9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

Nah, I just called you out on your hypocrisy and it bothers you.

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Adding a ploot option affects the game as much as adding the color blind option. You don’t see people throwing tantrums over that tho. So I believe they have ulterior motives. Of course, there are still those who don’t understand the system being asked for, but of the vocal ones that do, they clearly have ulterior motives.

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“the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.”

I figured I would pull the definition for you, so you can use it in the proper context going forward. It’s not that I don’t want you to succeed, its that you feel using others as a platform will get you there. Practice what you preach.

I did use it in the proper context. Hope you’ll figure it out someday!

And with that, I am finished with this conversation. I truly hope you find true success and its actual definition. Good luck with your future endeavors. May you forever judge everyone else without glancing back at yourself first. Its an endearing quality.

Thank you for finally supporting additional loot options in Diablo II: Resurrected.

mirror emoji


That’s one endeavor you already lost. Remember success? We briefly covered it earlier in this conversation. But good for you for trying to show some tact. Whit at its finest!

You’re wasting your time - that person is either trolling, or barely literate.

Basic distinctions such as “not at launch” not being equivalent to “never ever” are lost on these people, because they think any attempt at underlining this distinction means we are necessarily advocating for it.

Just yikes, yeesh, and oof.

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Clearly, you didn’t read the replies AFTER that one. And I can show you the time stamps in the metadata.

Yikes, sheesh, and oof, are all you can respond to people who lack reading comprehension. Because they just don’t get it and its a big yikes, sheesh, and oof.

“Take a deep breath and relax. We’re not doing it. I think it’s ok to have the discussion and understand the implications and expectations of other players. You’re literally fighting against something that isn’t being done.”

League of Legends Announcer: SHUT DOWN

None of the subsequent posts say anything about “never”. The ‘we are not doing it’ is compatible with the first post.

Not being done [at launch]. Is English a second or third language for you, or something?

So yeah, for your clear inability to understand basic sentential logic - ‘oof’.

No, you’re not. Please, come back and regale us about how Rod decided forever and ever that personal loot is off the table.

Hint: you can’t. Because he didn’t say so.



good, rod knows best, seems like Ploot wont happen, even blizzard soon.

just make a private game ya sooks.

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You guys better get them index fingers ready to click at Mach speed. Don’t come on this forum to cry about not being able to click faster than the guy ahead of you. You didn’t get that unique ring? Well tough luck, better luck next time kid.


They still believe ploot has a chance even though everyone knows they aren’t doing it. Not only because they said they aren’t, but the refunds that would occur. It’s real hard work to shoot yourself in the foot.

If you can add a toggle for ploot, what else will people want to toggle? There’s no future for a D3 toggle fiesta with a D2 skin. It’ll be post release refund city.

I know Blizzard likes to think once you bought and played the game your money is locked in, but go patching options that allow for altered gameplay and you’ve sold people a product that no longer exists.

Classic gameplay, preserved. (Except for the 5 new gameplay toggles we added post launch.)

Refund city.

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That is not how refunds work for Blizzard. If what I have read is true, after you play a little, they will not allow refunds anymore. Moreover (and I do not know if this is true) but some have complained that Blizzard would not allow refunds for those who bought the D2R/D3 combo pack if they played D3 and needless to say never played D2R.

I’m sorry you won’t be getting your ploot.

Better luck with Diablo Immortal.

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I love how these “purists” don’t care that they’ve abandon mod support for ALL of the popular mods.

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Whoa there - I’m not “hating upon” anyone, quite hostile language from you that I never express when I try to articulate my feelings on this topic. I think you should try to see how much your contributions to these discussions generates the “toxicity” you see yourself crusading against.

Anti-hack ten thousand percent. But, as this is a topic about ploot, I discuss ploot.

The entire point of my prior post was that optional, especially game-mode ploot does affect all players by affecting the feeling of the entire game world. A huge part of that feeling is the unavoidable danger and tension in multiplayer - and no, I don’t mean solo games when I’m talking about multiplayer games, even though they’re technically in the lobby, jeeesh.

If that danger and tension is no longer everpresent, but instead turns into something we elect voluntarily whenever we feel like having a serving of danger this evening, the cohesive sharp quality of the game - as it’s always felt - will be elementally changed. It may be deemed that that change is acceptable, but I push back against this easy statement to throw out that “optional ploot will affect NO ONE accept the plooters!!” It’s just not true, and it should, at the very least, be acknowledged that introducing game mode toggles for the deepest mechanics of gameplay will alter a very deep quality of how the game as a whole feels.

Maybe that’s acceptable - I think it’s totally unnecessary considering how many other modern options there are, including D4, which is really a much more relevant point than plooters ever accept because it’s good Diablo with modern mechanics. There is where you should expect to have your idea of mutual fairness. Not this old epic which has had an awesome, very unique multiplayer dynamic for over 20 years.

And of course, there is always the high concern over plooters petitioning for higher drop rates when they are dissatisfied with the state of ploot.

This is why I ever-advocate for separate realms instead of game-mode toggles if ploot must be introduced. But, unfortunately, it looks as if Captain Fergusson would go the game-mode route if he had to introduce it.

I don’t expect you to understand all my thinking, blash, and obviously you are not concerned about the things I’m concerned about. But I know there are others who resonate more with my energy on this issue.

But try to temper the temper, eh?

A lot of the players who consider themselves “purist” never played Mods because they enjoyed the actual game. /shrug

Never was a fan of Open Battle net or Mods. I can understand some do enjoy it, and I am slightly upset for them. But I cant get past being happy the game is coming this month.

I could see them adding Mod support at some point. I just don’t see them allowing Modded Battle Net servers, especially with the loss of TCP/IP.

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It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Changes realm should have a toggle. No Changes realm should not.

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