Anyone know the order of the recycled seasons?

Or has that info not been released yet?

To my knowledge, it has not.

So far it’s been:

Theme Original Season Repeat Season
The Lords of Hell Season 25 Season 30
Forbidden Archives Season 20 Season 31
Ethereal Memory Season 24 Season 32

Obviously, it’s too soon to tell. But, if you notice a pattern you can let us know.

It doesn’t really matter to me because I’ve played through all the Season Themes and have the rewards. Now, I just play for the fun of it.

I don’t even bother completing the Altar anymore. I unlock the Seals that come easy and then concentrate on completing the Season.


AFAIK, there is no known pattern, not even what or how many different season themes will be recycled - at least nothing official.


I know what Seasonal Themes are going to be used and in what order, but I am too lazy to type them all out.


My original thoughts was that they’d start with soul shards… the most powerful theme, get the interaction with the revised altar balanced so that we’re not one shotting RGs at P200.

And then start the seasonal themes at the first one that had any real effort and isn’t redundant… namely the eternal conflict/kill streak season.

But that was season 19 and we’ve started at S20’s theme:

So who knows what the order will be.


Agree… and if we don’t find a theme fun we can always not play :rofl:

I’m enjoying sitting this season out. TBH, I’m hoping next season isn’t ethereals or crucibles (the only other seasons I’ll play). I’m expecting my house to reach practical completion around then… and knowing my luck, the internet will take ages to sort out.


The season journey to Conqueror or Guardian hasn’t been important to me in recent years. The fun to me has been to reach gr 150, or close to, solo with the most OP build, if any, of the season (necro this season :grin:).
A couple of days ago I could see that I had already gotten three conquests down just by playing the game and that I only needed to kill some act bosses and complete/master a set dungeon. The Trag’Oul dungeon turned out to be nice and easy. So now I have a nice and shiny Valor frame and a goblin pet to pick up all my treasures and loot.


I use that Valor frame and goblin pet a bit with the Crusader… I don’t have any angel wings on this account so I use the Overwatch Mercy wings as the next most suitable wings for the Sader.

For most part, I’ve been a cosmetics collector. Only seasons 28 and 30 I bothered to push in some capacity to GR150 in order to obtain a max set of gems for NS and also max my shard cap.


From what I can tell of the pattern so far…

They are picking them out of a hat sitting on the corner of the D3 server.

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I have written thoughts and pattern for this in another post on this forum today. I have a pretty good theory i must say!

We’ll probably get to know the theme about 16 days before season start.
Like if you check the Blizz Tracker:


On a different account, I played from season 1-22. I missed seasons 23-25, and started half way through 26 on this new account. The shard season (season 30 for me) was really fun. Hopefully they through in season 23 and 24. I don’t know which one was the ethereal weapons. I’d like to play that one, see what all the fuss is about. But I wouldn’t mind the crucible (was that 26 or 27?) again so I can play DMO MM this time. Last time I did Lod MM and it was really fun.

S27 is the angelic crusibels, u can search it to see what the diffrent crusibels is for each class.
On the guess part i guess angelic crusibels 12. July since soulshard season was around christmas both times, so then maybe same season on 12. July (as i say earlier ptr few yrs ago for angelic crusibels started 12. July.) Then etherals from 12. October, then soulshards again 12. Jan. Then we have 4 themes recycling at same date year after year until game dies. I think only this 4 themes will recycle since rest of themes are really weak, or now included in game. This is just s guess, so dont ban me, qualified guessing must be allowed🙂

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You can always check the stickied thread in the D3 General Discussion Forums Index.

In the meantime, I’ll save you some trouble: It was Season 24.


I hope for full spin2win DH and OP bell monk.

Thanks GhostPants and Perusoe.