Ban wave before ptr?

But you’re suggesting players in the same clan as cheats, whether they played with the cheats or not, should get banned, i.e. the players that didn’t take advantage still get punished under your suggestion.

I’m talking about the well-known clans, not the clan with 2 people.

And while I’m at it, same thing for the leaderboard.
If one of the players turns out to be a cheater, ban all the players in the group.

I know you want to be the defender of the widow, the orphan and maths, but be honest, the top of the leaderboard is not healthy and innocent.

Let’s take the example of the first WD on the solo EU LB:
About 20 hours of play per day (1500 hours for 75 days of season).
Mathematically, it’s possible.
But only mathematically.

Oh I forgot: first season for this player, surely someone who forgot their account password :innocent:

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I’m with Strix on this one.

“Benefit of the Doubt” is literally what allows cheating to thrive. Disregarding gray area collateral and going nuclear on cheating is an effective strategy. Not in terms of “preventing cheats” (that’s impossible) but in terms of “preserving integrity” (which is paramount for any competition). Even Pokemon does this better than D3. You get caught doing the thing at VGC? Nintendo doesn’t stop at “you’re banned from tourneys” or even “your account is locked” - they brick your SYSTEM, dude. They render it completely unable to receive any formal updates, which means NOTHING official whatsoever anymore on that console.

And that’s on top of permabanning your account. In addition to the game itself or any game-specific consequences.

That’s why there’s such a kerfluffle when someone’s Aegislash pops out from the wrong ball. This is why so many people make such a big deal over genned vs legit. It’s not enough to have all the 0’s and 1’s lined up. False bans have definitely happened, and you know what the formal response has ALWAYS been? “GG no Re.”

And yet, Pokemon remains THE most successful franchise in gaming history. And they DESTROY cheaters when they catch them. No mercy. No second chances. Diablo 3 could learn a thing or two from them.

If you had suggested that any clear on the leaderboard that contained a player banned for cheating, should result in all four of the players having that clear removed, I’d be a bit more inclined to agree with it but outright banning someone’s entire account because they played with someone that cheated? Nope, never going to get me to think that’s a good idea for the simple reason that you’re potentially punishing the innocent / inadvertent,

No, not publicly punishing cheats is what allows it to thrive. Punishing innocent players isn’t going to result in anything other than bad press, bad word of mouth, and players being warned away from ever starting to play a game run by a company that might punish them for not cheating.


Don’t hold your breath for it

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Potato, tomato :person_shrugging:

Who’s genuinely “thinking of starting” Diablo 3 these days? What potentially untapped base are we trying to invite into our fold?

All of this is pointless regardless, as evidenced by the multi-thousand post thread about cheaters that’s still up and running about this very topic. But were I Blizz, I’d just throw the hammer down. Or, I’d give up entirely.

Trying to navigate the murky middle ground is only costing them resources and causing us headaches.

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The point is, if a company was willing to ban players for not cheating then any game that company made in the future should be avoided, not just that game.

I agree with Meteorblade on this. It is not morally correct to punish innocents (or clan mates fir that matter) who may not have known that they played with a cheater.

Once a cheater has been caught more than once, they should have all their D3 accounts permanently banned.

Two hidden replies after your post and counting all, 1/3 of this thread are hidden. Is this subject a troll magnet or something?

You’re not wrong, there are few (if any) people starting up Diablo 3. Most of any newer gamers are gravitating towards Diablo 4, if anything. In another forum I post on, there have been several “Should I play D3 or D4?” threads and all of them end up with the OP saying they picked D4.

I believe Blizzard has basically (or completely) just given up entirely, as you mentioned. I believe a lot of their comments are just PR damage control to get naive people thinking they take more action (or any action) than they really do because they know tinfoil sleuths will bite it every single time.