its 18.00pm blizz! 18.03pm and counting
yep i keep shutting down b net and opening it hoping to play i took off the next 2 days for this
refound ?
Some of my friends are in, I am not. hmmmm
Just got it to work!
Launching as we speak.
Mine launched at 11:00 on the dot. Had to restart Bnet.
Typical blizzard, all people in the world trying to play AT SAME TIME = problem.
In. Restart BNet.
The kids are crying already, I want my new toy.
This is Blizzard what did you expect.
its working now marius, marius
who cares? no balance changes. you can just fire up the same experience on vanilla LOD
I’m seeing several friends in also. But, still not available for me. Tra lala lala… hurries up and waits
Nothing yet, really want on. Play button still greyed out. When shall it be my turn! >:C
It’s a few minutes late, it’s up.
Why Battenet never respects its schedules ?