About Diablo 4 story and how i see it going... xXx

Ok first of all i just saw the great defiler Magnus summoning Lilith, because i am a lore fanatic that will bring the last diablo game…
So basicly here we have an unkillable demoness the mistress of all sexual succubi from the hebrew Talmoud book that brings all her power back to weak sanctuary!
Ok what i see is that nephalem, based on the ending of Malthael WILL SPLIT AT 2 FACTIONS THE GOOD NEPHALEM AND I MEAN ALL THESE BORING GUYS THAT FOUGHT EVIL from diablo 1 to 3… and to US !!!
THE EVIL NEPHALEM THAT WILL JOIN LILITH so basicly it would be good the game to have 2 scenarios dark campaign and light campaign…

Lilith is not like the rest weak demons and she has not titles like the lord of terror, of hatred and YADA YADA… She has a plan she has always a plan to complete her army and rule everything by destroying both heaven and hell…

I wonder if she will be reunited with Inarius… I wonder if he can recognize her after all the Mephisto beating he got… HAHAHA!

So basicly i am awaiting for a full fledge pvp/pve game

with pvp battles between nephalem and a great story WITH AT LAST A REAL HELL QUEEN THAT NOBODY CAN KILL!!!



SO with that idea diablo 4 will stay much time on our minds!!!

And i am happy that i hear about the murder of Tyrael from the hands of corrupted Imperius, at last this game is becoming godly!!!

Also plz blizzard make it sexy , bloody and dark BECAUSE WE MISSED THE NAUGHTY SUCCUBI FROM DIABLO 1, WE THE OLD PLAYERS !!!

Thank you

By steloker!!!

Discuss away!!!

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First off, we have conflicting information regarding the summoner. A D4 guy said Rathma helped the Triune, the video has magnus on his scenes. I would lean towards Magnus because I cannot see a reason Rathma would ever align or help the Triune.

That being said, why would Lilith wreak havoc on Sanctuary? She, unlike Inarius, and like her son, want to protect Sanctuary and keep the balance. She despises the Burning Hells as much as she despises the High Heavens. She doesn’t want to rule anything she just wants a place hidden from the eternal conflict where thise who want no part, have a place to go.

On to the Nephalem, while technically all “humans” are nephalem, the term is traditionally applied to those with powers. D1 a d D2 characters were not Nephalem. The powered up Nephalem came to be around 10 years after the wod atobe was destroyed in D2.

As for a split, I could see that, but ultimately it wouldn’t make much sense since there will be a linear story. Lilith is a giant misdirection. Until the story is known, I won’t buy she is the big bad. It makes no sense. I still believe we will see her as a threat at first until we find out out that Inarius escaped or was released, and is seeking to destroy and/or remake Sanctuary. Maybe why the High Heavens closed their gates is because Inarius convinced Imperius to help him destroy us.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure. We don’t need any… uh… nose bleeds. :upside_down_face:

The pale cultist also could be Malic, a former (?) High Priest of the Triune.

At least in regards to his powers that would make sense:

I thought he was gone gone after the sin war trilogy? Been a while since I read it though. Not sure that even makes sense unless he knows what’s actually going on and setting her up.

Do you have a link for that?

This is what a D4 guy said at Blizzcom, I do not see anything about Rathma. Is Rathma even alive, if so why did he not help in D3 when Malthael wanted to lay waste to everything. I do not believe that it is Rathma.

“we have these ancient Triune Cult ruins that radiate this dark power — sort of thrumming with dark energy; the triune who is responsible for helping Lilith return to Sanctuary, as you saw in our cinematic, they also worship the Prime Evils; and they are hastening their master’s return to Sanctuary.” - Harrison Pink

?? Huh ???

Blizzcon 2019 said it will be a NON linear story.

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Tiffani : It is going to feature a dark, non-linear campaign.

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I’m actually quite interested in what they mean.

Is it like Zelda and Megaman where you can go kill the 5th boss before you kill the 1st?

Or is it like Final Fantasy 7 where your choices determine the game? (And…you can get a date w/ Baret)

Didn’t say Blizzcon it was some tweet after people took the video encoding apart. Which sparked debate in this forum about why Rathma would be working with the Triune.

The campaign is non linear as in you can chise what zone you want to level in any order. The story is coming to the same end point regardless if your order. No ones playthrough will end up with a different ending. We will all find out Lilith’s motivations and who the bad guys are the same way. Nothing will change other than the order we play the zones in.

So pardon me if I don’t find that non linear. I know we can go anywhere in any order, but that’s not going to change the overall story arc one bit.

Lilith could easily be the endboss of D4.
-according to certain Lore, she is the daughter of Archangel Mephisto and a human female, so she would be an Uber-Nephalem, stronger than an Archangel and having the choice between Evil (chaos) and Good (order).

-The voice of Malthael, in act 5 said: ‘Lilith is the daughter of Mephisto’.

Some more intriguing Lore about Lilith:
-Ashmedai, In the Talmud, is less malign in character than the Asmodeus of Tobit.
-Another passage there describes him as marrying Lilith, who became his queen.
(omg, could Azmodan’s Cydaea also be Lilith?)

Then keep waiting…

If you want full fledged pvp, go play Overwatch or HotS.


So what, the specific quest locations are just gonna tag along with us and set up camp wherever we go?

Or do we just run ahead to the endgame location without doing 99% of the story?

As far as I understand it will be like Legion of BfA leveling in WoW. Each zone will have it’s own independent story arc with story beats that tie into the overall game narrative. The overall beats are not necessary to be received in a chronological order. Once all the zone campaigns/acts are finished we will have a final big bad resolution then endgame.

Probably, probably not. There’s no question that Lilith will play a major (and perhaps antagonistic) role in the story. However, her presence may also be to serve as a distraction for our characters, who would fail to notice the true enemy/end boss.

Well Mephisto is a demon lord, not an archangel (although that’d probably make in interesting skin in HoTS). Also Lilith mother is most certainly not human, as humans didn’t exist at that time, and most likely Lilith doesn’t even have a Mother. In short, as far as we know, Lilith is a demon through and through; a powerful demon, but a demon nonetheless.

“But it’s important to remember that Lilith is here, and now there’s a power vacuum. She is the ascendant power. She’s the tornado at our doorstep right now. There’s a hurricane off in the distance that we should probably be aware of, but Lilith is here, and she is in charge.” - Harrison Pink, Blizzcon

 * I really hope they have some more world and lore for us in February.
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It maybe even depends on which side we are choosing (if there is an option like that). She could be the boss of an endgame dungeon for those that sided against her, while the other faction gets another dungeon and another boss.

Like an alignment system? Truth be told, I would like to see that for Diablo. A person could choose to be evil, good, or neutral in their campaign.

If angels and demons can have offspring, what about Demons (succubus) and Nephilim?

New class: The Tiefling

Tieflings are primarily human in ancestry, but draw much of their bloodline from powerful evil beings. Each class in D4 will have a special ability. These 4 passive can be the Tiefling’s special ability.

  • Hellish Rebuke: Creatures that damaged you are momentarily surrounded by flames. :fire:
  • Hellish Resistance: You have resistance to fire damage. :shield:
  • Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 20 feet of you as if it were bright light. :sunglasses:
  • Flame Tongue: Any melee weapon you use also does some additional fire damage. :crossed_swords:

These passives will increase in power as you level. If you pick this class these passive abilities are automatically unlocked at level 1 . Regardless of how you customize your look, a Tiefling must have:

  • Horns.
  • A Tail.
  • Sharp Teeth.

Based on D&D.