Adding a /players option BNET

One feature I have long loved in D2 SP is utilizing the /players 8 option to make solo loothunting more fun and efficient. In games with just a few friends I would love to see that as an option to be added to BNET games, perhaps a command the host can use. Would make mfing a lot more fun with friends.

I dont support altering drop rates but I did pretty much always used /players 8 in SP games. Feels to me it would be a great QoL improvement if in some way it was implemented to BNET.


I think this would be great as well.
Players can still experience ladder things like runewords and Dclone but also play solo on bnet. Would also really improve viability of SSF.


I think that is not so good. Makes boss runs even stronger with sorc.

Blizzard Sorc does not care if Mephisto has 1k oder 500k life. But the drops would skyrocket. Meanwhile any melee will strougle killing mobs at players 8.


I can handle players 8 on my barbs like my frenzy barb or zealot pally and they can boss on players 8 just as easily as players 1 once you get geared. The game isnt exactly balanced so all it does (in my experience) is just help give an extra edge with that loot hunt.

Now barbarians early on would have trouble with that, sure, but this isn’t something Id expect is at all worth using early on, just for late game mf runs. And it would be the games host setting it, or it could be put to a vote in game. Not sure how the mechanic would work but I just enjoyed it for SP for the late game mfing. I’d be fine with it just being a function for NM and Hell games personally. Hell, I’d be fine if it was only available for private bnet games with a password and wish D2 classic had that.


This would be kind of lame honestly because then there’s no real incentive to play in multiplayer games with others online because you’d be guaranteed 8 player level drops but you’d be sure to pick them all up. In any case, the devs have already said that they are not changing game mechanics from the original. The auto gold pickup (mainly added because now they support controllers) and the shared stash are the only changes going in. Everything else is remaining as it currently is in classic. This is a remaster, not a new game.


So we dont want the devs to increase drop chances, but we want em to increase the drop chances xD

This is a mechanic that was built into the original Diablo 2 singleplayer. Something everyone utilized in mf runs on SP. Not talking about drop chances, just taking a mechanic everyone uses in SP and allowing in on multiplayer. The only thing “new” about this would just be the introduction of it to BNET games.


What that command is is a stopgap measure to make SP emulate MP because you can’t play with multiple players in SP. Adding this to multiplayer entirely defeats the purpose of having player based drop rates in multiplayer to begin with. This makes zero sense.


It does if not every game has 8 players in the game, and you want that xp buff for a full game and the max total drops from your mf runs. If you are playing with 3 friends, I dont understand the issue with simulating a full lobby for maximum efficiency that you could get in SP in every game. For me, it puts MP on par with SP runs except you can do so with friends or solo.


I am not for this change but everything will not be as in classic. The shorter ladder seasons are going to have a huge impact on what is realistically obtainable.

Well you can join other games and kill the bosses there.

If you could do that totally easy with an option every game, that would again strengthen the sorc a lot. She is already completely OP for MF runs, so pls stop it.

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Players 8 has no impact to drop rate for super uniques (act bosses)

Only normal mobs. So it’s better for doing rune hunting

This would inflate the drops on battle net and so will be bad for economy. In single player, you don’t have ability to trade so it’s a way to try to give single players a slightly better drop rate.

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Im not sure what the issue is here. What is OP about it? You arent increasing the value of getting any special uniques, just the amount of items that can drop and also the amount of experience you get, the increased drop chance is incredibly minimal which it just makes it a lot more viable to do mf runs outside baal for xp. Its just a very useful mechanic to have. I think you have a slight misunderstanding of what /players does. Increasing mob hp and sorc doing more damage is bad how?

I’m not totally sure what you mean here.

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Adding /players 8 would kill the last incentive for anyone to play with other people/in public games, everyone would just farm/xp solo in private games, just like in PoE, ladder would be pretty boring place.


I guess that is one way of looking at it by I enjoy playing with parties sometimes as its fun to play socially and syngergize with other players, and sometimes I am in the mood for solo mfing. I tend to think most players feel that way regardless. I am not so inclined to believe that would just make everyone only mf solo and make MP dead as there are plenty of reasons to play with a party still. Its just something I woud definitely enjoy, including in games with multiple people or with friends. If it isn’t implemented, I’m going to play the game and enjoy it regardless. To me it seems like a QoL update but I understand your perception.

I don’t like it.
Reason for it, is that it would make playing with others irrelevant, since you get the same drops as if you were in a group.
It makes sense in single player, since you can’t play with others - except if you join open etc. But then it’s not single player :wink:

Same here I wish for that option big time


This would be great. It would mainly enhance things done solo anyway. Playing together still has advantages, better imune coverage, synergetic effects between classes…

But /players can make single high TC area runs more viable, adding diversity to the endgame, and cover drop rate & exp enhancements requests without touching them.

/players in bnet would basically make all my other requests for resurrected obsolete :sweat_smile:

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I would like this an option because we don’t want to fight for loots in pub games. What if we don’t have 7 friends to play with? What if we only have 3 friends but want 8 players mode. Hell, most of us are going to solo mfing anyway. Everyone wants to MF their own way or certain areas, or Key runs. Just because we don’t want to fight for loots. That way we don’t “split up” because I want to do Diablo, and you want to do Baal or Cows.


This is my exact main reasoning, I play with a few friends more so than I play solo. But I do solo mf runs sometimes too since its fun to take a break from group play as well. That would be the main reason I see it being viable personally. I dont see it making any more people only play by themselves because of it since there is going to be SP and Group player split camps regardless. People who prefer the social aspect of being in a group working together with syngergies in Hell arent going to all of a sudden stop because of a /players option. That’s the way I see it.