A Space for Game Changes

Honestly not having separate realms and forcing no-changes to everyone’s throats would alienate and not welcome the huge population who are currently playing mods + old returning players who will leave asap once they see nothing has changed.

So it wouldn’t split the player base if you added two realms. It would just attract the “other” side who wouldn’t have joined the “no-change” realm in the first place and wouldn’t have added to the population if no changes were made.


I spend most of my time playing private games unless I want to gain experience. Always playing with friends or doing solo runs. Sometimes I join public games and tp through content that’s not being done.

But solo runs, or solo runs with friends in game, are best as you can just repeat them so quickly. At least in my view.

Do get some pretty good loot doing public diabaal runs though, and I enjoy the competition for loot personally.

The game is 20+ years, at this point, primarily the people who you are competing against in D2 are veterans that don’t need those drops anymore or bots that are looking for a particular item due to their loot filters. In a new game like D2R, everyone is going to need those drops.

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I’m probably a purist to be honest, but I accept people want change. That’s why I think we should meet in the middle and request separate spaces. Will always give the change a go. Just I think a lot of purists are scared the game will get ruined by the change. Especially given Blizzard’s track record (no offence to VV who have done amazing work so far).

No, because that’s a gateway for garbage changes. Look, it’s clear there’s certain changes that SHOULD happen like balances to clearly OP sheet, but a chunk of the community is asking for radical stuff like p8 options, and things that CONTINUE to benefit the 2 already strongest classes in the game, which is just insane.

Lootpickup and bots are still a massive thing on OG bnet. Just they don’t really effect that much. The botters make the economy almost meaningless tbh, everything is so cheap and they give away items like candy. I actually have to decline as I like the grind for rare items, and it’s possible to get them easy enough with intelligent grinding. Edit: I think I misread your post a bit. There’s still ladder resets often enough though, and I always play.

I agree some changes would be beneficial. I’m not a purist. But PLoot is the dumbest suggestion period. PERIOD. It needs to die, and it needs to die now. There needs to not be a test for it. It just needs to go away. It’s half the reason u become adrenalized when u actually DO grab a good piece. It’s MORE than half the fun of the game.

That’s why I suggest it’s kept separate. If it sucks we can simply not play it, like D3. (no offence if you enjoy D3, you do you).


As I said to somebody telling me “no point splitting servers, you’ll never please anybody”

Of course you can’t please everybody but at least you create a option, a whole spectrum in between those 2 modes

Want no change? Go to Legacy mode

Want Ploot but not stacking? Well decide mate, if you want Ploot you get stacking, if you don’t want stacking you don’t get ploot

It’s a choice at least, rather than being forced into a minority’s fetish

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Ploot with a 2 second allocation time then it becomes FFA is not a dumb idea. Even one of the top purists on these forums thought it was a great idea.


Yeah agreed. Choice is freedom.

Isn’t that the basic Ploot proposition since the beginning?

All I heard were people advocating for short allocation not permanent

That way you don’t punish people engaged in combat and you allow noobs to scavenge after

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Yea, but a lot of purists on here have been trying to avoid giving a rebuttal for this point. They only created a strawman that ploot advocates wanted increased drop rates.

Hey let’s try to keep it on topic. There’s other threads for ploot, I don’t want people to start getting upset with each other <3 Edit: perhaps suggest some changes you would add to a change server.

I like the idea of a few things.

A personal/guild realm or house. No mobs, just a place to put loot and stuff you don’t need but others might. Maybe make it customizable. It may give guilds members an advantage in storage, but I think that’s kind of the purpose of joining a guild.

Game modes:
A test world - No loot, drops or death penalties, but a place to test builds, gear combinations and party synergy.

A regular world that only drops trophies (and gold) to put into your Personal/Guild house. Make them as rare as rare drops or runes.

Fun things like mentioned above would be cool if only used for fun… a wave shooter option for example.

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Your OP is talking about changes to the game though.

Indeed. I think it’s genius. Solves the problem fairly well for both sides.


Yup, I’m cool with it too.

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Yeah suggest a change for sure. Just I’m trying to discourage arguments (which ploot causes a lot of and there’s a lot of posts discussing it already, so I would at the least suggest to ignore somebody who wants to argue).

:+1: :+1:

That essentially takes ladder away from Original 1.14. Not a good solution imo.
Heck, the Original realm should reinstate Ladder exclusive items, as they kinda belong on a Original realm.
