Bag of Fortune no longer drops 1 B gold? Oh, well, no more instant 70 trick. Gonna slog it out the old fashioned way.
See the last blue post on PTR, where changes are mentioned. Gold was removed from bag.
Hadn’t made it that far. Not a big deal, really.
Actually it says it’s in the Bag of Fortune in the patch notes.
PTR Bag of Fortune
- Added: 1 billion Gold
- Added: 3 of all Flawless Royal Gems
- Added: 3 of all Imperial Gems
- Added: 3 of all Hellfire Materials
- Added: 5 Greater Rift Keystone
- Patch 2.7.3 Items
Yes, and in the stickied thread
it says…
- Removed Gold from PTR Bag of Fortune
That’s because they coded so much gold into the bag that it actually caused some sort of variable overflow, because when the bag was opened, it displayed a really large, negative number (over 2 billion) as the gold amount. The PTR bags were the cause of server instability and, presumably, the gold value was the cause of that.
The jewelry bags have Puzzle Rings in them, so that provides a gold boost in lieu of the gold removed from the fortune bag.
See the 2 posts above yours.
I had noticed my first try on Thurs with the fortune bag I got like 300k gold, then none in bags last night and today - so good to know intended.
Especially when it seems like most of the set pieces I got from Set Bag dropped with +GF and then snagged an ancient puzzle - I’m ok with half a bil for testing
I wasn’t worried about the gold for the gold’s sake - I was more interested in the ‘instant 70’ trick that you could do with it. But it’s all good since I had already did it with a WD and a Monk before the 1B was removed. Only when trying it with a DH did I realize that option was kaput. I’ll slog it out the old fashioned way, which isn’t that difficult to begin with.