Are the new wiz/barb sets as bad as people are saying?

are they actually terrible or are people overreactiong? overreaction seems to be a common theme here.


barb set is doing ok from what I see… wiz set tho… ya its really bad!

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Speaking of wiz set, TV.

Is not bad regarding the mechanics. Could it have been better? Sure, would have loved a non-channel set, but probably we will have to wait till the balance patch to remove ew+es and adjust all sets / legendaries to work without it.

You won’t lose hydra heads because you will use shields (from talents and gear, heck can even use gem for that if you play HC and want the biggest shield). Obviously if you take more damage than your shield capacity and drop the shield and get hit, you will lose 1 hydra head (it has 2s ICD now) which means you will lose 1300% dmg and 8% DR which is not the end of the world if you move to let your shield regen.

However that means that you are trying content that is too difficult for your gear / paragon and shouldn’t attempt that yet, just level paragon and upgrade / improve your gear & gems before attempting the higher GR.

What is bad about it is the damage. It’s subpar compared to rest of the sets - the new released ones - as well as worse than 2 existing ones for wizard (Vyr’s and LoD).

They need to further increase the coefficient on 6pc bonus if they don’t want to bump up the 2 pairing legendaries (serpent sparker and magistrate) if they think it will make LoD more powerful as well. Something like 2000% head should be the most reasonable if Sparker and magistrate remain at 300%.

It’s not unplayable if you like hydras and want to have fun, but defo not the go to for pushing (better options), and not great in groups (peeps hate aoe CC on dps in 4p), you can do GR100 with 800p+ and decent gear, but Vyr or LoD will do it faster and safer at same gear / para level (and also scale better and push faster and harder).

They can still revisit the dmg bonus and adjust it, even after S20 starts (not the first time) if the set is not doing well (not many peeps playing with it or can’t reach the mark like other sets - which it can’t), so don’t count it out completely.

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Wouldn’t need to remove death wish or etched sigil; just adjust both the items so that they only buff the channeling skills themselves; then follow up with some buffs to the other arcane spender skills via their legendary items.

Nobody would use them anymore if they would only buff channeled spells ^^

Because this would mean you would get better multipliers on your arcane spenders which will always do more damage and allow you to be mobile. The only reason they are used now is just because they buff all damage & arcane spenders cast free and with a dmg buff.

Which is why they just need to buff channeling skills only. That said, the numbers would need to be higher as channeling skills would still be lacking.

Agreed, but most likely will not happen or not any time soon. I’d rather see them bring the under-performing VT set on par with the rest of new sets for now. If we have to channel in S20 at least make it worth it hehe! :wink:

Could be a bit of both. Haven’t tested much of them but they seem to have potential.
The reason there has been an outcry is because it seemed like a nice idea that fell flat on the squishiness.
That must be the common theme on all three good dps potential but high vulnerability.
H90 still seems like it’s limping and Barb’s seems to try and find variations to fit in the 2p bonus.
Wizard’s are, from what I read, in better spot regarding damage reduction but got a huge hit on the dps.
WD seem to OK.
TBH, I think it more important that the last get’s a functional set for endgame as they have been left in the Shadow’s for too long.
Next it’s DH and Necro. Patience…

New wiz set is not terrible, but its not good either. It’s gonig to be one of those sets players just “try” then move on to the most optimized build that EVERYONE is using.

I think the Barb set has the same problem.

I think one of the biggest issues, is that no one is sure what the H90 set is supposed to do.

Are you going to use it for GR pushing?
No. WW/Rend does it better, and isn’t as squishy.

Speed GRs?
No. WW/Rend is faster

Speed normals?
No. See above

No, see above.

Someone said it’s basically HoTA play style without the damage reduction.


Yeah, I remember someone saying that…

Yeah, that’s almost what I said :joy::joy::joy:

See, I do take in some information

Because I can’t take the time to check myself

Not sure about the Wiz set, I wouldn’t call the H90 set terrible, it is a blast to play if you like hunting Elites. The Dev’s tweaked it some already, fixed a bug and gave us 2 more choices to use instead of Fear, namely, Freeze and Stun and that is GOOD!
I don’t think the Dev’s are done with this build yet and if they can give the build some more Damage Mitigation and a touch more Damage, it will be a contender. :muscle:
Try it out yourself, sarzane.

Yeah. As far as the New Barb Set is concerned. It’s fun. If you run it as a 5pc Savage/2 pc Aghild’s, it’s even more fun and it solves some of the toughness issue. With Season 20 buff, it will be even more fun.


Just got done testing both sets. Fun for the newness. there not bad but they wont last for the pushers. Theres better choices for higher clears. Reason im saying that, is wiz couldnt do a 115 when every other set i use can. (nerfed it to much)

I also wouldn’t call it terribly different from IK/HOTA.

WW REND still outperforms H90 but H90 will be fun to play kinda like Impale DH. Still haven’t tried 4man grp to see if it can be a RGK Since we clears trash pretty fast

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That is not correct, most use Them because they are the highest increases you can gain.

The issue is the same as it always has been, a lack of competetive legendaries. As most skills only have 1 weapon or 1 Orb which increases a given skill, thus you cube that and wear DW+ES for most multipliers.

So creating more choices is the best way forward, although it creates a forced items setup, but let’s face it, that’s how it is.

Barbarian new set works better than other sets even outperforms WW. Use with Aughild combo and add some life per hit to weapons and gloves.
Personally did Gr 121, paragon 1900, and did what all other builds couldn’t pass Gr 117.

For me personally Savages set is AWESOME

Use this build:

Are you going to use it for GR pushing?

Speed GRs? YES
Just as fast as WW/Rend

Speed normals? YES

Bounties? YES