About Diablo 4 story and how i see it going... xXx

If I remember correctly, the scoundrel had asked Tyrael (back in act 4), if a human has ever “hooked up” with an angel before; to which Tyrael had answered that when Sanctuary was still young, there were Nephalem (human) who had indeed got with either Angel or Demon.

We all know that the real, one and true, big bad evil enemy boss will be…

Barney the Dinosaur (or some variation).

Why? Because of what the Nephelem (sp) did to the 2 whimsey areas killing off all the flowers, teddies, and unicorns.

Barney the… lets just call him Barnesaur for now, will use the power of love and happiness to… well… you know… do what the other ‘evils’ and ‘goods’ couldn’t do.