Are beta characters going to reset on official release date?

Beta is coming in August… Does anyone know if we’ll get to keep the characters we create, or will they reset once the official game comes out?

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes of course they reset, it would be wholly unfair to those who didn’t play beta if we all got that head start.


the real question should be
why would you think that you would keep them ?


Beta in general never carry over, in this case it won’t include all characters and most likely Just normal but that’s an assumption so it would be odd to keep progress either way.

I’ll probably just load the beta a few times to see how it looks and get out so I can enjoy it more at launch.

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As the other guys already said. The Beta Characters will be wiped after beta. The reasons for that are easy:

  • The Beta can have bugs and glitches what that can be abused
  • It would be unfair for the People who start at the regular release Date

That’s nothing special for D2. That’s the same at almost every other Developer too.


dumb question but given what ive seen of these forums it’s no surprise

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I hate to sound like a jerk, but do people understand what a game test is? I mean, games have PTRs all the time, which is to test features in a game, and these always reset. I see this question everywhere.

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I be was actually going to ask without being snarky, has there ever been a beta where progress was saved? Everyone always asks, so maybe it happened once? I’ve never heard of it, but genuinely curious.

Yes it will be reset, basing this off historic approaches taken by Blizzard for the last 25 years.

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I saw it for a console fps rpg, Outriders. Really good game actually. Basically was D3 greater rift end game in Fps format.

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Testing to me is like a demo of a game, except for a specific function of helping game development. I think I did the test version of the 1.10 patch back in the day of D2, but never really bothered with D3s PTRs since I knew that progress wouldn’t save (and by the time seasons were introduced into D3, I had already mostly moved on to FF14). Only reason I’m interested now is to test video settings, and to test qol systems.

There were people arguing ADAMANTLY that alpha characters would be converted to online and carried over to the beta and then carry over to full release…the delusion astounds me

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Doubt it.

If they did, the would probably limit the characters to “Non-Ladder” when the Seasons officially begin.