9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

A toggle for ploot.

Character limit.

Why would that be a bypass? What would be bypassed by it?


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damn i see you posting the same thing to rod as on this forum. its pretty cringe ngl


and you act like you dont knew what tweet i was talking about… DAMNNNN what a … you really are.

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If option A is all there ever was, and I gave you option B, and you chose option B, you have bypassed option A.

It’s really not difficult.

Option A = classic gameplay, preserved.
Option B = ploot toggle, not original gameplay.

Allowing option B means they did not preserve classic gameplay, they modified it with a toggle. Blizzard is not selling D2R as advertised.

Hence massive inevitable refunds and loss of profit.

You assuming to know anything about IT/Info SEC, is hilarious. We can debate web-code and how the actual architecture behind the re-tweets and replies work, but I won’t waste my real-life skillset on a forum argument.

You have been grasping at straws this entire time. Rod replied to one of my tweets, you commented and then blocked me. That showed your true maturity right there. I made sure to @ him and show him how people demanding PLoot act. They lose an argument and block the other person.

So much for “Healthy Conversation” that you keep saying we need to have.


i won’t quit or refund the game if there is no PL setting down the line.

no, i’ll just accept it.

people will just make mouse/keyboard macros to spam click all the loot while using a unkillable characters like a hammerdin anyways.

no need for pickit hacks, you got it all with legit hardware.

GL out clicking that.

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Try the last 7 months, 90% of the ploot threads and bumps would cease, if him and blash would take a hint.

I will come out and guess that the vast majority of D2R purchasers don’t want ploot anywhere near their game. It’s only an extremely small minority that wants it. I say this based on seeing the same 2 or 3 people on this forum complain about it for the greater half of a year.

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considering it’s the same 2 or 3 people loudly complaining about others suggesting a PL setting for the past year too, this is an amusing statement.

anyways, tldr: people who disagree with me should stop posting their opinions. b/c, reasons.


Who said that?

Is not synonymous with asking people to stop posting their opinions. It’s pointing out exactly what it says.

Could that be because most don’t see the logic behind fixing something that isn’t broken? Ffa people are enjoying the game as it was promised.

I would stop playing beta after 8 or 10 hours and find that the plooters never took a break, they had been posting nonstop even during the beta, open and closed. It was almost impressive.

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people are suggesting an OPTION for PL loot setting. no one is saying that FFA has to be removed entirely. and where is this proof that most people prefer FFA? last poll i saw had PL as having the majority.

i’d like to see this tested, not implemented in the main game…TESTED.

where is the harm in that?


So in order to demonstrate you were the more mature person, you made sure to… * double checks notes * @ a developer about some petty nonsense that he likely couldn’t care less about to show him how tiring you are? Interesting choice.


Ah, another “wizard”. Reflecting a statement doesn’t make you look any less wrong.

and what exactly is this supposed to mean? that i like playing wizard? i mean i am playing sorc in vanilla ladder atm now so am i also a ‘sorceress’? i don’t get it.

Its a nicer way of sarcastically saying “genius”

“Some “Magician” spilled coffee all over the floor and just left it here.”
“Some “Wizard” decided it was cool to plug 19 things into one outlet and tripped the breaker.”

That makes absolutely no sense.
If you want the “preserved gameplay” you can simply keep using option A.
It would only make sense if option B would give you some kind of advantage, it doesnt.

Also you are reducing their statements on a single phrase. They also said they will add more quality of life features and listen to the community. They never said they will not add anything.

There are more people playing the game than “ffa people”.

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Considering Rod replied to my tweet, then MicroRNA decided to throw his hat into the ring, then block me. Yeah, that’s straight childish. But you can try and deflect back onto me. Really high IQ of you!

That is why I @Rod again. Because he replied to me FIRST. Lets add, you have zero idea what the tweet was or reply was. You just had to throw your two cent in as well. Thumbs up for maturity.

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Tried and succeeded!

Thanks, I try.


If that’s success to you, I would love to see your life accomplishments LMAO

So you’re saying you’re the kind of person who would use a personal attack to try to discredit someone’s opinion about a video game feature?

Who would have guessed!


Personal attack? Not at all. I said if that’s how you gauge success than I would love to see what you have done successfully previously that you consider that successful. You decided to comment on my maturity for highlighting someone else’s immaturity. Especially someone who acts mightier than thou all over this forum.

I don’t know what you do professionally, I made an assumption. You didn’t know what the tweet or reply was, you made an assumption. Round and round we go…