Activision pulled in house studios to work on COD

Vicarious Visions become a part of blizzard so i dout they was pulled

The Forbes article made a point of saying that VV is no longer Activision but Blizzard when discussing the Activision sub-studios working on CoD.

Effectively Every Activision Studio Is Now Feeding The ‘Call Of Duty’ Machine (


I know that you like reading Rob Gallerani quotes. These are from a media report yesterday/today??? and are after the “we are not trying to fix” interview.

“I think the key point here is to be aware that we are making the game that people remember, and that it is not necessarily the same as what the game was like,” he continued. “It was a great honor to work with Blizzard on this game because it means a lot to a lot of people, including the people here! That was the title that put many of us in the industry.”

“We always think that everything we do involves two types of players: maybe Diablo 2 was his first PC game, his high school companion, and the game obviously needs to give the right feeling to these people, but there is also a group of players who may not have been born yet in the original release and who are now used to more modern action RPGs. ”

“So we tried to focus on making it an authentic experience, reminding people how amazing the game was. It was fun at the time, and it’s still fun today.” Fun really was ubiquitous during all our test hours, partly because of nostalgia but, in large part, because of the new features in this new version.

I found a better source than forbes Here it is
Maria, A.S. Activision Statement on Crash 4 Dev supporting Call of Duty Warzone. ComingSoonNet
It pretty much confirms that the original posts were from twitter. So, it’s not exactly official. Nor should it be taken seriously until further confirmation from Activision/Blizzard themselves.

The only actual interesting part of all that text is this one single sentence. And in it, the “new features” he is referring to are not unknown changes they haven’t announced Micro. lol. They are clearly referring to the much bigger and shared stash, the auto-gold pick up, the new enhanced UI of the game itself as well as the user interface. They also added “new features” to the game such as the Refresh Gamble button and also listing detailed tooltips when hiring mercenaries as well as when you hire them. it now shows their exact skills and level with tooltips. even simply viewing the game with modern graphics is a huge “new feature” and creates a newer experience. i agree since ive played the Alpha. it does feel a bit different. :laughing:

Sorry but this is reaching at best if you think he is ALSO referring to unannounced changes. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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First, that part was not said by Rob. You will notice it was not in quotes. I think that was from the author of the article.

Actually, that wasn’t what interested me.

I think it is an odd distinction that he distinguishes what people remember versus what the game was like. Also, the two types of people comment including

Why did you delete your post?
I already stated at the start that originally VV were working on Diablo IV which is a Blizzard IP. However, because of Activision’s recent moves it should be considered that perhaps Blizzard doesn’t have much pull than they did back in 2011-2012 when the merger agreement began.

Can you link that new media? Or at least what was the media outlet?

Diablo 2 Resurrected Wants To Be ‘The Game That Fans Remember’ - Somag News

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Thanks! 13 more char

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I have to ask, how are you able to link websites? Do you have special privilege’s to be able too?

Forums require participation to do different things, trust level it is called. Depends on post count, thread count, likes and liked content, etc.

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D2R releasing in June is just wishfull thinking. We dont even have beta yet. They wont release it until they will be absolutly positive its perfect as end of the year is deadline anyway. So i think they will take their time and wont rush it. They cant allow to rush it after what happened with warcraft reforge.

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Interesting, I was from Capcom Unity and had 2000 some posts but they didn’t do anything like that.

I am trust level 3 on the forum that allow for links to a broad list of websites. Some websites are linkable with lower trust levels (e.g., Blizzard websites and youtube).

If you want to put a web address in you can use put a < > for before and after the web address. Or you can use the preformatted text button </> in the dialog box.

These are very low requirements relative to making posts/threads. The headache is reading threads and posts over 100 day rolling average. It was 20,000 posts read initially and now is more like 3,000 -3,500 if I recall correctly.

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It’s just the way they do it here. Just as you have to own the game linked to your Battlenet account to post into the forum for it. Since D2R is under the “Diablo” umbrella of D3, D2 OG, and D2R, Mirco has a pretty high count from being active in the various forums.

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The rules for trust level are here. This is outdated. The likes given is on a 100 day rolling average. Also, on a 100 day rolling average, I think it is now 300 distinct threads read and 3,000-3,500 posts read.

New Forum Guide - Syntax & Features - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

Yes and no. If we don’t have any info by the end of this week, I’d say Q3 looks to be likely for launch. The fact of moving straight from alpha to beta is pretty weird though, since originally announcement was for sp alpha and multiplayer alpha, with alpha announce stating at least 2 tests, implying that there could be more.

Yeah, I was just giving a general idea. Was too lazy to attempt to link to the trust explanation thread though, lol.

Thanks for the further elaboration. I got a message from trust. I think I am a level 1 or something.

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I bet your trust level 2. When you go to your own forum summary page, it lists trust level.

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