9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

How many people have weighed in on twitter?

How many responded to the reddit poll with ~9,000 respondents?

Ploot is just so un-Diablo 2, uch. Diablo 2 multiplayer is edgy. There is no need to alter it… especially with D4 coming soon and so many other modern arpgs… weeps, can the last citadel not remain?!


I played it a good while ago.
Dunno whether others used pickit. I certainly never used any cheats of anykind and we excluded cheaters from the group if they were identified. We usually organized our own runs and let others join. We also had our own ploot rules. All prior to the increased drop chances. So i think i am very fine with the current drop rates in d2.

Ofc some people will complain. Some always complain. Even about QoL topics like this.
Still it doesnt mean that they have a significant voice and that the devs see it aligned with their design.

In my preferred version of timed loot, you would see all drops, but only be able to loot your allocated drops until the others become FFA (e.g. after 1-5 seconds).

The only thing that will be removed is the frantic clicking after each boss. You actually might be able to see more drops because players do not need to pick them up immediately.

If it were me, I would make it optional (and most likely in a separate realm).

Thanks, that’s a nice perspective to put on it.
At the end of the day it wouldn’t stop me from playing. To be honest, it’s silly, but one of the main reasons I like FFA loot is that I just enjoy the “feel” of everyone seeing the same items and things in game, like a shared world. Something which the personal loot of Diablo 3 kinda removed for me. Just felt closed off.

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Yes this is exactly my point that i just made. Thanks for re-iterating it. Personal loot wont’ change much. :slight_smile:

Congrats everyone, Boutus is now on our side! :smiling_imp: :smirk:

Personal loot /= increased drop rates. two very different things.


Who said they were the same? What we said was, one demand then begets the other, because you want ploot because you think you will get more HR’s and uniques when only playing casually, that is why you want it. Then, when you don’t get that, just like with Diablo III, the loot rate increase demand slides in.


When the poll had 4,000+ respondents, Blizzard already commented on it and more recently with ~9,000 respondents. I think Blizzard is competent to compare the number of respondents.

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You acknomplished the impossible. I congratulate you.

you’re directly implying that once ploot is added, then they will also increase the drop chances due to whiners. This is a strawman argument and you know it. You’re attempting to attach increased drop rates ONTO ploot when they are dramatically different changes.

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Of course, you know that because you reached your limit, I got a 24 hr ban the other day and saw all your false flags on my comments.

You do not get a 24 hour ban for false flags.
They are all checked by mods manually. And they usually let you go off with a warning or even edit your cursewords out of your posts.

If you get a 24 hour ban, you clearly violated rules and did so repeatedly.


No, but you can also see the record.

Can you show me this “repeated” violation? Do it quickly, because I will not be responding to you or Micro from here out, it’s too risky.

You may want to read MissCheetah’s later post.


Dude, you just said yourself plooters will be disappointed by few drops. These are people screaming for change. So what makes you think they will not scream to have ploot altered to better benefit them? The alteration is increased drop rates. Uh… why are you casting that observation as so farfetched? It’d be a totally natural outcome from how you yourself said plooters would respond.


lmao i love how suddenly Boutus is accusing everyone of false-flagging his comments so he doesn’t have to defend his indefensible position anymore without admitting hes wrong. :joy: :laughing:

Again, just because people whine for changes doesn’t mean they’ll get every. single. one. Why are you assuming if they “give-in” to ploot that it ALSO automatically means they will do whatever they say afterwards? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


No. I will not do your own homework for you anymore.
Live up to the harsh world you are so fond of and do your own research.

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NP. The instanced loot for me, was one of my favorite aspects of the game. I actually even liked the gold auction house, but wasn’t sad to see it go either, as it did make the game more of an auction house search than finding the loot yourself. I feel like I communicated more in pubs in D3 than I ever did in D2, and had more contacts on my friend’s list outside of irl friends. Co-coordinating key runs and ubers was a fantastic experience back in the day.

In D2, it was mostly irl friends and a couple of trade sources. D2 to me feels more empty for community unless your high into trade or pvp. I feel D2 mostly ropes you into solo or personal friend play, especially after the aforementioned 1.10 patch.

With D2 elitists complaining about leeching, I think that they also fail to understand the concept that THEY have some blame in that by creating rush culture where they leech off of the heightened drop rate. I actually voted on Llama’s poll to remove the gRush glitch, and force people to actually play the game again. Especially with newer players coming in, they shouldn’t be coaxed into that rush culture; it’ll ruin the game for them I’m afraid. My dad helps people all the time on OG, and half of them rush to Hell on multiple characters, but don’t even know half the quests.

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What you guys did is exactly what is supposed to happen in Diablo 2 when you want to play with FRIENDS and Clan mates. Public games are definitely not for people to sit there and get loot. This is not wow, we are not raiding together to get a chance to win a certain drop. We are simply there to kill monsters and get as much experience with 8 players as possible. All 8 players have the same EXACT chance of getting that item.

Okay so in other words, you can’t, in other words, you just made it up, in other words, you false flag people, so until you can provide this evidence, I stand correct, but as I said, I will no longer be responding to you or reading your comments as I don’t appreciate false flagging.