I wanna prove that im one of the best if not the best d3 speedrunner, but the leaderboard is filled with times from maphacker hud cheaters. Any chance we can get this thing put on the Warden ban list? There’s a large community of us speedrunners but nobody bothers to try when cheating is rampant.
I am sure blizzard will hire some extra devs for that matter.
So i am writing a guy that is possible THE BEST D3 Speedrunner? Maaan what an honor. Do you know Karate-Kid? When they do the montage of him training? Can you maybe do a montage of you clicking mousebuttons and use some rocky balboa - music? Ty
THUD can show where pylons and the exit of current map is even if your far away, with other helpful features its pretty much maphack yeah. It gives THUD users the chance to make quicker and better decisions vs someone who doesnt use THUD in a Greater Rift. A real player without using this program can lose seconds making the wrong turns and decisions. I’ve met some players using this in S21, I know players who has been using this for months and still not get punished. Even though we clearly got an official message from a Community Manager that D3 doesnt want their players using this cheating program, I have never seen someone using this ever get punished for it. I never really cared about other players using it but if they dont want to punish players using THUD they could at least tell us so that everyone can freely use it without the fear of suddenly getting banned for using it. Would love an update regarding this from a blue.
Report them. Maybe that will help?
you know they mocked karate kid and rocky but now there is statues of those guys and they arent being torn down during the riots either, so you better watch who you make fun of because one day it could come back on you like karma, buddy.
Ehhhhhhh, like I said in my first response, I dont really care if someone uses it. I’m more towards like “lets let everyone just use it” lol. it has features that I feel like should already be in the game, It’s sad that it takes a third-party program to implement a feature that is helpful to us. Not the maphack, things like where you can see your party members CoE cycle to know when to use CC skills to do efficient damage.
Yah definatly, i was completly mocking you. I wasnt giving you a slight hint that you maybe think too high of yourself or taking this game too seriously at all.
I don’t wish any bad upon you, and i hope, one peaceful day you will get all the attention you deserve and maybe also one or two statues like kim jong un.
So even when you are no longer , people can remember the bright days where you did let your light of wisdom and skill shine upon us. What a time to be alive!
Maybe a montage isnt enough, you are right. We should start with statues of you, or a cinema movie.
I already have some ideas:
Title: The L3G1T One! Part 1: The big THUD-Battle.
Plot and Introideas:
We should have the introduction of your charakter presented in the same form like the pre-story is presented in Star-Wars. Some Orchestral Music and a Font that slowly vanishes off the screen.
Then we have a cut and the audience is confronted with the pure evil.
Some small kid that bullies his classmates. But this is not enough–> He comes home from school starts his PC and Diablo and turns on THUD. Then you see him do some speedruns and set a few new records.
Then his attention goes to some inoffical Leaderboardsite and he sees that he is 100 Places infront of you.
Dramatic Pause.
He suddently starts to laugh and his laughter starts normal but then goes into some evil maniac tone and he says to himself.
“AHAHAHA this Bravata-GUY is playing legit, he will never make it to the top”.
…dramatic pause…more evil laughter…cut.
We see you jogging through the park, lifting weights, feeding homeless people, teaching math at a university, helping out nasa with their space-missions, do pullups at home, finding a solution to the climate-crisis and the man-made pollution of our earth to save the future of our children, and clicking mousebuttons infront of your PC while you strafe through a greater rift lvl 90.
…dramatic pause.
Then you say to yourself: One day i will make it, i will beat all those Thud Users. I will beat their best time!
More montage: You start learning all map-layouts. You take screenshots of every Maplayout the game has to offer and print them out.
We see you learning those maplayouts…but not in a normal way. You have your eyes covered with some mask , a small refrence to Daredevil, until you know them by heart.
Also every movie needs a love-story. Here is some idea: We see this evil dude cheating on his Girlfriend…i mean…if he cheats in a game, how can he be reliable in a relationship, right?
One day, during one of your trainingsessions, right after you are done with jogging ( at least 40 kilometeres a day - your motto is " a good speedrunner also has to be able to run in real-life) you meet the Ex-Girlfriend of the Thud-User. Sitting there in the park, broken-hearted and feeding pigeons…
First its just a small “hi” and some smalltalk, as its also a habbit of you to feed pigeons, but then you two meet again at the homeless-shelter where she started to work and you do this as a volunteer since 5 years or more. She sees your good heart…and this is the beginning of the romantic relationship.
The montage of your first night together is filled with some one-liners that refer to your gaming-passion and diss your opponent.
You cuddle under the sheets and she says sth like: “Uhhh it looks like you are the one using map-hacks” and cool oneliners like that.
Then, when everything seems to be fine. Boom! an Economic Crisis! A Cold war between USA and China. And things start to get serious and it looks like WW3 is just around the corner.
The USA gets ready for war but then, the turnaround: The chinese government asks for another way to settle this. They say:
Lets fight this war like men. We send our best D3-Speedrunner and he has to compeed against your best D3-Speedrunner. Whoever loses has to accept the terms of the opponent.
Your big moment is finally there. We see you sitting infront of your PC again…sweating…Music from Eminem starts to play to intensify the situation “loose yourself”. And barly , just by a hair you win the competition and save millions of innocent lives !.
Donald Trump calls and asks how he can thank you for all youve done. You say: It was just a small click for me, but a big step for humanity. I dont want money…the only thing i ask for is to play fair. As it would be a better world if everybody would play fair. Therefore i want Turbo-HUD gone from Diablo 3.
This is how Turbo-Hud finally got banned. And they lived happyly ever after. The End.
Credits roll off…eminem music starts again…
I have little to no doubt that this movie will be a “great success” like borat might say it. After earning us millions and millons we can keep on milking the cash-cow and produce some merchandise.
For this we simply let you say semi-deep and meaningless stuff and act as you are the first person who ever said it. Like “never say never”. Justin Bieber is long forgotten and those weren even his words. So who gives a …
I imagine pillows with your face , staring focused at the computer-screen and a closeup of your hand clicking the left mousebutton. + This sentence on top.
And so on… and so on. So if you need a cinematographer for your first cinema-movie after your big success in D3 , give me a call. But not today, im busy doing pushups with wudjo. best regards <3

you know they mocked karate kid and rocky but now there is statues of those guys and they arent being torn down during the riots either, so you better watch who you make fun of because one day it could come back on you like karma, buddy
You do know that those are both characters in a movie and that D3 is just a video game. Right?

you maybe think to high of yourself or taking this game to seriously
Hubris - Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance. Having an overblown sense of ones abilities.
So in all your ranting, mocking or whatever, you still have not said if you think THUD users should be banned as it IS considered cheating to use maphack tools.
Perhaps other users could turn them in for a silencing like effect…not a ban but a suspension that grows. …
Personally seeing maps and knowing what’s around the corner takes all the fun out of the game, and if it’s not fun there is no point in playing.
Well i dont know. Yeah people who use map-hacks do have an advangtage, and yeah thats unfair but…i dont know im more concerened by people running autonomous bots for 24 7.
Also honestly Thud has many cool features besides that maphack that id like to see impemented in diablo 3s terrible gui
Who cares about the best speed runner… Being a speed pooper, now that’s an accomplishment worth bragging about.
But yeah THUD needs to go. Silly cheaters.
speed running only counts in HC mode. Cause death is well permanent.

you know they mocked karate kid and rocky but now there is statues of those guys and they arent being torn down during the riots either,
Gotta leave the pigeons somewhere to do their ‘business’.
dont mind me…im just coming back to edit and implement ideas for the movieplot above.
But asides from that i think Blizzard should look at THUD and implement a huge part of it. Everything but the map-hack. This would decrease the Thud userbase , would increase the game-experience and would decrease the needs for bans.
top players and speedrunners do better then casual players with or without THUD. thats why they’re tops. add a few hours per day to your training maybe that will help =)

dont mind me…im just coming back to edit and implement ideas for the movieplot above.
While i thoroughly enjoyed your movie script (read it quite a few times), it should be said that attacking him for wanting to prove something and ban a 3rd party program that’s against the rules is a bit unwarranted.
Speed running in general is a very popular thing amongst gamers, and while you may not place value upon what he is doing (i never cared for speed running either), it doesn’t mean he should be mocked. There’s a big difference between wanting to prove you’re the best, versus saying that you are the undisputed best and talking down to others. Nothing in his OP warrants the attack.
With that said, save some of your hilarious responses for actual asswholes and elitist when warranted. I wanna see more of this creativity
Well…hi Dieoxide. How shall i put it…i am sometimes a cynical " “asswhole”
Also we are two seperate people with seperate perception of things. He opened the thread with. “I wanna prove that im one of the best if not the best d3 speedrunner”.
For me this is like coming to a party…where you know nobody, opening the door and say:
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all i would like to state that i am important. My second point is that we should get rid of poverty, raciscm and world hunger
I just made a little fun of that…and then he responded kind of in the same tone and i had my cynical moment and deep-dived into my moviescript xD

Well…hi Dieoxide. How shall i put it…i am sometimes a cynical " “asswhole”
I’ve seen the similarities between you and my other PhD friend

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all i would like to state that i am important. My second point is that we should get rid of poverty, raciscm and world hunger
OP said he wants prove it to his community. He wants to be able to legitimately show that he’s want of the best and would like to remove cheats so he has a legitimate shot at this goal. The keyword here is “prove”.
The fact that his determination to be the best at something you place no value in probably has a larger factor in your response, as well as his response to your response, and so on.
Looking at the whole picture, I don’t see anything wrong with his request. Who wouldn’t want cheaters banned? Who wouldn’t want legitimacy in whatever competitive outlet the community comes up with? He thinks he can be the best if cheating wasn’t a thing. Debatable obviously, but he wasn’t talking down to anyone and shouldn’t take away from his original post.
Speaking of speed running, I was in a pub T16 rift and we cleared it in about 20 seconds. It was an openish map, two barbs and two DH’s, everyone fanned out and obliterated everything, RG spawned and instadied. Pretty quick IMO.