5 Unusual Char Builds to Start With

Who spends gold to repair? ort or ral and flawed gem.

I would usually agree, but would you see yourself spending a ort rune and gathering enough flawed gem for each game? xD
Since mfing is a quick succession of quick game, it’s not really doable unless those could stack and you had hundreds.

I’ve done it before several times for various strange builds lol. I agree though that is is clearly not an efficient build for doing “runs”.

The topic is about unusual builds

Also, summon sorc kills as fast as blizzard and has much more Mf from merc

Right, and you appended “(best boss mfer in the game)” to the end of your “Summoner Sorceress” mention, which left me rather baffled as it is actually very slow and very inefficient and as such cannot be the best.

The Tier Lists on D2 MaxRoll will give you a very great idea of what works the best and what doesn’t. While this strays from the topic of the post, I figured I’d drop it here because it can provide insight to lesser and less-used builds.

Blizzard sorcs don’t put MF gear on their mercs? El-Oh-El.

if you take minutes just to set it up it’s not efficient , like at all. (read my precedent post about it)

It’s not about killing speed, and even in term of killing speed , revives have a hard time against any physical immune and i’d argue it’s better to kill in range with cold or infinity + lightning rather than waiting for your monsters to engage monsters or you to tp in front of monsters pack with them
eitherway killing speed isn’t everything it’s about overall/total speed.
and having to do a long set up just for that , and with a set up that die automatically 3 min later , it’s bad.

You don’t wonder for a second why i said summon “sorc”?

Physical immune means nothing for it when each revive deal 10k fire damage

the fire immunity is the most common immunity in the game though…so yeah…still bad for a long and expensive set up that last only 3 min xD

weaponless punch barb!
OP in awesomeness.

Why would immunity even be a problem when I talked about boss run lol

Bosses aren’t immune (except duriel poison afaik)

once again , the set up is way too long , a boss run should only take 1 or 2min at most.
i wouldn’t call that efficient otherwise.

you would take those 1min or 2min solely to gather your army and enchant them , an army that would die not long after xD

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I never heard of a summon sorc. I thought you guys were kidding. I almost assumed you referred in a fun way to a tele sorc, who would create public baal runs, port into the throne and open a tp to “summon” players. Could have technically been a summon sorc I guess, haha.

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Why do you keep talking about the length of the setup when it’s a matter of 10secs

Revive dolls on your path to mephisto


by the time you kill them , enchant them and tp with them i would have long killed mephisto without spending any gold or rune in charge repair
bosses melt in a few seconds in hell.

it’s fun sure , but i wouldn’t call that “the most efficient mf build” , not by a long shot.

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These builds are supposed to be “unusual”? I literally roll fire sorc 100% of the time when starting ladder lol. Fastest way to level. The rest are fairly common too. But i love these kinds of threads and wish there was more. :cry:

The “unusual” builds i personally like to use for leveling:

Summon / Wolf Druid combo:
-Couple points into Psn Creeper and Ravens to start. They make early-game their b****.
-Pump Dire Wolves - Heart of Wolverine - Fury - Grizzly
-Get an A1 merc with an Edge bow at lvl 25. You’ll actually get through the game real easy with this build.

Charge / Might Paladin
-Pump Might then Charge, You can actually get over 1,000% bonus to dmg pretty early on this way. Just zoomin around one-shotting things. Get obedience at lvl 41. Obviously sucks in Hell tho.

Singer Barb
-I like to get dual-spirit swords for my Barb and then lvl 30 on wards using War Cry to level. Pump Frenzy early on so you can zoom around easier.

Claws of Thunder Sin
-CoT are actually decent early to mid game. Pump Shadow Master at lvl 30 and keep your Merc geared though, its still not going to be amazing.
-Put a few into Blade Sentinel and a few into Blade Fury, these can also be pretty useful when used correctly.


Yeah but the OP mentioned to start with. so sorry if I wasn’t clear. I know it’s op but i don’t think you’ll have enough gear to pwn super quick. But the sword is easy to make.

The pvp builds can be quite good too. I remember being shot from offscreen by a bow mage and 1-shotted lol

If anyone needs some ideas for builds.

The Diablo 2 Tier list - Ranking 39 builds and showing them! - YouTube

Not anymore. Apparently Cold Mastery now breaks cold immunes… Cold sorc has officially become the best MFer in the game bar none. :raised_hands: