Another Blizzard D2R Survey Just Sent Out

There was a survey that you could do during the beta. This thread is about a distinct survey that was e-mailed apparently to a fraction of players from Blizzard.

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I’ve never received any of these surveys.

They asked how much experience there is in blizzard games, in particular in the Diablo series of games.

They asked how much interest there was in the Diablo series of games after beta D2R. Including DIV, D: I.

They asked if they liked the changes at the moment.

They asked if they would like changes such as: easier reset of skills, new items, new rune words, a stack of gems and runes. etc

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They even asked about the experience of playing other ARGP games. POE, Torchilght, etc.

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have you ever been any part of any blizzard or activation beta or alpha type experience?

Is it fair to say then that the survey is about sales and not content / features of the game?

I didn’t play Alpha. They didn’t give me access. But I took the survey during the closed beta test. I played a closed beta test and played an open beta test. I played for 40-50 hours

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Typically, their surveys are about what content players want with the hope of increased sales/improving a game.

It is the content. Including innovations.

there is a funny thing I keep hearing that if you click enough links on a Wikipedia page you will always end up on the philosophy section, it all comes down to sales in the end no matter how you look at it, don’t you think haha?

It does.

But if they want feedback regarding the game they are about to release then i would ask specific questions about the game and i would ask all the people who participated in the ALPHA and / or BETA

Not saying I agree that it’s legit, but people do realize it only takes like 10 minutes to mock-up a screenshot of a fake poll right?

It’s hard to believe anything with how much fake news circulates.

:arrow_down: If MissC got one, I trust her more as a news source than some rando post on shreddit. :arrow_down:

Yes. I have one. I just got up though and have not had coffee. So, yeah. have to see what is in it.

Surveys are sent to a randomly selected group. The quantity sent is based on statistical analysis of what number meets a relevant response base for the survey to be a valid sampling of X group.

Off to go fill it out now I suppose! I still need to put the coffee on and feed the cats though.

*Note - it says we can’t share the survey, but I can say that it also states they are looking for participation from a broad range of people. That might give you an idea of the random nature of the distribution.


Me and about 70ish clan members got the survey.

#NoChanges is what all of us are, if not already put. There is a rather large private forum with many OG players putting the same.

Even though Rod Ferguson said recently “It’s not about most votes”

Typically the loudest voice wins and we aren’t staying quiet.


So if theres a new survey then ima little bit concerned that it seems very picky.
I always feel like they should ask everyone who has preordered and especially veterans that played for much longer than everyone else.

Like veterans usually know whats balanced and what currently isnt useful in terms of balancing.
A widespread audience however can bring up amazing ideas and that should been talked about before implementing something bigger.

Like the way they could do that is to make forum polls for every change or idea so everyone has a vote and then test it out in some sort of second ladder kind of style, while the normal ladder remains untouched. If the feedback then is great after testing for a ladder period or may be negative, then based on that they could add it or not.
Thats the way i wish changes would be implemented, atleast nobody can then say that theres unwanted changes happening.
If then theres 50/50 votes or 60/40 they could think about making both playerbases happy or atleast not make anyone upset.

I wouldnt mind in example if they change some skill bonuses of the bad ones to make them viable, because it would be pure variety for all players and hence we get more toys and a better time.
Same with a new expansion, if it expands content without overwriting any old one and just adding new things that dont replace existing items, well… if it is well made i would buy it.
But in example reaper of souls expansion has made alot of things useless in the game, if that would happen id say NO.
Same with WoW Expansions, they usually dont expand, they replace things.
Expansions only exist in D2 LoD, Warcraft 3 TFT and Starcraft, the other games cant be called expansions at all.


If they steer D2:R in the direction of survey takers, that doesn’t make me feel too great about the future of D2:R. D2+D3+PoE+PD2+many other ARPGs hybrid anyone? :confused:

Hopefully they’re just collecting data points for Diablo 4.


Alot of overlap in their questions between the other surveys. I guess between 3 official ones, the reddit one, and 3 llama ones, they better have plenty of data.

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this smells really good for D2r if they are even considering Improving the game with changes

Purists will be happy on launch with a Basic game but Blizzard needs to keep people hooked to Diablo franchise until D4 comes out

A base D2r wont keep masses for 2 years, so they need to improve the game

Make a D2r Legacy option for purists and improve the game with content patches for those with a brain that aren’t entitled whinny babies nostalgic of a past life they préfères over their current one


i got it too , a few hours ago in my case.

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