Another Blizzard D2R Survey Just Sent Out

Well, I’m still not refunding, I will give D2:R a go. If (in my opinion) D2:R evolves to ruin what I’ve come to love about the original Diablo 2 experience, I will always have my original game to fall back on. I have Sven’s Glide Wrapper and the installers for Diablo 2+LoD ready to spin up whenever I want to.


Ok, cats fed, tomatoes picked from the garden, and I now have coffee. Again, can’t post screenshots.

This survey was from the User Research Team. It went to a randomly selected broad group of people.

Starts with basic demographic information about age range, platforms you play on, etc.

Questions you get as you go through it seem to be adaptive based on your answers. I said I played PC only and I got no questions about Console aspects.

They wanted to know what we played, how many hours, how long ago. If we played Beta. Lots of overlap between the Beta survey and this one on questions.

Launch “options” for QoL they asked about are already there such as the clock option.

They also asked about Ladders/Seasons and possible changes for those specifically.

My gut says they are releasing with no major changes. If it happens it will be down the road.

There were a lot of general marketing/interest type questions too that you would expect.


Well that makes me feel a bit better. Thanks for sharing what you could MissC.

It sounds more like a survey for them to zero in on their future roadmap not just for D2:R, but other current and future titles.

It’s smart of them to do that, as it reduces the likelihood of future decisions flopping.

Man what a terrible company if they add ladder-only content after catering to the whims of reddit whiners and removing ladder only exclusives.

If this is what happens in the future for D2R, this is the last game I buy from Blizzard. They have zero credibility if they add ladder exclusive content after ungating ladder exclusive content.


We shall see. Giving folks all the old runewords seems realistic for now. Ladder can be an interesting way to introduce NEW content though, which would not suck right?


It would suck, if it were ladder-only. Ungating ladder-only content like they’re doing, only to turn around and create more gated content? absolutely ridiculous.

Their decision to ungate the content has created a situation where I’m not even going to play ladder anymore. If they then turn around and create new gated content, what was the point of ungating the content in the first place?

Honestly it seems like the devs don’t have any clue what they’re doing from day to day.


Not going to disagree at all with the poster directly above. There is no reason for me to play softcore ladder at all now. I don’t really buy into the ‘get level 99’ stuff. I don’t even know if i’ll play hardcore ladder either - but at least there is something left to it(the rush to level in hardcore when the game is way more dangerous on reset is fun). Softcore though? Literally no reason. Sticking additional gated content behind it when they removed the rewards already for doing it sounds weird - you might be able to justify the ladder only stuff being made available everywhere because the game isn’t launching with a ladder but it again, seems weird.

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Exactly the point. What is the point of playing the ladder without incentives? It’s too bad blizzard allowed ladder only runewords into non-ladder. I hope there’s something replacement worthy.

Yeah this is exactly it. I didn’t like the ungating of ladder only stuff, but it’s fine. I’m over it.

The problem comes with the idea of adding extra content after getting rid of this exact “problem”…why fix one problem and replace it with the exact problem you just “fixed”?

Insane. I’m losing a lot of faith in this dev team with what this beta build was. Then to add the console no-lobby system? this game seems like a rushed mess.


I am too. I think the more they ‘listen’ to some of the stuff they get as ‘feedback’ which are usually people campaigning for their own pet substantive change the closer they get away from the guard rails given to them by just being faithful to the original game which we know works and works well(and their design philosophy they had going into this - such as ‘if you could already do something to work around the issue it may get formal support - like muling’). If you go too far away you’ll find yourself lost at sea (like in d3) without much in the way to guide you other than the whims of people who don’t know very much about the game in the moment which can change pretty quickly and difficult to implement in a way that makes enough people happy.


actually , from what i understood in that survey it wasn’t about re-gating the items at all.
Rather it was to see if players would be interested in seeing new items/runesword introduced in a seasons that would be gated in ladder only for that specific ladder and then come to be available on non ladder as soon as said ladder end (a bit like many games do , i think i heard that diablo 3 did that too : temporary ladder items)


Oh great no gates!


gated for a period of 3 months =/= gated forever.
it’s more about being introduced first in a mode and then introduced to another 3 months later.
i do dig that personally , well as long as they go overboard and bring op items , low level items could be nice.

If they did this, it would be like PoE Leagues, and I think that would be great! It would give an incentive to play ladder, while testing out new content. The stuff added to ladder would make its way to non-ladder once the season is over, but since those that play non-ladder are likely to be less extreme in their gameplay, the 3 month delay in access wouldn’t be that big of a deal.


Gates can be opened, it’s why the term exists. Otherwise they’d be called “walled in forever items” or something. Ladder only gated items weren’t limited to ladder, they transferred to nonladder after each season. This is still gated content.

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it’s just a term i used , maybe you would have prefered me to say “try out first in ladder and then available in non ladder to get from drop” ?
eitherway , it’s not really the same as in this instance you can actually loot them directly in said mode afterward instead of having them from trades or ladder char only.
lots of game do this these days.

This is the opposite of true. Nonladder players are typically your more-extreme players, in that they PvP. Adding more items to the item pool every season that have an effect on the value of PvP gear in nonladder will completely ruing the Nonladder economy, and I would refund in a heartbeat if I knew this was the plan.

We were promised a remaster.


Yeah, this could still break the game, and is inviting powercreep.

Which is perfectly fine. In those games.

Itemization is primarily why I like D2, it’s far better than most arpgs. If they add items every season, this is just another flavor of the month arpg, not Diablo2.


not really , usually they aren’t that strong.
in most game they are mostly novelty / gimmicky items.
eitherway we’ll see , the devs will decide (and the survey itself )

What would be great is if they released a final update to the original game to bring it to modern, keeping everything as it is now while also retaining compatibility with glide wrappers and mods.

Those who did not purchase D2:R stay with the original graphics.

Those that purchased D2:R get the optional benefit of utilizing the enhanced graphics overlay.

Then Blizzard could finally retire the original server platform.


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