Activision pulled in house studios to work on COD

It’s just the way they do it here. Just as you have to own the game linked to your Battlenet account to post into the forum for it. Since D2R is under the “Diablo” umbrella of D3, D2 OG, and D2R, Mirco has a pretty high count from being active in the various forums.

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The rules for trust level are here. This is outdated. The likes given is on a 100 day rolling average. Also, on a 100 day rolling average, I think it is now 300 distinct threads read and 3,000-3,500 posts read.

New Forum Guide - Syntax & Features - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

Yes and no. If we don’t have any info by the end of this week, I’d say Q3 looks to be likely for launch. The fact of moving straight from alpha to beta is pretty weird though, since originally announcement was for sp alpha and multiplayer alpha, with alpha announce stating at least 2 tests, implying that there could be more.

Yeah, I was just giving a general idea. Was too lazy to attempt to link to the trust explanation thread though, lol.

Thanks for the further elaboration. I got a message from trust. I think I am a level 1 or something.

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I bet your trust level 2. When you go to your own forum summary page, it lists trust level.

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Thats actually the best that can happen to D2R.


its rolling into beta right now. They are updating the beta versions in the Bnet client if youve been paying attention to that. So it means they are actively in beta testing RIGHT NOW, but a closed beta. as for the open beta? We will most likely start in the next 2 weeks is my guess. And the alpha was only 4 days, so its not even a stretch to say we should expect a VERY short Beta as well, about 5-6 weeks is my guess ;). id bet money its coming out June-july.

SC2 Beta lasted 5 months. I’m in no way saying that is necessary for a game of this nature, I’m just saying I don’t think we can really guess, reasonably.

I’ll still guess just for fun though, I still think it will be September or later.

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SC2 or SC remaster? how long did the remaster beta last?

Did a quick google search but didn’t look too deep. I have no idea. Do you?

With that, I would rather stay neutral. Have already stated multiple of times that it’s up to Blizzard/VV to decide if they are willing to change the game or not. I do see the reasoning behind the choice if it was made. They want to reach a wider audience.
I don’t agree however that Diablo 2 R should have all the modern gaming advancements because not all of those are good.

so far all i could find out is they dropped the Starcraft Remaster Trailer on youtube around Mar 26, 2017 and Released it less than 5 months later on August 14th… lol.

So around 4 months from announcement would put D2:R around… hmmm end of june - july-ish. :thinking: :thinking:

Doesnt mean much since they are such different projects. But i still think its releasing this summer 100%.

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June/ July would be terrific. Being that D2 isn’t near as competitive and has no esports scene, maybe we can dream of even earlier…haha, pie in the sky maybe, but getting restless.

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exactly! keep those hopes high. Even if they announced it wasn’t coming out till end of August-sept i still wouldn’t be mad. slightly dissapointed but idc, were still getting it by Q3 for sure.

would give me time to upgrade my terrible GPU. 1060… 3gb… :face_vomiting:

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CoD is their #1 cash-cow and takes priority over everything. I can believe it.

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They are greedy, not stupid. Each of these games are “cash cows”, especially Diablo 2 resurrected. Its 100% going to dwarf D2 sales and i believe even rival D3 sales after a couple years since its on 7 systems with cross-prog. i know lots of people buyin 2-3 copies. Everything has a deadline based on their projected releases in order to boost stock prices.

end of Q2-Q3 we get D2:R, then we get WoW BC, CoD and D:I. if anyone was “pulled” it was team members they believe weren’t needed to finish D2:r, which to me, only means they are EVEN further ahead than anticipated if they are THAT confident pulling people off D2R. lol.

Yeah I know a few ppl buying multiple copies too. 3 copies is my absolute minimum if they don’t change too much.

I think it will be a big release day, hope to see you all there.

if just the fanbase of D2 comes back and buys 2-3 copies each. thats over 10m sales right there. lol. Some people will buy 4. Pc, xbox, ps and switch. So im positive the sales numbers are going to be insane. Esp since the graphics literally look better than most modern ARPG games today. And on launch after polish the game will also have updated drivers and correct optimization for 4k and will look even better than we saw in the Alpha. :open_mouth:

How many copies of D2 and D2:LoD have been sold?

How many copies of D2:LoD specifically? (I think this number is relevant because I assume the vast majority of the original fanbase who might be interested in D2R bought D2:Lod)?

How many unique customers bought D2:LoD? This is relevant because the prior sales figures include customers who bought multiple copies. Therefore, it is not unique to D2R customers.

What is the age demographics of original D2 players ? I bet that the vast majority were 10-30 years old which mean they are now 30-50 years old. How many of these have moved on with their lives and are not interested in buying a 20 year old video game for various reasons? Let alone 2-3 copies.

How many D2 fans remain that would be willing to purchase?

How many modern players who never played D2 will buy D2R, a remix of a 20 year old game? Will things like having to “click” twice to cast different spells/perform skills be off-putting for modern PC players? Will FFA loot that is no longer the gold standard in aRPGs be a deterrent to new customers?

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