8568 Paragon Wizard clears 150 GR and it's fine

…and perfectly balanced…


when Barb cleared a 140-141 GR with 10500+ paragon everyone cried for nerfs.


Where’s the nerf bandwagon now? Where’s the “TableGuy” with tables and graphs proving how Wizard is “breaking the balance of the game” with the current Hydra LOD set…

I know Wizard already had like 4 or 5 builds completely ruined due to nerfs and honestly I’m NOT asking for a nerf to the current LOD Hydra build.

I’m just wondering why when Barbs get a strong build capable of clearing SOLO a 140+ GR or even Crusaders everyone screams for nerfs or how broken either the set is or the build that achieved 145-150 GR solo, but when a Wizard clears a 150 GR SOLO with arround 8600 paragon (8568 exactly) everything is perfectly fine and working as intended…

As for the new sets… Why are all the new sets always so weak

Just take a look at the Hydra set:

New Class Set: The Typhon’s Veil

  • 2-Piece Bonus: Double the duration of Hydras and increase the number of heads on multi-headed Hydras by two.
  • 4-Piece Bonus: Damage taken is reduced by 8% for each Hydra head alive as long as there is one available. Each time you take damage, a Hydra heads dies.
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Hydras deal 1000% increased damage for each Hydra head alive.

Why not instead of the additional Hydras Heads mechanic change the set to just an additional Hydra summoned like this:

  • 2-Piece Bonus: Double the duration of Hydras and increase the number of summoned Hydras by three.
  • 4-Piece Bonus: Damage taken is reduced by 12% for each summoned Hydra.
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Hydras deal 2500% increased damage for each summoned Hydra.

With the Serpent’s Sparker your damage taken is reduced up to 48% (4 Hydras summoned at a time).

The new Barb Frenzy set:

New Class Set: Horde of the Ninety Savages

  • 2-Piece Bonus: Double the effectiveness of all Shouts. Feared Enemies take double damage.
  • 4-Piece Bonus: Each stack of Frenzy reduces damage taken by 5%.
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Frenzy deals 1000% increased damage per stack.

I would change the set to:

  • 2-Piece Bonus: Double the effectiveness of all Shouts. Slowed or Stunned Enemies take double damage.
  • 4-Piece Bonus: Each stack of Frenzy reduces damage taken by 5%.
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Frenzy deals 1500 or 2000% increased damage per stack.

The New WD set:

New Class Set: Mundunugu’s Regalia

  • 2-Piece Bonus: Big Bad Voodoo now follows you and lasts twice as long.
  • 4-Piece Bonus: Gain 50% damage reduction for 30 seconds when you enter the Spirit Realm.
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Spirit Barrage deals increased damage equal to 50 times your Mana Regeneration per Second.

Not a fan of this set, but maybe just change the 6-Piece Bonus to:

  • 6-Piece Bonus: Spirit Barrage deals increased damage equal to 100 times your Mana Regeneration per Second.

I would rather redesign this set to a Grasp of the Dead one for example:

  • 2-Piece Bonus: Big Bad Voodoo now follows you and lasts twice as long.
  • 4-Piece Bonus: Gain 50% damage reduction each time you deal damage with Grasp of the Dead.
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Grasp of the Dead lasts twice as long and deals increased damage equal to 75 or 150 times your Mana Regeneration per Second.

Why Grasp of the Dead? Because it’s an AOE skill able to hit many monsters at once much easier than normal attack skills and it’s possible to spam it easily thanks to the Unbreakable Grasp rune that removes the mana cost and the Wilken’s Reach mojo which removes the cooldown completely.

  1. it was LOD setup, LOD is not a set
  2. it was due to etched sigil bug, already reported on PTR bug forum and it will not go live. I hope they hotfix this soon, so we can check unbugged version

Why do you draw the conclusion that it is fine?? What future have you visited?


Still doens’t change the fact that the Hydra set is weak as hell and a pain to play right now…

Just an observation… Many players cried for nerfs for barbs when one player with 10500+ paragon cleared a 140-141 GR, but now a 8868 Wizard clears a 150 GR and no nerf threads out there. Seems a bit odd…


There are no nerf threads, because there is an obvious game breaking bug right now.

There’s no need for a nerf, the bug needs to be fixed. In it’s current state of the PTR , threads about balancing Wiz are just pointless.


We know a PTR patch is incoming when they have sufficient data, I’d suspect Tuesday.

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Oh Boy gasnick thank you for your Post. At least we have one barb that is reading the forums and is making appropriate and well educated suggestions. As you read threw a lot of discussions i would suggest that your posts contains a lot of true statements

On the life servers barbs have done 146 non season :scream:
Archon was 145/146 on live servers. It was nerfed. Basicly pre nerfed Archon has same power as current ww rend barb. Do barbs deserve a better threatment than wizzards ?

The table guys already did their Work, a bit reading in the forums would helped to find the “table guys” that are sitting at the table the whole day.

Thank you for aknowledgment that the strongest build, bazooka wizzard was nerfed apprently. And with it basicly every channeled build, even the weaker ones. Balance wise it is a slap in the face for every wizzard that like build diversity.

it is buged as you see in the quotes above and it is confirmed by blizzard. it is bugged by over 1000% or the factor 10x. It is way weaker than current ww rend barb so you can keep calm and cool. And the new set is bad because of its mechanic it need a rework+ a bugfix.


If we compare wizard and barbarian new sets, barbarian new set is totally useless for me. I agree OP that they must buff it.

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The build is bugged and already been acknowledged. Even if it were not bugged, a build that is clearing GR 150 on the PTR will obviously be nerfed. There is not much to discuss.

Clearing GR 140 on the PTR where the top potential of the build is contentious (and that most likely would have translated into GR 147-148 on live in hindsight) is worthy of discussion in consideration of the nerfs to both wizards and necromancers.

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What made you think that this Wizard will make it to the real game?


It won’t. The build clearly would never make it to live (even if it were not bug in the first place). There is no need to even discuss this.


I swear, it’s like people don’t read any other thread around here. We need to have like an announcement popup that says this before anyone can post about wizards lol.


It is already acknowledged that channeling items are bugged, they double dip which gives approximately 12 GR levels extra. Deathwish, etched and mantle get twice their multipliers (x4.25x4.25 for deathwish for example).

Source: Channeling Damage Bugs - #2 by sVr-21743


So you’re basically being petty on the fact that no one is asking for a wizard nerf as they did for barb? Also, it is LoD that made the clear not the set, so why nerf the set?

If anything, they should BUFF the set in order to exceed LoD. No reason spending all that time making a set that no one is gonna use. The set is super underwhelming right now. Also people need to stop crying for nerf it’s extremely annoying :weary:


Wow, good thing that is on PTR about that glitch with ES and still has a chance to be changed.

As to screaming at a nerf for the set, wasn’t that a LoD Hydra build?


Confirmed bug and will be dealt with accordingly (hopefully). But I guess people are against barbs? Maybe, your brain seems to be as mush as the actual barbs’ you roleplay.

LVL TEN THOUSAND! Ok Blidizzard time do some bot banning.

Blizzard said they balance around 5k and with some esoteric methods that they don’t want to share with mortals so :man_shrugging:

We will never know if this build is balanced or not, because they are the only ones that have the data :man_shrugging: .

If you ask me this thing would not go live, but considering that i don’t understand balance anymore… :man_shrugging: (for blizzard barbs = wd, and that is pure non sense).

Also, considering the HF nerf, barbarian WW is now the strongest build in game (not considering the new builds on ptr), so idk what are you talking about.

Your barbarian friends were happy with that blog entry about balance, and they pretty much laughed of micro and other guys that tried to balance the game, so if this build clears 150 they should be ok with it, because they don’t like nerfs lmao (or maybe they don’t like nerfs when they are for barbarians only :man_shrugging:).

The new way to balance things is a total dissaster, balancing game about 5k paragon is even worse than balance it around top ladderboards clears, because we don’t even have the numbers anymore for buffs/nerfs, so i think we have to deal with it ?.


This new set is “New D3 balance in a nutshell”


Or just that you’re uninformed. Wizard is currently bugged doing around 11x more damage than it should because of a double dipping bug with Deathwish and etched sigil.

Disregard any clear from a ptr wizard at the moment


They said in their balance post that they balance things around 5k paragon using a pretty strange formula that they will not share with us.

So if a build is clearing 150 with 8.5k paragon, we don’t know if is balanced or not, because they balance around 5k :man_shrugging: