I augmented a level 51 gem of ease and 9 topaz gems into an ancient legendary helm (firebird, which also had a ruby gem socketed), the cube “seemed to” proceess the augment, however it ate the gem of ease and didn’t apply the augment.
I also was not credited for the conqueror season journey step “power amplification”
You forgot to put the topazes into the Cube before clicking Transmute.
This causes the Work of Cathan recipe to be used instead of Caldesann’s Despair.
That recipe removes the level requirement on the item.
You can tell this is what happened by looking at Wizzy’s gear in the armoury site. Hover your mouse over your helm, and compare it against another piece of the set…
This is covered in the stickied thread at the top of the forum…
Actually the topazes were in there but there were 9 of them. I guess it has to be exactly three to honor the recipe instead of just a minimum of 3 (out of laziness to split them up in my bags). Good to know! -_-; However it sucks because I spent so much time getting that gem to 50 >.<
I’m not sure that it has to be exactly 3, but I’ve never tested putting more than 3 for obvious reasons.
Just to be clear, the recipe does not call for 3 Topaz. It calls for 3 Flawless Royal Topaz (or other Flawless Royal Gems).
If I’m understanding you correctly, you put in the Cube:
An Ancient Legendary Firebird’s Plume
A Rank 51 Gem of Ease
9 Flawless Royal Topaz
If this is the case, thanks for the warning. (Although, I NEVER use Gem of Ease to Augment gear).
On the other hand, if you used 9 Topaz, the recipe would have interpreted it as the Work of Cathan (Remove Level Requirement).
Tip: Never use the Gem of Ease to Augment gear. Then, if you put the wrong Gems or forget to put the Gems in you’ll get an error message instead of unintentional results and the loss of your Rank 50 or higher Gem of Ease.
The GoE works fine for augmenting. You just have to be careful. You can put more than 3 flawless royal gems. The recipe is smart enough to only use 3 of them.