Ban wave before ptr?

Is it possible to finally get the +1k hours accounts in SSF out of the game? ANY ban wave? Hellooo? ty


I don’t really care about a ban wave before the PTR. But, it would be nice to have a ban wave before the Season start.


Would be nice to have a real ban wave period. Stop waiting until it’s too late or the “trust us, we banned people” while the same 24 hour players remain.


I’d settle for just having a PTR at this point.


At this point, it seems like even many of my friends resorted to botting as well. Truly sad what this game has become.

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I’ve said this before, another game I played run by SE, they say botting is illegal but 95% of people do it. It’s so bad, if you don’t bot, you’ll never keep up. I refused to, so I quit.

Yes, very sad indeed

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Roughly 95% of all drivers ignore roughly 95% of all driving laws roughly 95% of the time. “The usual 5 miles above” (or however many KM’s above, if you’re from countries that make sense) is, strictly speaking, breaking the law. And you can get ticketed for it. And people have been ticketed for it.

Now, sometimes those tickets get thrown out in court. Other times they stick. Even when thrown out though, at least in my country, you’re still on the hook for court fees. I’m speaking from literal personal experience here. And of course, you’re out the time and effort going TO the court (which one you go to is based on where you were ticketed, as opposed to where you geographically call home), as well as the inconvenience of being decidedly more late to wherever you were speeding to, due to the traffic stop. And the stigma of being “that guy” who was pulled over. And the fact that you no longer have the “good driving record” safety net for the next 5 years.

The only difference between that, and this, is that we SEE the cops on the road (eventually). We don’t see Blizz’s enforcement. And so when a prominent person skirts the law (streamer), or when we see/feel the CRIME that’s happening (leaderboard bots), it makes us feel like we should “exploit early, exploit often.” And, might could be someone never gets caught, never gets punished. Some people smoke their entire lives without ever getting cancer. Some murderers never get arrested.

But there’s a reason I drive like an old grandma these days. And it’s not because I enjoy when I’m found to be “driving too close in front of you.” It’s rather because I got burned, learned my lesson, and decided that some laws just aren’t worth the hassle of disregarding even if the perceived risk is low and the laws themselves seem stupid in the moment.

I’ve never heard of a single person ever getting arrested while speeding to a hospital for an actual emergency. I’ve also never heard of a single person being proven false-positive-banned for botting in Diablo 3. But I have heard of plenty of people bemoaning that speeders, bots, and cops, all exist. It’s all just a matter of what you’re willing to live with, in terms of consequences.

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In my example, I’m not talking about skating the line, I’m talking about actual botting. In the game I’m referring to, the same people openly admit they click “START”, go to bed, come back 8-9 hours later and are that much more progressed. To improve your character level/stats in that game, you can stay in 1 spot, kill monsters over and over while they respawn.

You’re right, we do not see Blizzard’s enforcement. We only go by their “trust me” statements which are highly suspect by most anyone I’ve seen.

I don’t remember if I have heard of anyone getting false positive banned in D3 but I have in other Blizzard games. I myself have gotten a false positive ban once from a Blizzard game that took 6 appeals before someone apologized, said I did nothing wrong and overturned it.

But you’re right, it’s all about what you want to live with. I didn’t want to live in a game where cheaters thrive and the only way to keep up is to follow suit, so I left for greener grass.

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Since one can see the in game PC leaderboards as well as Maxroll leaderboards, the fact that Blizzard bans PC accounts is an undeniable fact. It is not “trust me” but verifiable fact.

One can argue about how many cheaters are not banned, but a subset of PC cheating accounts are banned.


“Don’t be a socket, everyone knows you’re a socket, even I’ve no proof, someone said it on another topic. I just want to troll the forum.”

Oops, I got ahead of our dear friend :man_shrugging:

To our dear friend: I’m not a socket of MicroRNA

Second thing to our dear friend: forget the “hidden profile” side, it has already been explained several times why some people do not want to see their public profile, but the profiles are always accessible.


If you sometimes look at the group leaderboards ingame and see bunch of clears with missing members (clears with 1 or 2 players on the 4-player board), those missing players obviously have been culled.

It’d be better if those clears were completely deleted since they were achieved through cheating but then we wouldn’t see the bans happening, would we?

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I even suggested on a certain thread that all the clan(s) be banned, in case of banishment of one of the “players”.

That would make a good cleanup. And I don’t think the banned “Oh darn, I didn’t know I was playing with such a player” players will come and complain on the forum :clown_face:

Just ban the player, the group, and the clan.
Problem solved? No? But it can help.

Solo (SFF) is another problem

This is actually not correct.

If players A, B, C, and D get 4 man LB spot X, and then players A and B help players E and F get 4 man LB spot X + 5, only players E and F will show on spot X + 5.

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Blizzard please do a ban wave so a few people can get on the cheater boards. :pray:

Your “solution” is to ban an entire clan because some of them were found to be cheating?
So, banning players that haven’t been proved to be cheating because of players that have?


Yes, because players know who they are playing with :slightly_smiling_face:

Innocence is fine for 2 seconds, but some people take advantage of it very happily and then come and tell you “Oh, I didn’t know!”

Guilty by association.  

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Innocence is the presumption, i.e. unless you can show they’re guilty, you don’t punish them. Sorry, but your idea of punishing potentially innocent players, because they played some games with players that cheated, is just plain awful.

If your neighbour was a burglar, should you go to prison too when they catch him?


I played SSF and climbed to top 5 but I always quit as soon as I see a bunch of other players who are 1k higher than me suddenly beat my rank out of the blue. And that is about 2 or 3 weeks into every season. I myself always play 20 hours a day when season comes out but always quit couple weeks or three after just for that very reason. Not saying they are cheating but I can’t fathom how they get that high in paragon in Self Found Mode without playing the game 24/7 without sleeping at all. To top it off, they also have high paragon in non-self found to begin with (if you view their profiles) which makes absolutely zero sense.

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Some clans are well knowed to bot/cheat. Again, I want to think some players are innocent, but I have stopped being gullible.
The “everyone is innocent until proven guilty” side, there comes a time when you have to stop, or else you don’t see what’s happening.

As long as I didn’t take advantage of the thief in any way, there’s no reason to get banned.