Baal runs have got to go


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True! I haven’t thought about that yet, but Baal runs are going to be hard actually. There are so many people, who don’t know the game well, that a lot of Baal runs are actually going to wipe.

If bots aren’t around or are around in much smaller numbers the insane baal runs where you join “cbaalz-1973” will be gone, nobody physically runs for 72 hours straight without a bot

No need to get rid of Baal Runs, It’s people choice if they want to leveling up a bit faster. Not your choice, everyone have a choice. I was OK with baal runs. I did different runs, Andariel Runs, Mephisto Runs and Diablo Runs and more.
If you don’t like to Baal Runs, why are you here? Just don’t Baal Run.
I know It’s not the funniest to do, but let others Baal Run If they wants to do that.

And. . .
If you are scared about Botting, then Blizzard have to be more serious about banning cheaters once every 2 weeks.

this is one of the part i dislike patch 1,10 to 1,14

baal run allow player to dont play the game 1 or 2 op player just have to kill the monster and all other player just have to stay afk and dont play the game compare diablo you have no choice to move around and the same for cow level , patch 1,09 remain the true diablo experience

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Ball run are fine there will be no bot running. So most pepole will run chaos run anyway and if you see a bot. Please report them ! :slight_smile:

Baal runs are fine. They’ll be much harder without people in op/duped gear carrying on bots.

what is fine using enigma to skip running to baal ? and after 2 player kill the room and all the party stay afk ? , is not what a call playing the game , at leat in 1.09 you have to make cow level and can not stay afk in cow level or you die so quick :slight_smile: at least you have to play the game, but he all know player of today like easy free stuff

Personally I really love Baal runs. I like doing all kinds of MF runs come to think of it;

You don’t even need teleport for baal runs. On hc mode in private servers, I used to run to baal in hell on a barbarian early in the season, because people were too scared to teleport there and certain mobs on the way there are so dangerous. There are patterns to quickly get to the throne of destruction.

agree but . i speak on average this is what players do

Ive played the game since 1.04 1.05 i know what it use to be. The lod ball/chaos meta is way better if you want to play like in 1.09 play classic D2.

Personally, back in the past I enjoyed the cows meta back when they gave best xp. The only problem of course is that cows are way too easy to be the most rewarding content. I agree that since chaos/baal are some of the hardest content in the game (outside ubers obviously), that they should be more rewarding.

classic die the day pre lod patch release :frowning: also synergies is so bad 60 point to have 1 good skill :frowning:

the best time for playing classic is every patch before pre lod patch and for lod is 1.09 , in classic my 350 lance iceblink barbarian use to make river of flame down :slight_smile: i never go to chaos because iron maiden kill melee :slight_smile: . i let player clean chaos and after i pk them and kill diablo lol

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It’s easier to agree to have the same game than to get on the same boat about how the game will be changed. Everyone here knows how Diablo 2 plays, but only you know how Magus’s Diablo 2 would play.

It doesn’t take that many Baal runs to get on the level to solo some stuff comfortably on hell difficulty,.

Ur right this game is easy to level and even if they nerf ball run Chaos run will still be here O.o…

Btw a little hint for all of you who think its a good idea Chaos Run give more exp over all then Ballrun :slight_smile:

if you think diablo 2 has a too low drop rate and or the ladder season are too short i made a guide for you :slight_smile: Guide To Loot Rate / And Shorter Ladder Season

They shouldn’t touch a damn thing with regards to balance, xp, gear, etc. Etc. The ONLY thing I can agree with is getting rid of stamina and shared loot.

They do. 85 areas have the highest chance. However, if you wanna target some lower item level BIS (say a SoJ) you might wanna farm at a lower level area, perhaps on a lower difficulty, in order to exclude all the higher level items from the loot table.

I wouldn’t necessarily mind Blizzard implementing a mode, where everything is scaled to 85.
It would certainly help with some variety, as you’d be able to get goof exp everywhere. It would also help with server stability if people didn’t just do few areas within several minutes, then exit and start a new game.

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Terrible idea …

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You will have the option to play classic (No Act 5) or LOD. My suggestion is just play classic it was a harder game anyway. Lod added QoL improvements but also made the game easier.