6 hours until destroyed leaderboard

COME ON BLIZZARD!!! Fix this!!! season 25 hacked on playstation.


It’s a console hack not a game hack so what can Blizzard do?

Sure they could drastically amend the game to have online saves or sanity check gear upon load but that requires development time they do not want to spend.

They could clean up the leaderboards at the end of the season but again they do not want to do that and have never done so yet for console.

Play for fun, play with friends and just ignore the hackers on the leaderboard and see how far you can get legit.

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top 10 on SC DH PS4 all modder scum cheaters. Top 3 on shadow’s mantle. Rank #4 has 7 primals already, after ~ 38 hours. He or she is obviously using save wizard or kanai recipe scumming. I’m kicking some cheater booty at least, rank 10 shadow’s mantle, SC with a GR119 clear in 8 minutes. Can go higher but it’s nearly 2am here, so time for some shut eye. Gems are low, paragon low and non ancient weapon.

These cheaters cheat cos they lack skill and experience and like to take the easy way out rather than actually challenge themselves and play the game as it was mean to be played.

All I can say is, if you’re a legit player and sick of Blizzard doing nothing, stop playing the game. Game player drops look VERY BAD on the quarterly investors report. Email or write to playstation magazine and various other computer/PC magazines. All it takes is for a few magazines to start reporting on Blizzard’s lack of doing anything and it will look very bad for the company. Don’t give Blizzard anymore $$$$.

OH, and email bomb hacks@blizzard.com about it. Keep getting your friends and family to all email bomb them.

One of your points is getting closer to having a chance at making a difference there DP. The market reads… particularly the demographic you want to reach.

Work with their partners and fix the platform they share responsibility for.

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does that even work still? Someone told me if you try that, you will get the same thing over and over regardless a few seasons ago.

ie make a weapon and upgrade it (you get what you get ) exit the game before it saves or just restore back and try again, you get what you got before and so on.

no, kanai recipe scumming is something completely different.

ahhh… hopefully you posted it in the bug private section.

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nah, it’s well known by the cheats. Not gonna publicise it any further. Blizzard is aware of it.

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The 9.00 PS4 full kernel jailbreak just released yesterday will ensure that D2R on PS4 and PS5 can be modded too.

why would anyone risk loosing their playstation account and being banned to jailbreak a console? Especially considering how hard it is to score a ps5 (Still 1+ year later of release).

You don’t need to cheat blatantly, you can just soft-mod items to perfection and then sell them. Ever seen primal Obsidian ring with CHC/CHD/CDR and socket? It sure looks like legit item…

You do not go online with a Jailbroken PS4 on PSN…but you can do lots of things with it.

Thus there is no danger to losing your PS4 or your PSN account. It is a soft jailbreak as in when you reboot the unit it becomes a normal unit and you have to repeat the jailbreak process.

Ok so it’s not me. I’ve been playing since season launch religiously this time and I was amazed at some of this clear speed this early being accomplished on some of these GRs.

Where I can get these hacks on xbox ?

This ^^ the jail breaks are done in live memory. Reboot system, flush memory and voila, back to normal PS4/5. Makes it near impossible to catch the buggers out, let alone punish them.

LOL. Sony does NOT give a single you know what about cheaters/modders. Been there, tried arguing with Sony. There is no mechanism to report someone unless they are in your friends list. Sony will NEVER ban PSN subscribers as it doesn’t want to lose $$$$$$. They are corrupt and incompetent. It’s why I plan to switch to XBOX once the new models are readily available at MRSPs and I’m not poor lol.

Sony has a terrible record when it comes to protecting user data, invading users privacy and using DRM illegally and protecting data in general (ps3 and ps4 security encryption both hacked).

Not impossible :slight_smile: … just cat and mouse. Like you say, they have to want to though.

Until they fix this, it remains the story I suppose.

Good move for peeps who want to player leaderboards imo. Let’s hope Microsoft can keep their security intact.

Interesting points… I hadn’t followed that, but worth keeping an eye out for. Microsoft at least has it’s foot in some stables where they really do have to work hard staying across security. Let’s hope that bodes well for all those folks who want to compete on that platform.

Google “sony drm rootkit”. It sums up that company and their modus operandi.

well, that and TES is no longer going to be available on PSN.

You talking ???

Such a Robin Hood here, and you host videos with cheats on YouTube channel you own.

What Blizzard can do , don’t know but on Top leaderboard usernames sell saves “sell” exist
3 seconds LOOSERS that can’t play the game at all

Makes me wander if I try it and blue screen them until Sun turn off

It will be Blood for sure on the next days at consoles, and when I see modded items / modded public open lobbies / or anything else modded
They will split the milk get feed

Who knows, roll the fortune dice :game_die:

every class on the boards is borked… last season i sent pics to blizzard and playstation gave me th erun around…also not all of thos toons are that one person. there are people who asked him for the gear so just give it another day or 2 and topp 200 will ALL be modded.

this will never get fixed…an if its a hacked console maybe sony should put out a update that breaks it…but we know that will never happen either…

yet another reason why i bought d3 on pc a few days ago… well that and it was free basically if you bought d2r! lol the 2 things i miss most of console from pc is the controller (keyboard and mouse suck for this game) and the ability to roll out of damage.

aside from that, i can see why pc is much better. you get insta groupped for cursed peat (no posting on forums and waiting an hour or 2), you get to trade during season gear! (cheat) well its not a cheat, they allow it for some reason… and gem combinding, so fast and easy 1 click and transform 9973984983748937298471 gems instead of one at a time.

Oh yeah, after only a few days, i already completed my seasons journey on there!