Ability to import build scheme to the weapon box from the Skill Calculator

Ability to import build scheme to the weapon box from the Skill Calculator.

Finding a suitable build and collecting it, you have to collapse the game and watch the guide every time you fill in the weapon or skill cell, or turn on another PC and open the build scheme on it. This is inconvenient and time-consuming. So I suggest that you make it possible to collect the necessary scheme of things and skills in the skill calculator in profile, by clicking the button send this scheme to the weapons box Cabinet tab in the game.
At the same time, in the weapons Cabinet tab, the imported from the skill Calculator scheme will be located in the center of the Cabinet tab(with pop-up hints when the cursor hovers over the cell), and along the perimeter of the diagram ( as suggested in point 3 of this topic: Improvements to Diablo 3 ) will be placed there build’s items, which when you click on the “Put on” button are automatically put on character and skills what will saved in scheme .

Also, at Skill calculator ( Barbarian - Game Guide - Diablo III ) need to add slots for weapons and armor.

Just chill in town in a solo game while you look up a build.
If you get logged out, who cares?
You are not playing the game, right?
Log back in, no worries.
Also, it doesn’t take that long to look up a build anyway.
Come on people, stop the belly aching.

Playing for fun and try different builds for the WD. It is inconvenient to constantly minimize the game and load the second PC to see what to put in a particular cell, and this takes a lot of time.

Yeah I agree. Implement something the community can share.
Guild Wars has a really simple and effective system to do this with a small text file.


Personally, I use DiabloFans and it can take a while to navigate their UI to the build that you want to utilize. The thing I like about Diablo, you can play the game in windowed form. That allows you to minimize the screen for whatever reason or to exit the game w/out having to ctrl + alt + del when the screen freezes, hello lag on an online game only.

That’s why I suggest going into town and chilling there. There is always a chance that you get booted out, but since you are not in the middle of anything it really doesn’t matter. Of course there is a chance that you won’t get booted out because you are in town.

No need for a second computer, just use another browsing tab. There is always the option to open a new one.

How about: stop slavishly copying other builds? Use what you think is the best item for your character. Chances are that you will end up with a similar build anyways.

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This is a useful option. However, it would be much easier and faster to display items and skills directly in the game weapon box from the scheme in it, without wasting time switching to other tabs. But scheme to take from the fan site and other sources.

I built my own build on the WD, which not fall in 120 GR and higher, but I don’t remember it from memory and next time I will have to copy this same build from another PC or tab, each slot separately.

TankXIII: It’s the Blizzard way. It was that way with WoW in the early days and now with D3. Remember Thottbot? It was always easier to get info from there vs. gen or even trade chat. Players either guarded their new found info or the trolled you with false info. Mankirk’s Wife anyone?

Would it be easier to do everything in game? Of course it would. I think somethings should be included in a game to avoid searching for add-ons and mods. However, I agree that they should stay out of the game. The game itself should only suck up a certain amount of computer space and all that, talk to a Geek for all the specs, not me, not so much that it bugs down your computer. One program should do that. Now if it does because you have extra stuff, add-ons and mods and etc., then it’s all on you and not them.

Even though I understand, kind of / some what / sort of, I still think they can work in a few things here and there, keeping in mind the amount of memory the game will consume. Why? Because my mindset is that of a player and not a developer. You know, ignorance is bliss… cliché cliché cliché.

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Where is she?

I agree. But the main reason I offer this is convenience. In order not to switch between the game and the browser, do not load the browser on a slow smartphone or do not change every time in the settings to windowed mode.