800 paragons cap is too low

I like the idea of a paragon cap, to get rid of bots and have everyone compete at the same level. However, 800 paragons is too low as it can be reached in just a few hours. The season would basically be over by Saturday for many people… So please increase this cap to 1500 or 2000 paragons.


Agreed, having a cap is good but they need to increase it.


As I understand, 800 cap is only for SSF.
So, when you reach 800 you can go and attack leaderboard.
No need to farm paragons.

For group play, there will no be paragon cap, so, there will be job as usual :grinning:

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Some explaination would have been nice as to what to expect from this change. Will it effect all characters and game modes or just sesons and ssf, or just ssf, or just ssf in seson?


No you misunderstood, this 800 cap is not just for SSF, it is for everyone…


I am a Korean user. I think 2000 is good.


Well they did not specify it in any way, so right now it can mean anything.

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Not a single word about specifics in the blog on this. It is safer to refer this as a general change until PTR turn out to be different or until it ends.

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Well, in the blog, they mention that for this season, rather than pushing power, it’s about allowing skill to shine through. So obviously this is not going to be applied to non season.

Whether or not it’s SSF or to everyone, I’d assume everyone, but you know what they say about assumptions. We’ll find out in a few days.


Or it would be nice if they could update us before the PTR what to expect. But ofc if they don’t, the PTR will reveal everything.

Will 800 cap applied to NS?

No, it looks like 800 cap applies to seasonal only

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Will be nice. So we’ll know in a couple days exactly.

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Im agree, 800 is way to low.

I play SSF and usualy im P800 the saturday in afternoon.

I vote for cap at 2000+ :slight_smile:


I think most players don’t play season till 2000 paragon. So a cap at 2000 would not make a change to the most players.
If you wanna rise it I’d say 1000 is OK.


no it isnt. now your skill will actually matter for once.

grinding paragon is no longer the tired dumb endgame anymore. now at 800 paragon the game begins and the endgame is about playing your class build better than anyone else.


Ya, anything below like 1,200 is just too low.

Groups can get 800 in a day. Solo players can get it by end of launch weekend.

I’d like to see it be 1,600 - 2,000 myself. Give players who play more than the first two weeks stuff to strive for.


PTR notes said the 800 paragon cap was to work in tandem with SSF. If it applied to all season modes they would have said ‘Season paragon is capped at 800’ - they wouldn’t have singled out SSF.

This is what PTRs are for. We will not know until we try it out. I mean being able to put 200 points in a single stat is going to make things a bit different all by itself. If 800 turns out to be too low, then hopefully they will see that and change it. PTR can’t come soon enough for me. One thing I hope they do add is paragon points being saved to the armory.

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1 year later: 2k paragon is too low please increase it to 5k
2 years later: 5k paragon is too low please increase it to 8k
3 years later: 8k paragon is too low please increase it to 10k

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