A difficulty beyond Hell: The Return of Inferno?

Nice idea, enhanced AI/abilities for bosses… Things could get dicey. :grin:

So what you’re saying is my LLD PK will now have an additional 3 skills, 5 stats, 20HP, and 10@. It does sound tempting, but you also referenced D3 so I don’t want to agree with you.

no, not for extra rewards.

if you want inferno difficulty, make it that and only that. exp and drop rates should remain the same as hell. otherwise, its power creep, and then players would be demanding more powerful gear, and thus the D3 cycle continues right into D2

Furthering my previous thoughts, how about once you beat hell you can modify all game types, Norm, NM, Hell, with something like 25% increased boss damage or HP or better boss mechanics, and or penalty to player stats for an increase in MF or drop chances pre MF.

This way you can play all area’s at the same levels as before for the loot table but are increasing the difficulty for them. Not a major change as adding a difficulty but making it harder. Just tricky finding a good trade off.

It just can’t be never ending, improved boss mechanics alone would make certain things much more difficult… hell adding a treasure goblin to stir up more bad guys is an idea… plenty of ways to make things harder without adding another tier.

Well I accidentally argued both ways.

Inferno was fun at the time but ultimately I feel it was pretty bad in D3. It still had that problem of it being the ‘correct’ difficulty to farm regardless of if it was fun or not.

Assuming they could tune it just perfectly sure I would be for it. But it would have to be perfect and I want D2R this year ideally.

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…and after getting the forums flooded with tears we “need” to nerf it again.
So then we better make Inferno basically Hell difficulty and Hell a Nightmare 2.0.

But I got an solution for that already too! Lets introduce a FRESH “Torment” difficulty instead which you can modify from Torment 1 to Torment 6, where each version is harder than the other and drops more uniques with even better FRESH stats! (hmm, wouldn´t “legendary” not be a better term for these items than “unique”?)

…and I already got something in mind once Torment 6 will get old Hell thanks to our FRESH items. Thinking about exciting FRESH areas which scale up indefinitely…
Greater Rifts would be a cool name for that, what do you think?:wink:


Stop it Tuzz, you’re giving me PTSD…I wanted that game to be so, so much more.


Unlike D3 you lose exp when you die which is a big deal in D2. So its more about more risk for more reward. So be pointless for people to go in new difficulty with no exp changes.

Look everyone, this is serious business. Inferno isn’t a stage past Hell. Inferno is a mere element of Hell. The name would have to be something even more evil than Hell… Chaos? Apocalypse? Alpaca Lips? Doom?

Stinkin D3 with its stinkin bad writing…


A few thoughts of why I think a difficulty beyond Hell might be a good thing:
1: A lot of us have been playing this game for 20+ years. The in and outs of the game are known, we know how to build characters for maximum efficiency. Once a character is well established, they can typically steamroll most everything Hell has to offer with little to no problems. A higher difficulty would put the veterans of the game in check again, make them question and figure out how to play the game at that difficulty.

2: Having a difficulty that is too hard to solo, but is doable as a group would help us work together more, and help break our habits of worrying if we’re in the best position to snatch the best drops. We might even learn how to share. :stuck_out_tongue:

3: Speaking of working together, we all know Blizzard is planning on reducing the ladder durations, reaching 99 is going to be a lot harder to accomplish for human players. Having a higher difficulty that requires group cooperation to successfully play and get that extra bump in XP will give those players the competitive edge to reach 99 in a reasonable timeframe while still being able to get a healthy amount of sleep.

I can’t stress this enough: I do not want changes to the items/runewords to make them more powerful, and I do not want more powerful items/runewords added.

Hey, I’m fine with Hell difficulty, it’s been that way for 20+ years. I know this change probably isn’t coming, but it’s still fun to toss ideas around. :slight_smile:

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Good idea as a mod.

To make this official, they will mostly likely add more rewards, which then makes inferno a must, so no to official difficulty.

We’re not just friends, we’re amigos!

The new Hell 1 - 16?

Diablo 2 with powercreep?

That said, HELL NO, thanks.


I suggested one difficulty, not 16, and no ‘monster power’ levels either. Also, there is absolutely no mention of increasing the power of the players. It’s just a harder difficulty with the same gear that is available now.

I am against it, this would make a lot of builds useless, and then again it would be like in diablo 3, were only a few meta builds are useable in endgame. I personally hate that idea.

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ikr, although honestly when it was only t6 as max it was fine, that hadn’t yet made builds “only sets” and u could still “play your way”… when t6 was the max that was the last time i truly enjoyed d3, balance wise. still had tons of other issues cough RMAH, but that was the last time u could play the way you wanted, and not have sets shoved so far down your throat you they reached your intestines.

I think if another difficulty is added, the drop rates should remain the same as in Hell.

Maybe give a new tag instead of patriarch/matriarch and a specialized color for you name. No power creep, but something to do after gearing.


To be honest i would even appreciate a new difficulty level, something like inferno with new items(runes/runewords/sets/uniques)…
like Crystal Sword(Norm) -> Dimensional Blade(Nm) Phase Blade(Hell) -> Chaos Blade(Inferno)
and therefore new area levels ->normal max alvl 43 -> nightmare max alvl 66 -> hell max alvl 85 -> inferno max alvl 105 (new mlvl/treasure classes,new suffix/affix/prefix etc)
it would have been more rewarding, when there are actual items, that require level 99 to wear. i mean, most charakter concepts are completed within level 85-92 in terms of skills.

Well, I think fewer difficulties will be needed at the outset IF there are no crazy gear or skill multipliers that makes toons way too OP. I mean, think about what has happened to D3 over the years. What if there were no 15k or 20k multipliers on sets. No 150-200% multipliers on oranges. There would be no need for T16. Things would not have gotten so crazy. Of course sets and oranges should give you more power, but 15k? I wonder if all this power creep had been kept in check over the years if the lag issues would also have been better.

We just doing the remaster, I don’t want to change anything. D3 sucks, D2 is all time great. Let’s not touch it. If you want new content, play a new game.

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