too painful to tweak and retry for gear when I already have something that seems to work better, and I’m already tweaking skills to try odd pushes.

Yeah good point. I would think there would always be a low level gem to level anyway so unless you don’t want to start levelling another one because you only use whispers for augments it would make sense to me to just level them and keep BotP there.

if you do not kill the minions, you will not get the buff.

On speed runs, there is no reason to kill minions and having high Bane of Powerful level matters.

I don’t know about that… Aren’t speed builds supposed to be so strong that everything, at the difficulty level, is obliterated and the extra orbs are a part of the speed… and if In-Geom is used the whole pack needs to die.

This is very very true.

However, being very strong does not imply you can kill the minions that run away before you killed the yellow champion.

If you have 2 minutes on your Bane of the Powerful buff, you can afford to ignore that minion and move on to the next pack.

This is fair point considering that in about 95% of the rare elite packs there’s one minion who deliberately tries to sod off immediatelly so that the player can’t refresh the buff.

Since they where implemented I’ve had no reason to use anything else. So far I’ve always had access to more Whispers than items to spend them on.

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Yeah me too. Feel more gem bottle-necked than whisper, but that just means do a puzzle ring instead of putting it off till later. Or like at the moment I don’t have any but I do have 7 screams saved up for when I need another augment (other than the one I have but forgot to do).

Although what I do like about it is that I would usually stop upgrading my equipped gems below 60% to spend it on augment upgrades until it was final push prep time and now you have no reason to not go for even the 1% for the most part.

Why is that?

I checked @Irias guide and it is (BoP) listed as an exclusive multiplier. 1.2 when active.

As far as the level up I guess it might be worth it when a Rift boss fight takes a long time to kill. Having a long duration gives you more time available from last elite kill to boss kill.

The secondary effect is additive with Aughild’s and The Furnace bonuses. And the elite bonuses from the Altar as well.

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Cheers bud, my bad.

Focused too much on the main ability.

20% dmg to everything and 15% dmg to Elites + 15% Reduced dmg from Elites is not bad… Not sure why people want a rework.

I can only assume that many people here don’t play a class that can use it in one of it’s builds or they don’t push 140+ Rifts. There are times where having the full 3 minutes is useful. You don’t want it falling off 60 seconds after you get the buff when you try to get 2-3 packs stacked.

I use it over stricken now in 150’s solo. I guess if you don’t push high GR’s and understand the intricate nature of player power it can seem useless to level it higher then 25… but certain builds will excel at taking advantage of the 3 minutes it’s up (at 150).

In order to do higher rifts you spend time rounding up large hordes to improve clear times with high Area DMG. If your BOP drops off because you only have it lasting the level 25 time (not sure exactly what it is) then you essentially just tanked your dps because you think it’s useless to level higher.

Valid point here also. It’s all about how fast you clear the rift to the guardian. If it takes you over 3 minutes to kill the RG - it’s a strong sign you should be running stricken and drop a couple rift levels. There is a balance here that is hard to explain unless you are constantly trying to clear higher rifts. Every second counts and balancing your time spent on clearing to the RG and how long it takes to kill that RG is important.