Angels in Diablo 4?

Tyrael had troubles concealing himself from Uldyssians brother who barely had an understanding of how to use his powers.

As for Tyrael, I’m pretty sure he is mortal and can die. He has to eat. That tells me he’s mortal. As for how long he can live? Any guess is as good as mine. Rymire after Blizzcon 2019 was the guy in the gameplay trailer was talking to Tyrael’s grave.

My theory as to why the gates closed is simple. Because Tyrael cast the deciding vote to save humanity, something Imperius didn’t want and Tyrael’s continued support/interference directly led to the destruction of the Worldstone, the empowerment of humanity back to their Nephalem glory(well a handful at least), and the destruction of the High Heavens.

The last thing Imperius want’s is ties yo Sanctuary and a way for demons tonget back in.

It is not about corrupting them :slight_smile:

Try to see it frome the Perspective of old Houses or Royality.
The don´t see them as something living … They are just “Things” , Abominations and lower than Animals.

Or what do you think, the old Bloodlines till today, view the screaming People out there ?
There is a given since anciant Times and this doesn´t change, no matter how loud some might howl.

I understand that he’s mortal in the sense that he has to eat and that he can be slain, but I’m not sure if old age would eventually do him in; and if it can, I’m unsure of how long he can live. I think the Storm of Light hinted at Tyrael pondering about that, but I don’t remember it giving a clear answer. I’d probably have to read it again.

I do also think that the graveyard we saw in the 2019 gameplay trailer is his, however as far as I know, there’s no confirmation, so tis mere speculation on my part (just as most of what I’ve written).

Understandable, but it’s not like the demons need to go to Sanctuary in order to get to the High Heavens, because according to Tyrael, there was at least five times the forces of Hell managed to make their way to the Gates of Heaven before the events of Diablo 3. And considering that the discovery of Sanctuary had brought the Eternal Conflict to a halt, I think it’s safe to say that this was done before Sanctuary’s creation.

Well I’m mostly referring to some of Hell that wants to win Humanity to it’s side so they gain the advantage they need to win the Eternal Conflict. That was one of the main purposes for Baal attempting to corrupt the Worldstone back in Diablo 2, to corrupt all of humanity.

I don’t think that the gates of Heaven being closed explain alone the lack of news from Angels. I mean, gates should be closed, Angels quarantined because of Covid, phones confiscated, and fiber down.

angels have never been very prominent in diablo apart from D3
because its a common rule that they arent allowed to show themselves to the mortal world
thyrael is an exception

Exactly. But still when they don’t want to come to us, we could see them.
we just have to go to them.

Some humans did it before.

  • In diablo2 the champions entered the Pandemonium Fortress with Tyrael, from Act 3 to Act 4. Nobody said, that the gate is still open/closed or could/n’t reopen.
  • in diablo3 it was the nephalem possible to enter the high heavens too
  • if both ways not possible for us, we can find another way to there. now the soulstone is away, so neither the inarius effect nor the udyssian effect to him (to keep the nephalem might of the humans low) work further. the humans will get their nephalem power and their rights back.

so my opinion is like before, we will see angels.

here is a repost of my earlier posting some days before which was deleted for no comprehensible reasons.
before that person do it again, i will show u what GM Thakerrile wrote to me

so no reason to complain my posting, huh? :wink:

but i replace some words - not extra for the sensitive user who reported me - but of course for her/him/diverse too.

here it is:

Hey friends,
yeah, i believe we can or have to fight vs. angels.

Why i think so?
Let me explain.

We know the great conflict is going on and never ends.
So imagine, how we would action as Demon-Lord to win it?
… maybe they think like this:
At the moment we have two enemies:
a) the angels
b) the Nephalem

So, how it would be, when we can let them do the job for us? Would be very fine.
So first we care about to unleash Lillith, cause she can awake the Nephalems might of the humans. After that, ask the humans/new Nephalem, who has killed 9of10 humans?

It was an Angel - Malthael and his Souleaters.

Now explain them their forgotten history, that at one point at history another angel nearly killed all the humans - Inarius.

And tell them too, that Lillith was the one, who awake the Nephalem might of Uldyssian so he could stop Inarius. (Dont tell them the whole story, u are a demon and u have to lie a lil bit)

After u triggered the hate of the humans/now Nephalem against the angels and gave them the nephalem power back, they can start to going in the high heavens to take revenge for Inarius and Malthael sins. If that happens, some Angels would try again to destroy sanctuary included the humans/nephalem.

When it happens, Imperius will be in rage and
although the Angiris court (i think Tyrael is still a member of it) vote against to destroy the whole sanctuary, some angels will fight against the humans.

In d2 it was Izual. In d3 Malthael. So in d4 maybe Imperius?

After Nephalem and Angels figthed a lot, and weaked each other, it’s time for the hell to enter and win the game/conflict.

Could be Mephistos strategy - theoretical. But he doesnt know about us - the playerz.
We are the champions, who stop him to realize his plans.

In sanctuary we fight vs. demons and the rest of Malthaels Soul Eaters.

After that we go to heaven to stop our Nephalem brothers revenge, who are infected from Lilliths words.

And after that, we have to go to hell and [replaced word] kill the demonlords.

Maybe we kill both - all angels and demons. So the great conflict ends and anu is back (before he shared himself into a full good anu and Tathamet) in us.

So yes, i see the possibility we will see angels again. :wink:
Peace and out. And sorry for my grammar - my english is not so good but i give my best and hope u can understand -------------------

They mentioned closing the door to day they left us on our own.

at min. 27:18

Just leave the Heavens out of it. Never should have been added.

I would definitely appreciate it if very rarely angels also flowed in storywise as a highlight. Tyrael was also there in D2. The fight against Baal’s physical vessel was also shown with Tyrael in Act 2, looking back.

But this kind of angels should not degenerate to a kind of incidentality. And they should not support the people, so also the hero as the good guys in that sense. But they should also pursue selfish goals and not serve the typical role distribution of good and evil, that would devalue D4 much too much.
The angels are also true to their own goals and idioms.

In addition, if the whole should be rare and perhaps not even directly connected to the player story. The angels could somewhere their own Schlachtz beat and we the players join there only by chance.

It doesn’t have to be all about us. It would even be desirable if the world works through its own laws and rules so that it also stands for itself and we are not the center.
That would make things much more authentic.

The only angel I am interested in is Inarius :angel: who is still trapped in Hell within a chamber of mirrors.

Man I can’t even imagine what Inarius’s mental state or physical condition must be like after being Mephisto’s prisoner for over centuries. I wonder if he still has his wings?

(note: I know based on the trailer he was shown with wings, but I don’t know if that moment was shown as a representation of his current state, or just put there so he’d be recognizable to fans. After all there’s not many angels in lore who were chained up.)

His mental state was already horrible before he was given to mephisto.
that the angiris council give him to mephisto & co was imo such a bad decision!

maybe now he chills out/ relax with izual.

between the sin war and today is much time gone. and while mephisto was in sanctuary (time of d2) maybe inarius was stopped beeing tortured. his master was traveling (without mask and negative pcr).

izual was killed in d2 and presumably going back to hell (he comed back to sanctuary in d3, so a fallen angel must to have a reborn in hell i think). so what to do?

at least, he is an angel in hell, inarius is an angel in hell, so 1 + 1 = they meets up, drinking some thing and talk about the good old times in heaven.

but when they was drunken, inarius thought about his old love … and they got a very good (drunken) idea what to do. #freeLilith

by three they come.

It was the right thing to do. There was no telling what he would have done had not been imprisoned. Not to mention he violated his duties and trust of the council. There is no way of knowing if their kind can be rehabilitated. But better imprisoned than being another Malthael.

Explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some, angels to others.

total bs why she not came to defend her children from diablo? and malthiel and many more

im not even sure why theres a diablo 4. humanity is decimated to such a huge extent that even if they do win, the numbers are probably way too small to survive for much longer than a hundred years or so.

Survival shouldn’t be much of an issue considering that some, or even most humans possess supernatural abilities.

no, im talking about the population of humans. wasn’t it mentioned that matheials attacks reduced the human population by 90%? and the human population wasnt even that high in the first place.

theres probably a high end of maybe 10,000+ humans left. whats there to save, anymore?


Because Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, now each human who survived will get his/her nephalem power unlocked. Than they can use it and wether demons nor angels are dangerous to them anymore.

,Hardest’’ thing will be to find a girlfriend/boyfriend to start reproducing the human species.